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Palladio JIRA

Vadim edited this page May 21, 2024 · 1 revision

In 2011, Palladio has been officially accepted by Atlassian as an OpenSource community project. Thanks to this, we have now migrated to a new Jira installation as a new Issue Tracker:


The projects currently maintained in the Jira issue tracker can be found at: All active projects The projects are aligned with the code areas in our source code repository in a way, that the top level projects are individual projects in the Jira system and the Palladio Core Components are components within the Palladio jira project: Palladio Components Overview.

If you would like to propose a new Palladio project to be managed in the Palladio Jira system, you should send your proposal to the palladio mailing list: Mailing List

Issue Handling

Advantages of the Fix Version Attribute

Release Notes

The fix version allows us to automatically derive the release notes for a specific software version. This is an integrated feature of jira. Here you can find the release notes for Palladio version 3.4:

Release Management

Thanks to the fix version, it is possible to get an report about unresolved issues (open or in progress) for a specific release. For example, one can check how many and which issues are open for an upcoming release and we can decide whether to postpone them or organize to solve them in time. For example:

Release Planing

We have a list of open issues scheduled for future release (3.x). For a new release, we can easily select relevant issues and schedule them for the release instead of an arbitrary release. Furthermore, we can use this a planing instrument for strategic decisions which features we would like to include in the next release.

When and how to set it

The fix version attribute should always be set. Check the rules:

  • If you create an issue: Decide because of it's priority to set it either to the next release or an upcoming future release (.x)
  • If you fixed an issue in the trunk: Set the fix version to the next release.
  • If you are not sure: write an email to

Affected vs. Fix Version

An issue has two types of version settings:

  • Affects Version specifies which version of Palladio are affected by this issue. For example, in which versions a bug can take affect.
  • Fix Version specifies in which release this issue will be fixed. The .x version is always a feature version without a specified release plan. The next higher not yet released version is (obviously) the next release.

Large Attachements

Attachements in our Jira system are limited to 10MB. This should not be raised to preserve resources. If you have the need to provide larger files to reproduce to enable the resolution of an issue, you should place the file on a webspace accessible from the internet and provide the url to download the file in the issue description.

If your file is about any data produced by a model (for example a heap dump or a simulation resultset), you can additionally attach the original model to the issue itself. In general, the original models are quite smaller than 10MB and can be conserved by this.


Jira provides the concept of watchers. If you are interested in an issue, you are neither the reporter nor the assignee, but still want to get notified about any changes, you can choose to watch this issue. To activate this, just navigate to this issue and choose "more actions" -> "watch issue". If you want to add someone else to the list of watchers for an issue, for example, if other members of the community schould know about a specific bug and when it is solved, you need to be in our developer or administrator group. In this case, you can open the issue and select "more actions" -> "watchers". Their you can add or remove watchers for this specific issue.


Imported Bugzilla Issues

During the migration of our old Bugzilla system to the new Jira, the old projects have been imported into archiving projects (see Bugzilla to Jira Migration). The existing issues have not been copied or moved automatically to the new Palladio project. This was done to ensure that only valid issues are moved to / created in these new project.

If you would like to handle one of the migrated issues (i.e. an issue with "BZ" prefix in the bug ID), you need to login first and you have to be a member of the jira-developers group. To check your group membership, just take a look at your profile page. If these preconditions are fullfilled you have the following options to do:

Move If the issue you would like to modify is still reasonable and not resolved, you can move it by opening the issue and selecting "More Actions" > "Move" in the top menu bar. If you do a move, ensure that you specify the right target project as well as the inteded target version, component and requirements type. Close, Resolve If the issue does not need any further handling, you can open it and use either the "close issue" or "resolve issue" buttons in the top menu. Anything else Is not intended! You should either close or resolve an issue or move it to the new Palladio project if it requires someone to work on. Here you can see the workflow with the allowed transitions for in the imported projects (move is not included here): Bugzilla-Imported-Workflow