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GymWorkoutManager-Android V1.0

Build Status

##Introduction Gym Workout Manager is a personal exercise recorder application. User could use it as a helper/mentor during the workout, and record all the workout information to analysis the effectiveness of their workout.

##Structure ######Functionality

  • Timer
    • HIIT Workout Timer.
    • Weight Training Timer.
  • Record
    • Display user information.
    • Display execrise records.
  • Personal Information
    • BMI / BMR
    • Planer
    • Self info upload.
  • Analysis
    • Graphs of the period execrise analysis.
    • Give tips/advice about what should be improved for smash/closer to your goal.
  • Self Challenge*
    • Note: this function may develop on future version.

######Frame Tree ![Alt text]( digraph G { aize ="4,4"; main [shape=box]; Timer [shape=box]; Personal_Information [shape=box]; Cardio [shape=box]; Analysis [shape=box]; Record [shape=box]; main -> Timer; main -> Personal_Information [style=bold]; main -> Record; main -> Analysis; Analysis -> Graphic_data_display [style=dotted]; Analysis -> Table_data_display [style=dotted]; main -> Cardio; Cardio -> Self_Charllege [style=dotted,label="??"]; Cardio -> Running [style=dotted]; Personal_Information -> User_Information [style=dotted]; Personal_Information -> User_BMI_BMR_Record [style=dotted]; Timer -> HiitTimer[style=dotted]; SetTimer -> Timer[style=dotted]; node [shape=box,style=filled,color=".7 .3 1.0"]; edge [color=red]; HiitTimer -> SetTimer[style=dotted]; HiitTimer -> Claim[style=dotted]; Claim -> RealmDB[style=dotted,label="WriteIn"]; User_Information -> CC [style=dotted]; User_BMI_BMR_Record -> CC[style=dotted]; Running -> MapTracking[style=dotted]; MapTracking -> RealmDB[style=dotted,label="WriteIn"]; CC[label = "Collection & Calculation"]; RealmDB [shape=box,style=filled,color= green]; CC -> RealmDB [style=dotted,label="WriteIn"]; edge [color=green]; RealmDB -> Record[label="ReadOut"]; RealmDB -> Analysis[label="ReadOut"]; } )

  • Note:
    • box -> Controller
    • circle -> View
    • box(colored) -> Model


  • See Podfile


  • Please Checkout here

##Team ###Developer
