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The Unity SDK for Tenjin. To learn more about Tenjin and our product offering, please visit

  • Please see our Release Notes to see detailed version history of changes.

  • Tenjin Unity SDK supports both iOS and Android.

  • Review the iOS and Android documentation and apply the proper platform settings to your builds.

  • For any issues or support, please contact:

  • iOS Notes:

    • Xcode 12 requirement, if you’re using Unity iOS SDK v1.12.0 and higher.
    • When building iOS, confirm that these frameworks were automatically added to the Xcode build. If any are missing, you will need to add them manually.
      • AdServices.framework
      • AdSupport.framework
      • AppTrackingTransparency.framework
      • iAd.framework
      • StoreKit.framework
    • For AppTrackingTransparency, be sure to update your project .plist file and add Privacy - Tracking Usage Description (NSUserTrackingUsageDescription) along with the text message you want to display to users. This library is only available in iOS 14.0+.
    • For Apple Search Ads Attribution support, please be sure to upgrade to v1.12.6+ and add the AdServices.framework library. This library is only available in iOS 14.3+.
  • Android Notes:

    1. If you have another SDK installed which already has Google Play Services installed or uses PlayServicesResolver, you may need to delete duplicate libraries:
  1. If you are using Tenjin Unity SDK alongside another SDK in Unity version 2019.4.21f1 and higher, and are using Gradle to build the Android App, you might face build errors such as DuplicateMethodException etc., or find that referrer install is not working. If that is the case, please do the following:
    • Remove all the *.aar files from the Assets/Plugins/Android folder except tenjin.aar.
    • Add the following to your mainTemplate.gradle file:
          // Android Resolver Repos Start
          ([rootProject] + (rootProject.subprojects as List)).each { project ->
              project.repositories {
                  def unityProjectPath = $/file:///**DIR_UNITYPROJECT**/$.replace("\\", "/")
                  maven {
                      url ""
                  maven {
                      url ""
                  maven {
                      url ''
      // Android Resolver Repos End
          apply plugin: ''
          dependencies {
              implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
          // Android Resolver Dependencies Start
              implementation ''
              implementation '{version}'
              implementation '{version}'
              implementation 'com.huawei.hms:ads-identifier:{version}'
              implementation 'com.huawei.hms:ads-installreferrer:{version}'
              androidTestImplementation('', {
                  exclude group: '', module: 'support-annotations'
          // Android Resolver Dependencies End
    • Add the following entry to the file:
  2. If you see the following errors on the app initialization, move tenjin.aar file from /Assets/Plugins/Android/Tenjin/libs to /Assets/Plugins/Android/. Also check the Proguard Settings here.
AndroidJavaException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: no static method with name='setWrapperVersion'
AndroidJavaException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
  1. If you update SDK to v1.12.9 or higher, we are going to make version 2019.4.21f1 the minimum Unity 3D version. If you prefer to use the older version, please contact us, so we can help you with a customized solution. Furthermore, upgrade the External Dependency Manager for Unity to 1.12.167.

Table of contents

SDK Integration

  1. Download the latest Unity SDK from here.

  2. Import the TenjinUnityPackage.unitypackage into your project: Assets -> Import Package.

  3. By default, we have included Google Play Services AAR files as part of our SDK. If you do not plan on using Google Play Services, you can delete these AAR files:


We have a demo project - tenjin-unity-sdk-demo that demonstrates the integration of tenjin-unity-sdk. You can this project as example to understand how to integrate the tenjin-unity-sdk.

Google Play

By default, unspecified is the default App Store. Update the app store value to googleplay, if you distribute your app on Google Play Store.

Set your App Store Type value to googleplay:

BaseTenjin instance = Tenjin.getInstance("<API_KEY>");


Amazon store

By default, unspecified is the default App Store. Update the app store value to amazon, if you distribute your app on Amazon store.

Set your App Store Type value to amazon:

BaseTenjin instance = Tenjin.getInstance("<API_KEY>");


OAID and other Android App Stores

Tenjin supports promoting your app on other Android App Stores using the Android OAID. We have the following requirements for integrating OAID libraries. If you plan to release your app outside of Google Play, make sure to implement these OAID libraries.


