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Katatunga edited this page Jul 6, 2020 · 4 revisions


This directory contains shapefiles to render current borders and coastlines. Since this is fairly useless in the context of time-sensitive rendering, you will need to remove or replace them at some point.

To ignore these files in rendering, you just need to delete the occurence of &layer-shapefiles; in 'osm.xml' (default: row 3351).

To use database information for rendering borders and coastlines you need to change the datasources in '' to sql-select-statements selecting the correct information, using the following format:

    <Parameter name="table">

Viewing tiles using browser and JavaScript

The rendered tiles are stored locally on the systems hard drive. Browsers consider the access of a local file storage (via JavaScript) to be dangerous for obvious reasons (CORS).

The same applies to communicating with via a private port.

To work around this problem you can deactivate your browsers safety regulations. Maybe it would be possible to save the tiles into a public file storage and use a web-socket for communication, but we don't think this project could be used in a production environment either way.

Editing of xml-files / Thread-Safety

This project edits xml-files to be later used by Mapnik itself. Therefore, thread-safety can be a problem. As far as we are aware, you would only be able to run as many instances of this process as you have copies of this repository deployed.

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