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This is the code repository for Exoplex. The SDN controller code we used are in ryu-apps. The SAFE enginer code is available at The SAFE policy based routing scripts are available at


0. Demos

a. Deploy ExoPlex on ESNET VFCs: tutorials/ (

b. Deploy Exoplex on VFCs in Chameleon Cloud to connect two Chameleon client networks,

Guide for running ExoPlex server based on VFC on Chameleon is available at

Run ExoPlex on ESNet

Run ExoPlex on ExoGENI slice

1. Compile code

The java code is compiled with JDK8. a. Install Orca5 ( b. Install ahab1.7 (

    sudo apt install -y maven openjdk-8-jdk
    git clone
    cd orca5

    cat .ssh/ >>.ssh/authorized_keys
    git clone
    cd ahab
    mvn install

c. Compile the code

    cd CICI-SAFE/exoplex
    mvn  clean package appassembler:assemble -DskipTests

2. Update configuration files

About configuration files in exoplex/config and exoplex/client-config:.

    slicename:    Name of the slice
    safekey:         Principal ID (safe key hash) or the file name of safe key 
    sshkey:          the location of your sshkey, used for logging onto ExoGENI node
    exogenipem:      Your ExoGENI pem file
    serverurl:       The ip address and port number of vSDX slice controller
    scritpsdir:      /Path/to/SDX/SDX-Simple/SAFE_SDX/src/main/resources/
    safe:            Whether safe authorization is enabled or not 
    safeserver:      Ip address of safe server
    serverinslice:   Whether safe server and plexus controller is in the exogeni slice
    plexusserver:    IP address of plexus server
    sdnapp           SDN controller
                     "rest_router": extended rest_router module that route traffic based on destination/prefix pair
                     "rest_mirror": rest_router_mirror and rest_qos module that supports QoS and traffic mirroring in 
                      addition to rest_router
                     "rest_ingress": ingress_router and rest_qos module that supports secure ingress filtering in
                      addition to rest_mirror

Generally, you need to change the above configuration fields, and leave the rest alone.

    clientsites:     the expected sites of clients where we need to launch some routers when we create the slice
    routernum:       The number of routers to be launched when creating the slice
    controllersite:  The site of plexus sdn controller
    sitelist:        The list of sites that customer can request for stitching [Some of the sites may fail depending on the status]
    bw:              The bandwidth of links between vSDX routers
    brobw:           The bandwidth of links between routers and Bro node
    bro:             whether deploy bro when creating the vsdx or not 

3. Demo experiments as JUnit test

Demo experiments are implemented in Junit tests. ExoPlex NSP controllers for different networks run in different threads. Different controllers communicate via rest APIs.

The test implementations are extended from AbstractTest, AbstractTestSlice and AbstractTestSetting. The Test classes contains the test logic, TestSlice classes manages creation and deletion of the test slices and TestSetting classes manages the settings of the experiment, such as number of SDX slices, number of clients and their attributes etc.

In Test classes, we use Google Guice to determine which TestSlice and TestSetting classes are used.

A. Single SDX demo
  1. In single SDX experiment, we have a single SDX slice and multiple customer slices stitching to SDX and communicate via SDX slice Settings and Slice for single SDX test are in "CICI-SAFE/exoplex/src/main/java/exoplex/demo/singlesdx", the test is implemented in CICI-SAFE/exoplex/src/test/java/exoplex/demo/singlesdx/

To run the test

    cd exoplex
    mvn test -Dtest=SingleSdxTest#testSDX
  1. We can also deploy the SDX controller and client controller on multiple hosts. The guide is in demo/ A video of step-by-step guide is available at
B. MultiSdx Demo

In multisdx experiments, we have multiple SDX/NSP networks and multiple clients.

Settings of the experiments are in src/main/java/exoplex/demo/multisdxsd. In those Java settings code, we set the names of the slices, their interconnections, attributes, etc.

The Junit test for experiment 1 and experiment 2 are in exoplex/src/test/java/exoplex/demo/multisdxsd/ The tests code for the two demos are the same, with settings different. We use Google Guice for dependency injection. We use MultiSdxSDModule module for experiment 1 and MultiSDXTridentcomModule for experiment 2.

