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Building Language CocoaPods compatible Platform License: MIT


MMActionSheet 是一个简单的弹出选择框,使用纯swift编写,类似于微信的actionsheet

MMActionSheet is an simple pop-up selection box(ActionSheet) written in pure Swift. Similar to the wechat actionsheet


  • iOS 8.0+
  • swift 4.0+


Swift Package Manager

To install with Swift Package Manager, add this package to your project’s 'Swift Packages' section. Or add the following line to your Package.swift:

 .package(url: "", from: "2.0.0")

Install with Cocoapods

  • To install MMActionSheet using CocoaPods, integrate it in your existing Podfile, or create a new Podfile:

     platform :ios, '8.0'
     target 'MyApp' do
       pod 'MMActionSheet', '~> 2.0'
  • Execute command:

    • pod repo update master
    • pod install
  • Import MMActionSheet in you code

    • import MMActionSheet

Manual import

Just clone and add components dir to your project.


desc preview
Has Cancel buttons and Title
Has a Cancel button but no Title
No Cancel button and no Title
Has a Title but no Cancel button
Customize text color
Customize title background color, etc
Multi data scrolling
Set top CornerRadius


let buttons = [
	MMButtonItem(title: "拍照", titleColor: .default, buttonType: .default(index: 0)),
	MMButtonItem(title: "相册", titleColor: .default, buttonType: .default(index: 1)),

let titleItem = MMTitleItem(title: "请选择照片", titleColor: .red)
let cancelButton = MMButtonItem(title: "取消", titleColor: .default, buttonType: .cancel)

let mmActionSheet = MMActionSheet(title: titleItem, buttons: buttons, duration: nil, cancelButton: cancelButton)
mmActionSheet.selectionClosure = { item in
    if let currentItem = item, let type = currentItem.buttonType {
        switch type {
        case let .default(index):
            print("== default index \(index) ==")
        case .cancel:


  • create actionsheet && init 【创建并初始化】

MMActionSheet(title: titleItem, buttons: buttons, duration: nil, cancelButton: cancelButton)

  • argument【参数描述】

    • title 头部标题,类型为 MMTitleItem

    • buttons 事件按钮数组,类型为Array<MMButtonItem>,里面包含每一个按钮的具体属性:

       public var title: String?
       public var titleColor: MMButtonTitleColor? = .default
       public var titleFont: UIFont? = .systemFont(ofSize: 16.0)
       public var buttonType: MMButtonType?
       public var backgroudImageColorNormal: MMButtonTitleColor? = .custom(MMTools.DefaultColor.normalColor)
       public var backgroudImageColorHighlight: MMButtonTitleColor? = .custom(MMTools.DefaultColor.highlightColor)
      • title 按钮标题
      • titleColor 按钮颜色
      • titleFont 按钮字体
      • type 按钮类型(展示不同的标题颜色)【枚举类型 - default,blue,danger, custom
      • backgroudImageColorNormal 正常背景色
      • backgroudImageColorHighlight 选中背景色
    • duration 动画时长

    • cancelBtn 取消按钮属性,属性跟上述buttons内部button属性一致;若设置为nil则不显示该按钮

  • callback【回调】

mmActionSheet.selectionClosure = { item in
	if let currentItem = item, let type = currentItem.buttonType {
        switch type {
        case let .default(index):
            print("== default index \(index) ==")
        case .cancel:

item 该handler即为buttons里面的MMButtonItem,对应的回调过来

  • present【弹出actionsheet】



You are welcome to fork and submit pull requests.


MMActionSheet is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.