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Mauricio de Oliveira edited this page Apr 20, 2017 · 19 revisions


NCAlgebra or Non Commutative Algebra Packages run under Mathematica and give it the capability of manipulating noncommuting algebraic expressions.

NCGBX and NCGB computes Non Commutative Groebner Bases and has extensive sorting and display features as well as algorithms for automatically discarding redundant polynomials.

NCSDP solves Semidefinite Programs.


Follow the instructions on the main repository page:

Working with NCAlgebra and NCGB

Follow the links for more details on working with NCAlgebra:

  1. Running NCAlgebra
  2. Most Basic Commands
  3. Things you can do with NCAlgebra

Reporting Bugs

Please report any bug or your extraordinarily pleasant experience with NCAlgebra by email:


Bill Helton and Mauricio de Oliveira

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