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zh-translation: /intro/arch_overview/upstream/circuit_breaking.rst
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majinghe authored Nov 15, 2020
2 parents 630c6da + a46e44e commit 0c1f945
Showing 1 changed file with 11 additions and 66 deletions.
77 changes: 11 additions & 66 deletions docs/root/intro/arch_overview/upstream/circuit_breaking.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,80 +1,25 @@
.. _arch_overview_circuit_break:

Circuit breaking

Circuit breaking is a critical component of distributed systems. It’s nearly always better to fail
quickly and apply back pressure downstream as soon as possible. One of the main benefits of an Envoy
mesh is that Envoy enforces circuit breaking limits at the network level as opposed to having to
configure and code each application independently. Envoy supports various types of fully distributed
(not coordinated) circuit breaking:
断路是分布式系统的重要组成部分。在分布式系统中最好是迅速失败,并尽快向下游施加反压。 Envoy 网络的主要好处之一是,Envoy 在网络级别强制执行断路限制,而不是必须独立给每个应用程序配置和编码。Envoy 支持各种类型的全分布式(非协调)断路:

.. _arch_overview_circuit_break_cluster_maximum_connections:

* **Cluster maximum connections**: The maximum number of connections that Envoy will establish to
all hosts in an upstream cluster. If this circuit breaker overflows the :ref:`upstream_cx_overflow
<config_cluster_manager_cluster_stats>` counter for the cluster will increment. All connections,
whether active or draining, count against this limit. Even if this circuit breaker has overflowed,
Envoy will ensure that a host selected by cluster load balancing has at least one connection
allocated. This has the implication that the :ref:`upstream_cx_active
<config_cluster_manager_cluster_stats>` count for a cluster may be higher than the cluster maximum
connection circuit breaker, with an upper bound of
`cluster maximum connections + (number of endpoints in a cluster) * (connection pools for the
cluster)`. This bound applies to the sum of connections across all workers threads. See
:ref:`connection pooling <arch_overview_conn_pool_how_many>` for details on how many connection
pools a cluster may have.
* **Cluster maximum pending requests**: The maximum number of requests that will be queued while
waiting for a ready connection pool connection. Requests are added to the list
of pending requests whenever there aren't enough upstream connections available to immediately dispatch
the request. For HTTP/2 connections, if :ref:`max concurrent streams <envoy_v3_api_field_config.core.v3.Http2ProtocolOptions.max_concurrent_streams>`
and :ref:`max requests per connection <envoy_v3_api_field_config.cluster.v3.Cluster.max_requests_per_connection>` are not
configured, all requests will be multiplexed over the same connection so this circuit breaker
will only be hit when no connection is already established. If this circuit breaker overflows the
:ref:`upstream_rq_pending_overflow <config_cluster_manager_cluster_stats>` counter for the cluster will
* **Cluster maximum requests**: The maximum number of requests that can be outstanding to all hosts
in a cluster at any given time. If this circuit breaker overflows the :ref:`upstream_rq_pending_overflow <config_cluster_manager_cluster_stats>`
counter for the cluster will increment.
* **Cluster maximum active retries**: The maximum number of retries that can be outstanding to all
hosts in a cluster at any given time. In general we recommend using :ref:`retry budgets <envoy_v3_api_field_config.cluster.v3.CircuitBreakers.Thresholds.retry_budget>`; however, if static circuit breaking is preferred it should aggressively circuit break
retries. This is so that retries for sporadic failures are allowed, but the overall retry volume cannot
explode and cause large scale cascading failure. If this circuit breaker overflows the
:ref:`upstream_rq_retry_overflow <config_cluster_manager_cluster_stats>` counter for the cluster
will increment.
* **群集最大连接数**:Envoy 和上游集群中所有主机建立的最大连接数。如果该断路器溢出,集群的 :ref:`upstream_cx_overflow <config_cluster_manager_cluster_stats>` 计数器将增加。所有的连接,不管是活动的还是空闲的,都会计入这个计数器并由它来限制。即使这个断路器已经溢出,Envoy 也会确保群集负载均衡选择的主机至少有一个连接分配。这就意味着:集群的 :ref:`upstream_cx_active <config_cluster_manager_cluster_stats>` 计数可能会高于集群最大连接断路器,其上限为`集群最大连接数 +(集群的端点数)*(集群的连接池)`。这个边界适用于所有工作者线程的连接数之和。参见 :ref:`连接池 <arch_overview_conn_pool_how_many>`,了解一个集群可能有多少个连接池。
* **集群最大待处理请求**:在等待就绪连接池连接时排队的最大请求数。每当没有足够的上游连接可用来立即调度请求时,请求就会被添加到待处理请求列表中。对于 HTTP/2 连接,如果 :ref:`最大并发流<envoy_v3_api_field_config.core.v3.Http2ProtocolOptions.max_concurrent_streams>` 和 :ref:`每个连接的最大请求数 <envoy_v3_api_field_config.cluster.v3.Cluster.max_requests_per_connection>` 没有配置,所有的请求都会在同一个连接上被复用,所以只有在还没有建立连接的时候,才会触发这个断路器。如果这个断路器溢出,集群的 :ref:`upstream_rq_pending_overflow <config_cluster_manager_cluster_stats>` 计数器将递增。
* **群集最大请求量**:在任何特定时间对集群中所有主机的最大请求数。如果该断路器溢出,集群的 :ref:`upstream_rq_pending_overflow <config_cluster_manager_cluster_stats>` 计数器将增加。
* **群集最大有效重试**:集群中ß所有主机在任何特定时间内都可以进行的最大重试次数。一般来说,我们建议使用 :ref:`重试预算 <envoy_v3_api_field_config.cluster.v3.CircuitBreakers.Thresholds.retry_budget>`;但是,如果静态断路是首选项,则应该积极断路重试。这样可以允许零星故障的重试,但总体重试量不能爆炸,不能造成大规模的级联故障。如果这个断路器溢出,集群的 :ref:`upstream_rq_retry_overflow <config_cluster_manager_cluster_stats>` 计数器会递增。

