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PHP Platform Error and logging management

This package provides uniform APIs for Error handling and logging

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This Package mainly solves 3 problems

  • Provides Exception types for all purposes, well categorized and with unique codes
  • Common way to log all Exceptions and Errors
  • Handles PHP System Errors and converts them into Exceptions

Exception Types

Following Exception types are available for Application developers to use.

  • PlatformException abstract Parent of all exceptions , derived from Exception, all logging mechanism implemented here

    • PersistenceException abstract Parent of all persistant exceptions, these exceptions to be used by Persistant layer

      • BadQueryException
      • DataNotFoundException
      • NoAccessException
      • NoConnectionException
      • NoDuplicateException
      • ReferenceIntegrityViolationException
    • ApplicationException abstract Parent of all application exceptions, these exceptions to be used by Application/Business Layer

      • BadInputException
      • Debug
      • NoAccessException
      • ProgrammingError
    • HttpException abstract Parent of all Http exceptions, these exceptions to be used by View or Web Service Layers

      • _1XX All exceptions for Informational Http Codes
      • _2XX All exceptions for Success Http codes
      • _3XX All exceptions for Redirectional Http codes
      • _4XX All exceptions for Client Error Http codes
      • _5XX All exceptions for Server Error Http codes
    • SystemException abstract Parent of all System Exceptions generated from handling PHP System Errors

      • SystemError For all Errors this Exception is created and thrown from ErrorHandler
      • SystemWarning For all Warnings, This exception is not thrown by the ErrorHandler , instead this is created for the purpose of logging


Configurations available for this Package

This Configuration is based on PHPPlatform/config

    "logs":{  // log file paths for each category of exceptions
    "traces":{ // trace file paths for each category of exceptions

To enable Error Handling , call error handling function as below
