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Logger Module

NoteFox edited this page Jul 10, 2020 · 1 revision

The Logger is it's own little System. I this Wiki Page will be shown, how the Logger works. (so this is not the Loggers "Documentation", but more a little breakdown on how it works)

The Logger

The Logger itself runs on it's own separate Thread, so it runs separate to everything else. This was done, due to safety that if some other process would be killed, the Logger could still write down what happened.

A Log Entry

A Log Entry consists of 4 Parts:

  1. The Entry Type (INFO, MESSAGE, ERROR and DEBUG)
  2. the Timestamp, on which it was created
  3. The Service, who send the Log Entry / requested an Entry
  4. The message of the Entry

An example :
INFO | 2020-06-03 at 16:07:25 UTC | testRequest-Thread : download done - now converting

this log entry informs us, that the "testRequest-Thread" (which is a working Request, made by a User over the OfflineViewer App) was on the Timestamp "2020-06-03 at 16:07:25 UTC" done with downloading the osm File and is now converting this File into it's proper map File

The Directory System

The Directory System works on a "Day-To-Day" base, which means every single day (when an Entry is made), the Logger creates a new Directory. (So for every Day, there is a new Directory).

A Logger Directory should look somewhat similar to this : 2020-06-02

The Log File

A Log File is ALWAYS and ONLY created in the "current-Day-Directory". A new Log File is created only if the Service was restared, or the last Log File exeeted the "maxLogFileSize", which is on default 512 kb (more on that in the init.txt wiki Entry)

A Log File Name should look somewhat similar to this : LOG[09-55-01 MESZ].txt

LOG[Time on which the File was created + used Timezone].txt