MSA OAID is an advertising ID for devices manufactured in China that the MSA (Mobile Security Alliance) provides. For integration with the MSA library, download the following oaid_sdk_1.0.25.aar.

Place the oaid_sdk_1.0.25.aar file in your project's Android libs directory: /Assets/Plugins/Android

Set your App Store Type value to other:

BaseTenjin instance = Tenjin.getInstance("<API_KEY>");


Huawei OAID

For outside of China, you can collect OAID using the library provided by Huawei. For integration with the Huawei OAID library, download the following Huawei AAR file: huawei-ads-identifier.aar. If your app is in the Huawei App Gallery, download and add the Huawei Install Referrer file: huawei-ads-installreferrer.aar.

Place the Huawei files in your project's Android libs directory: /Assets/Plugins/Android

Set your App Store Type value to other:

BaseTenjin instance = Tenjin.getInstance("<API_KEY>");


Proguard Settings

-keep class com.tenjin.** { *; }
-keep public class** { *; }
-keep public class** { *; }
-keep public class** { *; }
-keep class * extends java.util.ListResourceBundle {
    protected Object[][] getContents();
-keepattributes *Annotation*

If you are using Huawei libraries, you can to use these settings:

-keep class** { *; }
-keep interface** { *; }

App Initialization

  1. Get your <API_KEY> from your Tenjin dashboard.
  2. In your project's first Start() method, add the following line of code. Also add to OnApplicationPause() if you want to send sessions data when a user resumes using the app from the background.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class TenjinExampleScript : MonoBehaviour {

  void Start() {

  void OnApplicationPause(bool pauseStatus) {
    if (!pauseStatus) {

  public void TenjinConnect() {
    BaseTenjin instance = Tenjin.getInstance("<API_KEY>");

    // Sends install/open event to Tenjin

NOTE: Please ensure you implement this code on every Start(), not only on the first app open of the app. If we notice that you don't follow our recommendation, we can't give you the proper support or your account might be suspended.

App Store

We support three app store options,

  1. googleplay
  2. amazon
  3. other

By default, unspecified is the default App Store. If you are publishing in a specific App Store, update the app store value to the appropriate app store value. The app store value other is used for Huawei AppGallery and other app stores:

  1. AndroidManifest.xml:
    android:value="{{SET_APP_STORE_TYPE_VALUE}}" />
  1. SetAppStoreType():
BaseTenjin instance = Tenjin.getInstance("<API_KEY>");


ATTrackingManager (iOS)

  • Starting with iOS 14, you have the option to show the initial ATTrackingManager permissions prompt and selection to opt in/opt out users.

  • If the device doesn't accept tracking permission, IDFA will become zero. If the device accepts tracking permission, the Connect() method will send the IDFA to our servers.

  • You can also still call Tenjin connect(), without using ATTrackingManager. ATTrackingManager permissions prompt is not obligatory until the early spring of 2021.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.iOS;

public class TenjinExampleScript : MonoBehaviour {

    void Start() {

    void OnApplicationPause(bool pauseStatus) {
      if (!pauseStatus) {

    public void TenjinConnect() {
      BaseTenjin instance = Tenjin.getInstance("API_KEY");

      if (new Version(Device.systemVersion).CompareTo(new Version("14.0")) >= 0) {
        // Tenjin wrapper for requestTrackingAuthorization
        instance.RequestTrackingAuthorizationWithCompletionHandler((status) => {
          Debug.Log("===> App Tracking Transparency Authorization Status: " + status);

          // Sends install/open event to Tenjin

      else {

      // Sends install/open event to Tenjin


Displaying an ATT permission prompt

To comply with Apple’s ATT guidelines, you must provide a description for the ATT permission prompt, then implement the permission request in your application.

Note: You must implement the permission request before serving ads in your game.