.. _arch_overview_circuit_break_cluster_maximum_connection_pools:

* **Cluster maximum concurrent connection pools**: The maximum number of connection pools that can be
concurrently instantiated. Some features, such as the
:ref:`Original Src Listener Filter <arch_overview_ip_transparency_original_src_listener>`, can
create an unbounded number of connection pools. When a cluster has exhausted its concurrent
connection pools, it will attempt to reclaim an idle one. If it cannot, then the circuit breaker
will overflow. This differs from
:ref:`Cluster maximum connections <arch_overview_circuit_break_cluster_maximum_connections>` in that
connection pools never time out, whereas connections typically will. Connections automatically
clean up; connection pools do not. Note that in order for a connection pool to function it needs
at least one upstream connection, so this value should likely be no greater than
:ref:`Cluster maximum connections <arch_overview_circuit_break_cluster_maximum_connections>`.
If this circuit breaker overflows the
:ref:`upstream_cx_pool_overflow <config_cluster_manager_cluster_stats>` counter for the cluster
will increment.
* **集群最大并发连接池**:可并发实例化的最大连接池数量。有些功能,如 :ref:`源监听器过滤器 <arch_overview_ip_transparency_original_src_listener>`,可以创建无限制数量的连接池。当一个集群用尽了它的并发连接池,它将尝试回收一个空闲的连接池。如果不能,那么断路器将溢出。这与 :ref:`集群最大连接数 <arch_overview_circuit_break_cluster_maximum_connections>` 不同的是,连接池永远不会超时,而连接通常会超时。连接会自动清理,而连接池不会。需要注意的是,为了让连接池发挥作用,它至少需要一个上游连接,所以这个值很可能不应该大于 :ref:`集群最大连接数 <arch_overview_circuit_break_cluster_maximum_connections>`。如果这个断路器溢出,集群的 :ref:`upstream_cx_pool_overflow <config_cluster_manager_cluster_stats>` 计数器将递增。

每个断路器的限制是 :ref:`可配置的 <config_cluster_manager_cluster_circuit_breakers>`,并按每个上游集群和每个优先级进行跟踪。这使得分布式系统的不同组件可以独立调整,并有不同的限制。可以通过 :ref:`统计信息 <config_cluster_manager_cluster_stats_circuit_breakers>` 来观察这些断路器的实时状态,包括在断路器打开之前剩余的资源数量。

Each circuit breaking limit is :ref:`configurable <config_cluster_manager_cluster_circuit_breakers>`
and tracked on a per upstream cluster and per priority basis. This allows different components of
the distributed system to be tuned independently and have different limits. The live state of these
circuit breakers, including the number of resources remaining until a circuit breaker opens, can
be observed via :ref:`statistics <config_cluster_manager_cluster_stats_circuit_breakers>`.
工作线程共享断路器限制,即如果活动连接阈值为 500,工作线程 1 有 498 个活动连接,那么工作线程 2 只能再分配 2 个连接。由于实现最终是一致的,线程之间的竞赛可能会让限制可能超出。

Workers threads share circuit breaker limits, i.e. if the active connection threshold is 500, worker
thread 1 has 498 connections active, then worker thread 2 can only allocate 2 more connections.
Since the implementation is eventually consistent, races between threads may allow limits to be
potentially exceeded.
断路器是默认启用的,并且有适度的默认值,例如每个集群有 1024 个连接。要禁用断路器,请将其 :ref:`阈值 <faq_disable_circuit_breaking>` 设置为允许的最高值。

Circuit breakers are enabled by default and have modest default values, e.g. 1024 connections per
cluster. To disable circuit breakers, set the :ref:`thresholds <faq_disable_circuit_breaking>` to
the highest allowed values.

Note that circuit breaking will cause the :ref:`x-envoy-overloaded
<config_http_filters_router_x-envoy-overloaded_set>` header to be set by the router filter in the
case of HTTP requests.
需要注意的是,在 HTTP 请求中,断路会导致 :ref:`x-envoy-overloaded <config_http_filters_router_x-envoy-overloaded_set>` 头被路由器过滤器设置。

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