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This repo contains a plantJournal API connector implementation using sqlite3 as the database engine.


Connect to sqlite3 database

You can connect to a sql database file with:

var pj = new plantJournal();
await pj.connect('./database.sql');

Or if you want to keep the database in memory, use:

var pj = new plantJournal();
await pj.connect(':memory:');

To catch errors, surround pj.connect() with a try/catch block.

var pj = new plantJournal();
try {
    await pj.connect('./database.sql'); // same for :memory:
} catch(err) {
    // ToDo: handle error here

Create a model record

We have a variety of models with different attributes. See "Models/Tables" for detailed information and a list of all models. This includes Family, Generation, Plant....

To create a new model record, you have to call pj.{Model}.create({options}), where {Model} is the model name, and {options} an object with attributes this new model record should have. Check out "Models/Tables" to get more detailed information which attributes are required (and therefore have to be set if you don't want to get any errors) and which additional/optional attributes you can set.

Example #1:

await pj.Family.create({
    familyName: 'testFamily'

Example #2:

await pj.Plant.create({
    plantName: 'Some chili plant',
    genotypeId: 3

If you create a new record, pj.{Model}.create{) returns the newly created record as an object.

Example #1:

let family = pj.Family.create({
    familyName: 'testFamily'

// console.log(family);
// {
//   'families': {
//      1: {
//        familyName: 'testFamily',
//        familyDescription: '',
//        familyAddedAt: 12354,
//        familyModifiedAt: 12354
//      },
// }



Attribute: Name of the attribute
Type: Type of this attribute
Default: Has an default value, not needed to specify this on create (if internal flag is selected too, you can't even).
Required: Attribute is required on create.
Internal: This attribute gets filled in internally, and can only get modified indirectly by api user.

Attribute Type Required Default Internal Description
familyId int AUTO_INCREMENT *
familyName text *
familyDescription text ""
familyAddedAt datetime CURRENT_DATETIME *
familyModifiedAt datetime CURRENT_DATETIME *

Generation (=generations)

Attribute Type Required Default Internal Description
generationId int AUTO_INCREMENT *
generationName text
generationDescription text ""
generationParents plantId[] []
generationAddedAt datetime CURRENT_DATETIME *
generationModifiedAt datetime CURRENT_DATETIME *
familyId familyId *

Genotype (=genotypes)

Attribute Type Required Default Internal Description
genotypeId int AUTO_INCREMENT *
genotypeName text
genotypeDescription text ""
genotypeAddedAt datetime CURRENT_DATETIME *
genotypeModifiedAt datetime CURRENT_DATETIME *
generationId generationId *

Plant (=plants)

Attribute Type Required Default Internal Description
plantId int AUTO_INCREMENT *
plantName text *
plantSex text null
plantClonedFrom plantId null
plantDescription text ""
plantAddedAt datetime CURRENT_DATETIME *
plantModifiedAt datetime CURRENT_DATETIME *
genotypeId genotypeId *
mediumId mediumId *

Medium (=mediums)

Attribute Type Required Default Internal Description
mediumId int AUTO_INCREMENT *
mediumName text * ""
mediumDescription text ""
mediumAddedAt datetime CURRENT_DATETIME *
mediumModifiedAt datetime CURRENT_DATETIME *
environmentId environmentId *

Environment (=environments)

Attribute Type Required Default Internal Description
environmentId int AUTO_INCREMENT *
environmentName text *
environmentDescription text
environmentAddedAt datetime CURRENT_DATETIME *
environmentModifiedAt datetime CURRENT_DATETIME *

Journal (=journals)

NOTE: You can only set one of the attributes where required is "**"

Attribute Type Required Default Internal Description
journalId int AUTO_INCREMENT *
journalDatetime datetime *
journalType text *
journalValue json *
journalAddedAt datetime CURRENT_DATETIME *
journalModifiedAt datetime CURRENT_DATETIME *
plantId plantId **
mediumId mediumId **
environmentId environmentId **

Query Operators

Operators for most attributes

NOTE: This excludes the special cases generationParents and journalValue. Scroll to the next sections to get details about the operators available for those special cases.

$eq (equals)

$neq (equals not)

$gt (greater than)

$gte (greater than equals)

$lt (lower than)

$lte (lower than equals)

$in (in)

$nin (not in)

$like (like)

$nlike (not like)

Operators for generationParents


Only find generation records which have exactly this parents. If operator value is a single integer, we will only find generations which only have this parent. Otherwise operator value should be an array of plant ids.


Only find generation records which have NOT this parents. If operator value is a single integer, we will only find generations which don't have this parent. Otherwise operator value should be an array of plant ids.


Only find generation records where this plantId(s) are parents of the generation. The generation can have also other parents. If operator value is a single integer, we will only find generations which have at least this plantId as a parent. Otherwise operator value should be an array of plantIds which a generation all should have.


Same as $neq.


Operators for journalValue

$eq (equals)

$neq (equals not)

$gt (greater than)

$gte (greater than equals)

$lt (lower than)

$lte (lower than equals)

$in (in)

$nin (not in)

$like (like)

$nlike (not like)





Journal Types


General text logging for markdown

Valid records: plant, medium, environment


    journalType: 'log-markdown',
    journalValue: 'Lorem Ipsum
    Asd dasldk'


An first prototype on how we could log a watering of a medium (which means one or more plants)

Valid records: medium

Example #1:

    journalType: 'water',
    journalValue: {
        amountL: 13.0,
        ec: 0.8
        ph: 6.5
        fertRatioTotal: {
            n: 5
            p: 7
        fertilizers: {
            'Hakaphos Grün': {
                amountML: 13.1,
                // storeId: 13939
            'Hakaphos Rot': {
                amountML: 20.1,
                // storeId: 1293


  • Implement files/pictures/media
  • Add .on events
  • Make it possible to create plants without need of generations/family?!
  • Add resolveParents to find?!
  • Add strain?!
  • Don't always select id attributes
  • Harden API against invalid user input
  • Improve performance for sql by only joining tables if necessary
  • Use CONSTANTS. and not hardcoded attribute/table names

Development Notes/Coding Style

  • Always use explicit column names (explicit => including table name) in your queries as soon as you join different tables. Why? Because for all foreign keys we use the same column name in source and destination table. SQLite can't know which table you mean, so we just use explicit column names for everything. Eg: generations.familyId references families.familyId.

  • Try to use CONSTANTS wherever you can, especially for attributes. This makes it easier to change the attribute or variable names and reduces the risk of misspelling any constant, because we throw an error if you try to read an undefined property from constants (thanks to es6 proxies and zealot).

  • Use lamda expression for all anonymous (and unassigned) functions. For named functions (also assigned functions) use function() style. If the shorter lamda expression allows you to fit max line length for named functions, feel free to use it.

  • Descriptions of tests should get encapsulated inside of ``` to not need to escape"` or `'` and make it possible to easily search the test. Besides that test description lines are allowed to have more than 80 characters, and it's prefered to do so, again to make it easier to find the test.

  • SQLite3 queries should also be inside of ``` , if they exceed one line. Queries which fit into one line can use the normal ''`. If the query exceeds one line (80 characters), break the line before FROM/WHERE/LIMIT/GROUP... and use tabs/indent to make the query readable. Try to make the queries easily readable, for examples have a look at some tests. NOTE: You can use the should.sqlEql assertion to test a single lined query against a multi line equal.

  • Try to not use more than 80 characters per line. Only exceptions are strings encapsulated in an it(), describ() function for tests, or any or throw new Error().


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