Configuring a user tracking description

Apple requires a description for the ATT permission prompt. You need to set the description with the NSUserTrackingUsageDescription key in the Info.plist file of your Xcode project. You have to provide a message that informs the user why you are requesting permission to use device tracking data:

  • In your Xcode project navigator, open the Info.plist file.
  • Click the add button (+) beside any key in the property list editor to create a new property key.
  • Enter the key name NSUserTrackingUsageDescription.
  • Select a string value type.
  • Enter the app tracking transparency message in the value field. Some examples include:
    • "We will use your data to provide a better and personalized ad experience."
    • "We try to show ads for apps and products that will be most interesting to you based on the apps you use, the device you are on, and the country you are in."
    • "We try to show ads for apps and products that will be most interesting to you based on the apps you use."

Note: Apple provides specific app store guidelines that define acceptable use and messaging for all end-user facing privacy-related features. Tenjin does not provide legal advice. Therefore, the information on this page is not a substitute for seeking your own legal counsel to determine the legal requirements of your business and processes, and how to address them.

SKAdNetwork and Conversion Values

As part of SKAdNetwork, we created wrapper methods for registerAppForAdNetworkAttribution() and updateConversionValue(_:). Our methods will register the equivalent SKAdNetwork methods and also send the conversion values to our servers.

updateConversionValue(_:) 6 bit value should correspond to the in-app event and shouldn't be entered as binary representation but 0-63 integer. Our server will reject any invalid values.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class TenjinExampleScript : MonoBehaviour {

    void Start() {

    void OnApplicationPause(bool pauseStatus) {
      if (!pauseStatus) {

    public void TenjinConnect() {
      BaseTenjin instance = Tenjin.getInstance("API_KEY");


      // Registers SKAdNetwork app for attribution

      // Sends install/open event to Tenjin

      // Sets SKAdNetwork Conversion Value
      // You will need to use a value between 0-63 for <YOUR 6 bit value>
      instance.UpdateConversionValue(<your 6 bit value>);


      // Sends install/open event to Tenjin


SKAdNetwork and iOS 15+ Advertiser Postbacks

To specify Tenjin as the destination for your SK Ad Network postbacks, do the following:

  1. Select Info.plist in the Project navigator in Xcode.
  2. Click the Add button (+) beside a key in the property list editor and press Return.
  3. Type the key name NSAdvertisingAttributionReportEndpoint.
  4. Choose String from the pop-up menu in the Type column.
  5. Enter

These steps are adapted from Apple's instructions at

NOTE: If you are using AppLovin MAX for mediation, their Unity SDK will overwrite any value you entered for NSAdvertisingAttributionReportEndpoint with their own URL during the build process. You should be able to set the NSAdvertisingAttributionReportEndpoint to in XCode after it's been overwritten in the following process.

  1. Export the iOS app following the steps Unity outlines here.

  2. After you build the iOS app, you should have an XCode project that has this structure:

  3. Navigate to the Info.plist file in the XCode project to manually change the NSAdvertisingAttributionReportEndpoint to Otherwise, you can ask your AppLovin account manager to set up forwarding the postbacks to us.


As part of GDPR compliance, with Tenjin's SDK you can opt-in, opt-out devices/users, or select which specific device-related params to opt-in or opt-out. OptOut() will not send any API requests to Tenjin, and we will not process any events.

To opt-in/opt-out:

void Start () {

  BaseTenjin instance = Tenjin.getInstance("API_KEY");

  boolean userOptIn = CheckOptInValue();

  if (userOptIn) {
  else {


boolean CheckOptInValue()
  // check opt-in value
  // return true; // if user opted-in
  return false;
  • To opt-in/opt-out specific device-related parameters, you can use the OptInParams() or OptOutParams().

  • OptInParams() will only send device-related parameters that are specified. OptOutParams() will send all device-related parameters except ones that are specified.

  • Kindly note that we require the following parameters to properly track devices in Tenjin's system. If one of these mandatory parameters is missing, the event will not be processed or recorded.

