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Moros edited this page Mar 9, 2024 · 8 revisions

Command permissions

Check Commands.

Ability permissions

Each ability requires the bending.ability.<name> permission node in order to be bound and used (e.g bending.ability.catapult).

Special permissions

Permission Default Value Description
bending.lava True Allows the use of lavabending abilities and features
bending.metal True Allows the use of metalbending abilities and features
bending.bluefire Operator Makes the user's firebending abilities utilize blue fire (like Azula)1
bending.board True Allows players to view the bending board
bending.admin.overridelock False Allows overriding and breaking containers locked by the Locksmithing metal passive

1. This is only visual, there's no other effect to gameplay. If you wish to make the user skills more powerful you can use Modifiers.


Bending adds 2 custom Contexts to the popular permission plugin.

Context Key Description Example
bending:element Returns if the player has the specified element bending:element=earth
bending:avatar Returns if the player has all 4 elements bending:avatar=true

You can use these to automatically apply prefixes to players based on their elements!

Example: /lp group default meta addprefix 100 "[Air] " bending:element=air

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