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Status Messages

Mikayla edited this page May 4, 2024 · 11 revisions

Status Message Details

Below is a list of all the different status messages that can be shown on the Coordinator's Main Display and the Unit Displays.

Table of Contents

  1. Facility Process Control Statuses
    1. Process Control Mode Active States
    2. Automatic SCRAM
  2. Unit Statuses
    1. Disconnected
    2. Un-alarmed/Un-tripped Operation
    3. RPS Trips
    4. Alarm Messages

Facility Process Control Statuses

"UNKNOWN", "awaiting data..."

Supervisor data has not been received.

"START UP", "initializing..."

Initial status of facility before evaluating system state.

"NOT READY", "assigned units not ready"

Units assigned to automatic control are not ready.

"IDLE", "control disengaged"

Assigned units are ready but auto control has not been started.

"START FAILED", "no units were assigned"

A start was attempted without any assigned units.

"START FAILED", "turbine blade count mismatch"

A start was attempted with turbines with inconsistent blade matches, which would cause issues with the closed loop control system and initial burn rate calculations.

Process Control Mode Active States

"MONITORED MODE", "running reactors at limit"

The system is running nominally in monitored max burn rate mode.

"BURN RATE MODE", "running"

The system is running nominally in combined burn rate mode.

"CHARGE MODE", "running control loop"

The system is running the closed loop controller in charge level mode.

"GENERATION MODE", "starting up"

Generation mode has started and is ramping to the initial rate estimated by the number of turbine blades.

"GENERATION MODE", "holding ramped rate"

Generation mode is waiting for flow stability before starting the closed loop controller.

"GENERATION MODE", "running control loop"

Generation mode is now running the closed loop controller.

Automatic SCRAM

"AUTOMATIC SCRAM", "critical unit alarm tripped"

Automatic SCRAM on all assigned units performed due to critical unit alarm trip.

"AUTOMATIC SCRAM", "facility radiation high"

Automatic SCRAM on all assigned units performed due to high facility radiation levels.

"AUTOMATIC SCRAM", "induction matrix disconnected"

Automatic SCRAM on all assigned units performed due to induction matrix disconnection.

"AUTOMATIC SCRAM", "induction matrix fill high"

Automatic SCRAM on all assigned units performed due to induction matrix charge high.

"GENERATION MODE IDLE", "paused: system not ready"

Temporary automatic SCRAM was performed on all assigned units, but they will be resumed once the fault has been resolved.

Unit Statuses


"UNKNOWN", "awaiting data..."

Supervisor data has not been received.

"UNKNOWN", "awaiting connection..."

Supervisor is connected but has not connected to the PLC since startup.

"REACTOR OFF-LINE", "awaiting connection..."

PLC is disconnected.

Un-alarmed/Un-tripped Operation

"IDLE", "core <cold/warm/hot>"

Reactor is inactive but OK

  • core "cold": < 350K
  • core "warm": < 600K
  • core "hot": ≥ 600K

"ACTIVE", "<status>"

Reactor is active

  • "core temperature rising": Reactor High Delta T
  • "core temp high, system nominal": Reactor Temp High
  • "insufficient fuel input rate": Fuel Input Rate Low
  • "insufficient waste output rate": Waste Line Occlusion
  • "awaiting flow stability": Burn rate has changed too recently to accurately identify steam feed, coolant feed, and boil rate mismatches
  • "system nominal": Systems are OK

RPS Trips

"RPS SCRAM", "core damage high"

Reactor protection system tripped due to high damage.

"RPS SCRAM", "core temperature high"

Reactor protection system tripped due to high core temperature.

"RPS SCRAM", "insufficient coolant"

Reactor protection system tripped due to insufficient coolant levels.

"RPS SCRAM", "excess waste"

Reactor protection system tripped due to high waste levels.

"RPS SCRAM", "excess heated coolant"

Reactor protection system tripped due to high heated coolant levels.

"RPS SCRAM", "insufficient fuel"

Reactor protection system tripped due to insufficient fuel.

"RPS SCRAM", "hardware fault"

Reactor protection system tripped due to a PPM fault.

"RPS SCRAM", "connection timed out"

Reactor protection system tripped due to losing connection with the supervisor.

"RPS SCRAM", "manual operator SCRAM"

Reactor protection system tripped due to a manual operator SCRAM.

"RPS SCRAM", "automated system SCRAM"

Reactor protection system tripped due to an automated system SCRAM.

"RPS SCRAM", "PLC system failure"

Reactor protection system tripped due to a the reactor no longer being formed.

"RPS SCRAM", "reactor force disabled"

Reactor protection system tripped due to a force disabled state (meltdown in a world with meltdowns disabled).

Alarm Messages

"REACTOR FORCE DISABLED", "meltdown would have occurred"

Reactor was force disabled due to a meltdown in a world with meltdowns disabled.

"CORE MELTDOWN", "reactor destroyed"

Reactor meltdown presumed to have occurred.

"MELTDOWN IMMINENT", "evacuate facility immediately"

Reactor has taken critical levels of damage.

"CONTAINMENT TAKING DAMAGE", "damage critical in ..."

Reactor taking damage, will attempt to estimate time to critical damage.

"RADIATION DETECTED", "<level_msg>"

Radiation detected by the unit environment detector.

  • "elevated level of radiation": radiation ≥ 10µSv/h
  • "hazardous level of radiation": radiation ≥ 60µSv/h
  • "high level of radiation": radiation ≥ 1mSv/h
  • "very high level of radiation": radiation ≥ 100mSv/h
  • "severely high radiation level": radiation ≥ 8Sv/h
  • "extremely high radiation level": radiation ≥ 100Sv/h

"CORE OVER TEMP", "reactor core temp damaging"

Reactor core temperature at damaging levels (≥1200K).

"WASTE LEAK", "radioactive waste leak detected"

Reactor waste level reached 100%.

"CORE TEMP HIGH", "reactor core temperature high"

Reactor core temperature approaching damaging levels. This varies by reactor construction.

"WASTE LEVEL HIGH", "waste accumulating in reactor"

Waste levels approaching leak level.

"TURBINE TRIP", "turbine stall occurred"

Turbine trip has been detected.

"RCS TRANSIENT", "check coolant system"

Reactor coolant system transient alarm.

"EMERGENCY COOLANT OPENED", "reset RPS to close valve"

Emergency coolant valve has been opened and will remain opened until the RPS has been reset.

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