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Poul Sander edited this page Sep 25, 2016 · 4 revisions


In order to allow tools to read and understand the log files it is important to be consistent in the way we write game events to the log file. Generally a line in the log file consist of a time stamp (auto added), the event type (like CTF or Item), a colon, a fixed number of integers explaining the event/sub event/client numbers and such. At last another colon followed by a human readable message.

Here are the events implemented so far:

award syntax: Award: #1 #2: S1 gained the S2 award
#1 and S1 are the client number and nick
#2 and S2 are the award types, corresponding to the following table:

#2 | S2
 1 | Excellent
 2 | Impressive
 3 | Defense
 4 | Capture
 5 | Assist

CTF syntax: CTF: #1 #2 #3: S1 got the S2 flag! / S1 captured the S2 flag! / The S2 flag has returned! / S1 returned the S2 flag / S1 fragged S2's flag carrier
#1 and S1 are the client number and nick, when there is no client involved #1 = -1
#2 and S2 are the team number and name
#3 is the event number, corresponding to the following table:

#3 | Event description
 0 | Flag is taken
 1 | Flag is captured
 2 | Flag is returned
 3 | Flagcarrier got killed

1FCTF syntax: 1FCTF: #1 #2 #3: S1 got the S2 flag! / S1 captured the flag! / The flag has returned! / S1 fragged S2's flag carrier
#1 and S1 are the client number and nick, when there is no client involved #1 = -1
#2 and S2 are the team number and name
#3 is the event number, corresponding to the following table:

#3 | Event description
 0 | Flag is taken
 1 | Flag is captured
 2 | Flag is returned
 3 | Flagcarrier got killed

HARVESTER syntax: HARVESTER: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5: S1 brought in #5 skulls
#1 client number
#2 team number that is scored for, if scored
#3 Event number, see table
#4 client number of enemy. Used for event 1
#5 number of points

#3 | Event description
 0 | Skulls captured
 1 | Skull carrier killed 
 2 | Friendly skull picked up/destroyed
 3 | Enemy skull picked up

OVERLOAD syntax: to be decided

ELIMINATION syntax: ELIMINATION: #1 #2 #3: Round number S1 started! / S2 wins round S1  by eleminating the enemy team! /
 S2 wins round S1 due to more survivors! / S2 wins round S1 due to more health left! / Round S1 was a draw!
#1 and S1 are the round number
#2 and S2 is the winning team or -1 if not interresting.
#3 is the event number, corresponding to the following table:

#3 | Event description
 0 | Round started
 1 | Win by elimination
 2 | Win by survivors
 3 | Win by health
 4 | Draw

CTF_ELIMINATION syntax: CTF_ELIMINATION: #1 #2 #3 #4: S2 got the S3 flag! / S2 captured the S3 flag! /
 The S3 flag has returned! / S2 returned the S3 flag / S2 fragged S3's flag carrier /
 The round has stated, S3 team is attacking! / S3 defended the flag! / S3 eliminated the enemy team!
#1 and S1 are the round number
#2 and S2 are the client number and nick, when there is no client involved #2 = -1
#3 and S3 are the team number and name
#4 is the event number, corresponding to the following table:

#4 | Event description
 0 | Flag is taken
 1 | Flag is captured
 2 | Flag is returned
 3 | Flagcarrier got killed
 4 | Round has stated
 5 | Win by defending
 6 | Win by elimination
 7 | Win by survivors
 8 | Win by health
 9 | Draw

OBELISK/OVERLOAD syntax: OBELISK: #1 #2 #3 #4: S1 destroyed the enemy obelisk / S1 dealt #4 damage to the enemy obelisk
#1 and S1 are the client number and name
#2 is the team
#3 is the event (see table)
#4 damage to the obelisk (event 1)

#3 | Event description
 1 | Obelisk took damage
 3 | Obelisk destroyed
HARVESTER syntax: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5: S1 fragged S4 (S2) who had #5 skulls. 
#1 and S1 are the client number and name
#2 and S2 are the team number and name
#3 is the event (see table)
#4 and S4 are the client number and name
#5 is number of skulls

#3 | Event description
 0 | Scores
 1 | Fragged skull carrier
 2 | Skull destroyed
 3 | Skull picked up

LMS syntax: LMS: #1 #2 #3: Round S1 stated / S2 eliminated!
#1 and S1 are the round number
#2 and S2 are the client number and nick, when there is no client involved #2 = -1
#3 is the event number, corresponding to the following table:

#3 | Event description
 0 | Round stated
 1 | Eliminated

DD syntax: DD: #1 #2 #3: S1 took point A for S2! / S1 took point B for S2! / S2 scores!
#1 and S1 are the client number and nick, when there is no client involved #1 = -1
#2 and S2 are the team number and name
#3 is the event number, corresponding to the following table:

#3 | Event description
 0 | Point A is taken
 1 | Point B is taken
 2 | Scores

DOM syntax: DOM: #1 #2 #3 #4: S1 took control of point S2
#1 and S1 are the client number and nick. 
#2 and S2 are the number and name of the point taken. For event 1 this is the number of points 
#3 is the event number, following the table below.
#4 is the team number.
#3 | Event description
 0 | Point taken
 1 | Team scores 

Possession syntax: POS: #1 #2: S1 scored a point / S1 fragged the carrier / S1 took the flag
#1 and S1 are the client number and nick
#2 is the event number, following the table below.

#2 | Event description
 1 | scored a point
 2 | fragged the carrier
 3 | took the flag