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Mohammad SAFEEA edited this page Jul 14, 2018 · 8 revisions

Video gallery:

  • Real time control of KUKA iiwa from Vrep simulator using MATLAB and KST, click here.

  • Real time control of KUKA iiwa using space mouse, click here

  • Control iiwa using Skeleton data from Kinect and KST, click here

  • Real time control of KUKA iiwa using a game controller, for joint space control click here and for EEF control here

  • Real time control of collision avoidance cell, click here, or here, or here, or here, or here, or here.

  • Video demo for the examples in the article (KUKA Sunrise Toolbox: Interfacing Collaborative Robots with MATLAB), click here.

  • Precise hand guiding, click here, or here, or here

  • Soft-realtime control using KST while impedance is activated, click here

  • Drawing ellipses using the KST, never been easier, click here

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