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Apple Exposure Notification framework configuration

pdehaye edited this page May 26, 2020 · 10 revisions

The Apple contact-tracing portal explains Apple's approach, and in particular its Apple Framework API.

Operation overview


All the configuration is done through ENExposureConfiguration, and in particular:

(bold below indicates these configuration parameters)


Results are returned via ENExposureDetectionSummary and ENExposureInfo.


Summary of operation

totalRiskScore = transmissionRiskValue * durationRiskValue * daysSinceLastExposureRiskValue * attenuationRiskValue

Though the formula’s range can be up to 4096, the framework limits totalRiskScore to the upper limit of ENRiskScore, which has a maxium value of 255.

  • Transmission Risk: Transmission risk is intended to reflect the status of infection in the affected user and its effect on risk of transmission. The value is based on the affected user’s symptoms, when symptoms first appeared, level of diagnosis verification, or other determination from the app or a health authority.
  • Duration: Cumulative duration of the exposure. The framework measures this value.
  • Days: Days since the exposure incident. The framework measures this value.
  • Attenuation: The attenuation (transmission power - RSSI) can vary during an exposure event. Attenuation values >0 are weighted by the duration at each risk level and averaged for the overall duration. The framework measures and calculates this value.


API details

App-specific post-scoring

In addition to this, we need to understand what is done with ENExposureDetectionSummary and ENExposureInfo results.