    • For Android,
      • advertising_id
    • For iOS
      • developer_device_id
  • If you are targeting IMEI and/or OAID Ad Networks for Android, add:

    • imei
    • oaid
  • If you intend to use Google Ad Words, you will also need to add:

    • platform
    • os_version
    • locale
    • device_model
    • build_id

If you want to only get specific device-related parameters, use OptInParams(). In example below, we will only these device-related parameters: ip_address, advertising_id, developer_device_id, limit_ad_tracking, referrer, and iad:

BaseTenjin instance = Tenjin.getInstance("API_KEY");

List<string> optInParams = new List<string> {"ip_address", "advertising_id", "developer_device_id", "limit_ad_tracking", "referrer", "iad"};


If you want to send ALL parameters except specific device-related parameters, use OptOutParams(). In the example below, we will send ALL device-related parameters except: locale, timezone, and build_id parameters.

BaseTenjin instance = Tenjin.getInstance("API_KEY");

List<string> optOutParams = new List<string> {"locale", "timezone", "build_id"};


Device-Related Parameters

Param Description Platform Reference
ip_address IP Address All
advertising_id Device Advertising ID All Android, iOS
developer_device_id ID for Vendor iOS iOS
oaid Open Advertising ID Android Android
imei Device IMEI Android Android
limit_ad_tracking limit ad tracking enabled All Android, iOS
platform platform All iOS or Android
referrer Google Play Install Referrer Android Android
iad Apple Search Ad parameters iOS iOS
os_version operating system version All Android, iOS
device device name All Android, iOS (hw.machine)
device_manufacturer device manufactuer Android Android
device_model device model All Android, iOS (hw.model)
device_brand device brand Android Android
device_product device product Android Android
device_model_name device machine iOS iOS (hw.model)
device_cpu device cpu name iOS iOS (hw.cputype)
carrier phone carrier Android Android
connection_type cellular or wifi Android Android
screen_width device screen width Android Android
screen_height device screen height Android Android
os_version_release operating system version All Android, iOS
build_id build ID All Android, iOS (kern.osversion)
locale device locale All Android, iOS
country locale country All Android, iOS
timezone timezone All Android, iOS

Purchase Events

iOS IAP Validation

iOS receipt validation requires transactionId and receipt (signature will be set to null). For receipt, be sure to send the receipt Payload(the base64 encoded ASN.1 receipt) from Unity.

IMPORTANT: If you have subscription IAP, you will need to add your app's shared secret in the Tenjin dashboard. You can retrieve your iOS App-Specific Shared Secret from the iTunes Connect Console > Select your app > Features > In-App Purchases > App-Specific Shared Secret.

Android IAP Validation

Android receipt validation requires receipt and signature are required (transactionId is set to null).

IMPORTANT: You will need to add your app's public key in the Tenjin dashboard. You can retrieve your Base64-encoded RSA public key from the Google Play Developer Console > Select your app > Development Tools > Services & APIs. Please note that for Android, we currently only support IAP transactions from Google Play.

iOS and Android IAP Example:

In the example below, we are using the widely used MiniJSON library for JSON deserializing.

  public static void OnProcessPurchase(PurchaseEventArgs purchaseEventArgs) {
    var price = purchaseEventArgs.purchasedProduct.metadata.localizedPrice;
    double lPrice = decimal.ToDouble(price);
    var currencyCode = purchaseEventArgs.purchasedProduct.metadata.isoCurrencyCode;

    var wrapper = Json.Deserialize(purchaseEventArgs.purchasedProduct.receipt) as Dictionary<string, object>;  //
    if (null == wrapper) {

    var payload   = (string)wrapper["Payload"]; // For Apple this will be the base64 encoded ASN.1 receipt
    var productId =;


  var gpDetails = Json.Deserialize(payload) as Dictionary<string, object>;
  var gpJson    = (string)gpDetails["json"];
  var gpSig     = (string)gpDetails["signature"];

  CompletedAndroidPurchase(productId, currencyCode, 1, lPrice, gpJson, gpSig);


  var transactionId = purchaseEventArgs.purchasedProduct.transactionID;

  CompletedIosPurchase(productId, currencyCode, 1, lPrice , transactionId, payload);



  private static void CompletedAndroidPurchase(string ProductId, string CurrencyCode, int Quantity, double UnitPrice, string Receipt, string Signature)
      BaseTenjin instance = Tenjin.getInstance("API_KEY");
      instance.Transaction(ProductId, CurrencyCode, Quantity, UnitPrice, null, Receipt, Signature);

  private static void CompletedIosPurchase(string ProductId, string CurrencyCode, int Quantity, double UnitPrice, string TransactionId, string Receipt)
      BaseTenjin instance = Tenjin.getInstance("API_KEY");
      instance.Transaction(ProductId, CurrencyCode, Quantity, UnitPrice, TransactionId, Receipt, null);

Disclaimer: If you are implementing purchase events on Tenjin for the first time, make sure to verify the data with other tools you’re using before you start scaling up your user acquisition campaigns using purchase data.

