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Chargy WebApp

Chargy is a transparency software for the validation of secure and transparent e-mobility charging processes, as defined by the German Calibration Law ("Eichrecht") in combination with the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR) of the European Commission and the European Digital Quality Infrastructure. The software allows you to verify the cryptographic signatures of energy measurements within charge detail records and comes with a couple of useful extentions to simplify the entire process for endusers and operators.

Benefits of Chargy

  1. Chargy comes with meta data. True charging transparency is more than just signed smart meter values. Chargy allows you to group multiple signed smart meter values to entire charging sessions and to add additional meta data like EVSE information, geo coordinates, tariffs, ... within your backend in order to improve the user experience for the ev drivers.
  2. Chargy is secure. Chargy implements a public key infrastructure for managing certificates of smart meters, EVSEs, charging stations, charging station operators and e-mobility providers. By this the ev driver will always retrieve the correct public key to verify a charging process automatically and without complicated manual lookups in external databases.
  3. Chargy is Open Source. In contrast to other vendors in e-mobility, we belief that true transparency is only trustworthy if the entire process and the required software is open and reusable under a fair copyleft license (AGPL).
  4. Chargy is open for your contributions. We currently support adapters for the protocols of different charging station vendors like chargeIT mobility, ABL (OCMF), chargepoint. The certification at the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) is provided by chargeIT mobility. If you want to add your protocol or a protocol adapter feel free to read the contributor license agreement and to send us a pull request.
  5. Chargy is white label. If you are a supporter of the Chargy project you can even use the entire software project under the free Apache 2.0 license. This allows you to create proprietary forks implementing your own corporate design or to include Chargy as a library within your existing application (This limitation was introduced to avoid discussions with too many black sheeps in the e-mobility market. We are sorry...).
  6. Chargy is accessible. For public sector bodies Chargy fully supports the EU directive 2016/2102 on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications and provides a context-sensitive feedback-mechanism and methods for dispute resolution.

Editions, Versions and Milestones

Version 1.2.x of the Chargy Transparency Software (Desktop) was reviewed and certified by Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e.V. (VDE). If you are a charge point vendor and want to use this software to verify the compliance with the German Eichrecht you can talk to our partner ChargePoint and obtain the required legal documents.

Version 1.0.x of the Chargy Transparency Software (Desktop) was reviewed and certified by Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB). If you are a charge point vendor and want to use this software to verify the compliance with the German Eichrecht you can talk to our partner chargeIT mobility and obtain the required legal documents.

If you need help with the Chargy Transparency Software or want to include your smarty energy meter or transparency data format, talk to us.

This software is also available as DesktopApp.


Assuming you have a current Node.js (~v21.7) installation you can just clone this git repository, install all the JavaScript dependencies, compile it and run the webpack development server...

git clone
cd ChargyWebApp
npm install
npm run build
npm start

Your prefered web browser should automagically open http://localhost:1608


The development of version v1.5 already started and will focus on enhanced security concepts, more digital certificates and pricing information.



The Chargy Transparency Software is one of the winners of the 1. Thuringia's Open-Source Prize in March 2019. This prize was awarded by Wolfgang Tiefensee, Thuringia’s Secretary of Commerce, in conjunction with the board of directors of the IT industry network ITNet Thuringia.