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The project is JavaFX minimalistic text editor.
It's my example while learning Java FX.

1) Overview
It has all minimum and all necessary features for editing test files small/medium size:
- create new file;
- open existing file with different charsets available for JavaFX installation;
- edit file, search and replace substring in it;
- change font size and font family to view file content;
- print file content;
- save file and keep backup copied of old version of files (up to defined number of copies);
- add file to favorites menu;
- edit favorites menu;
- adjust a few editor settings (number of backups, view font size and family).

2) Prerequisites
For building editor from source files following programs should be installed:
- Java SDK 21;
- Apache Maven 3.9.3 or later.
After image is created it could be copied and running on any computed supported by Java 21.

3) Building and running editor

3.1) Build and run from IDE using Maven
Download project source code from GitHub, import it to your IDE as project with existing pom.xml file, build and run editor.

3.2) Build from command-line using Maven
Download project source code from GitHub, change directory to project root directory "...\JfxFileContentEditor".
Run below command from command-line to create image:

mvn clean compile javafx:jlink

It will create directory "...\JfxFileContentEditor\target\jfxfilecontenteditor" with all files needed to run editor.
It will also compress all files to Zip archive in directory "...\JfxFileContentEditor\target".

3.3) Run from command-line command
Before running editor the image should be created as explained above.
Copy archive to desired location and unzip all files from it.
Or you can copy all files from directory "...\JfxFileContentEditor\target\jfxfilecontenteditor" to desired location.
Change directory to "...\jfxfilecontenteditor\bin".
Run below command from command-line to run editor:

java -m com.olexyarm.jfxfilecontenteditor/com.olexyarm.jfxfilecontenteditor.App %*

The editor will create directory "...\JfxEditor" in user's home directory with files "" and "Favorites.txt" in it.
The editor will create directory "...\jfxfilecontenteditor\bin\logs" with log files in it.
Log files will be rolled out and Zip compressed daily. The Zip archive files will be deleted after 60 days.

3.4) Build modular jar file from command-line using Maven
Download project source code from GitHub, change directory to project root directory "...\JfxFileContentEditor".
Run below command from command-line to create modular jar file:

mvn clean package

The directory "...\JfxFileContentEditor\target\release" will be created.
It will contain editor modular jar file and all dependencies jar files (JavaFX and logback).

3.5) Run modular jar file from command-line command
Before running editor modular jar file and dependencies jar files should be created as explained above.
Copy all files from directory "...\JfxFileContentEditor\target\release" to desired location.
Change directory to that directory.
Run below command from command-line to run editor:

java --module-path "." --module com.olexyarm.jfxfilecontenteditor/com.olexyarm.jfxfilecontenteditor.App %*

4) Known limitations
- the TextArea control using to show and edit content of file is very slow for large content,
 so JfxEditor should be used to work with files small/average size;
- the "print" menu item always print only first page of file opened in editor because of incorrect implementation that functionality in JavaFX;
- there is no style added to any of GUI elements, it could be easily added to source code (file "fileContentEditor.css").


Java FX Minimalistic File Content Editor






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