Subscription IAP

  • You are responsible to send a subscription transaction one time during each subscription interval (i.e., For example, for a monthly subscription, you will need to send us 1 transaction per month). In the example timeline below, a transaction event should only be sent at the "First Charge" and "Renewal" events. During the trial period, do not send Tenjin the transaction event.

  • Tenjin does not de-dupe duplicate transactions.

  • If you have iOS subscription IAP, you will need to add your app's public key in the Tenjin dashboard. You can retrieve your iOS App-Specific Shared Secret from the iTunes Connect Console > Select your app > Features > In-App Purchases > App-Specific Shared Secret.

  • For more information on iOS subscriptions, please see: Apple documentation on Working with Subscriptions

  • For more information on Android subscriptions, please see: Google Play Billing subscriptions documentation

Custom Events

IMPORTANT: Limit custom event names to less than 80 characters. Do not exceed 500 unique custom event names.

  • Include the Assets folder in your Unity project
  • In your projects' method for the custom event, write the following for a named event: Tenjin.getInstance("<API_KEY>").SendEvent("name") and the following for a named event with an integer value: Tenjin.getInstance("<API_KEY>").SendEvent("nameWithValue","value")
  • Make sure value passed is an integer. If value is not an integer, your event will not be passed.

Here's an example of the code:

void MethodWithCustomEvent(){
    //event with name
    BaseTenjin instance = Tenjin.getInstance ("API_KEY");

    //event with name and integer value
    instance.SendEvent("nameWithValue", "value");

.SendEvent("name") is for events that are static markers or milestones. This would include things like tutorial_complete, registration, or level_1.

.SendEvent("name", "value") is for events that you want to do math on a property of that event. For example, ("coins_purchased", "100") will let you analyze a sum or average of the coins that are purchased for that event.

Deferred Deeplinks

Tenjin supports the ability to direct users to a specific part of your app after a new attributed installation via Tenjin's campaign tracking URLs. You can utilize the GetDeeplink method and callback to access the deferred deeplink through the data object.

⚠️ NOTE: Deferred Deeplink is a paid feature, so please contact your Tenjin account manager if you are interested in.

Server-to-server integration

Tenjin offers server-to-server integration, which is a paid feature. If you want to access to the documentation, please send email to and discuss the pricing.

App Subversion parameter for A/B Testing (requires DataVault)

If you are running A/B tests and want to report the differences, we can append a numeric value to your app version using the AppendAppSubversion() method. For example, if your app version 1.0.1, and set AppendAppSubversion(8888), it will report app version as

This data will appear within DataVault, where you will be able to run reports using the app subversion values.

BaseTenjin instance = Tenjin.getInstance("<API KEY>");

Impression Level Ad Revenue Integration

Tenjin supports the ability to integrate with the Impression Level Ad Revenue (ILRD) feature from,

  • AppLovin
  • IronSource
  • HyperBid
  • AdMob

This feature allows you to receive events which correspond to your ad revenue which is affected by each advertisement show to a user. To enable this feature, follow the below instructions.

⚠️ NOTE: ILRD is a paid feature, so please contact your Tenjin account manager to discuss the price at first before sending ILRD events.


You can verify if the integration is working through our Live Test Device Data Tool. Add your advertising_id or IDFA/GAID to the list of test devices. You can find this under Support -> Test Devices. Go to the SDK Live page and send the test events from your app. You should see live events come in:


Tenjin Unity Plugin







  • C# 82.0%
  • Objective-C++ 9.3%
  • Objective-C 6.6%
  • C 2.1%