  1. To run experiment 1, set the module in to MultiSDXSDModule

     final static AbstractModule module = new MultiSdxSDModule();

Run the tests as Junit test, there are output to the console and more detailed logging are in log/demo.log. You can also modify the before() and after() function to create or delete all slices before or after the test

    mvn test -Dtest=MultiSdxTestSD#testMultiSdxSD
  1. To run experiemnt 2, set the module in to MultiSDXTridentcomModule

     final static AbstractModule module = new MultiSdxTridentcomModule();

Run the demo

    mvn test -Dtest=MultiSdxTestSD#testMultiSdxSD

4. Run individual SDX and clients


[1]. To run the SDX demo, first we creat a SDX slice on exogeni. a) Edit configuration file for sdx slice "config/sdx.conf" b) build the code


c) create SDX slice

    ./scritps/ -c config/sdx.conf

[2] Configure the address and port number that sdx server will listen on ("config.serverurl"). Start sdx server

    ./scripts/ -c config/sdx.conf
Run clients

[1] Create customer slices a) Edit configuration files in client-config b) build


d) create alice slice and bob slice

    ./scripts/ -c client-config/alice.conf

[2] Configure the address of SDX server controller ("config.sdxserver") in configuration files and run controller for Alice

    ./scripts/ -c client-config/alice.conf

Alice stitch CNode0 to sdx, in alice's controller, run:

    stitch CNode0

The first IP address without netmask is the address of the interface in customer network. Sdx will communicate with the customer using this address as gateway The second IP address with netmask is the address of the interface in SDX slice, the netmask is required.

[3] The following commands are equivalent:

    ./scripts/ -c client-config/bob.conf -e "stitch CNode0"

[4] With safe authorization enabled, to enable stitch to a customer slice. First we need to set up delegations to the user and slice with AuthorityMock:

    ./scripts/ customerkeyfile customerslice customerIPPrefix safeServerIp

The customer key file is the name of the customer's safe key (which should be put in the safe server container). For the demo, available keys are "key_p5, key_p6, key_p7,....." The customerslice is the name of the customer slice The customerIpPrefix is the Ip prefix of the customer network The safeserverIP is the IP address of the safe server container

[5] Advertise prefix. Alice tells sdx controller its address space


[6] The following commands are equivalent:

    ./scripts/ -c client-config/alice.conf -e "route"

[7] customer connection request

    link [IP Prefix 1, e.g] [IP Prefix 2, e.g.]

[8] The following commands are equivalent:

    ./scripts/ -c client-config/alice.conf -e "link"

[9] Undo stitching for exogeni client slice. Run SDX exogeni client to undo stitching. Use the command "unstitch nodename". For example:

    ./scripts/ -c client-config/alice.conf -e "unstitch CNode0"

This operation will undo the stitching, delete the broadcast link in Sdx slice, revoke all IP prefixes advertised with the stitching client node as gateway, and delete all routes related with the prefix. After undoing the stitching, SDX server can keep runnning and there is no need to restart plexus controller

[10]. [OPTIONAL] For sdx demo, I added scripts to automatically configure the routing table with quagga in client slice. These scripts depends on the IP addresses assigned to client slice, the topology of client slice, which node in client slice is stitched to sdx slice, and the gateway in sdx slice. Setup routing in client side: An example command of adding an entry to the routing table is as follows, this only supports dest IP address with /32 netmask Another way to do this is using Quagga with zebra enabled, and add routing entries in zebra.conf, dest ip with any netmask is supported

    ip route add via

[11]. Delete a slice We can delete a slice with command: ./scripts/ -c configFile -d

    ./scripts/ -c client-config/alice.conf -d

4. Stitching External Sites (Chameleon, Duke, ESNet...) to Exogeni

  1. Run sdx server controller, configure the address and port number that sdx server will listen on ("config.serverurl").

     ./scripts/ -c config/sdx.conf
  2. Stitching Chameleon Node to SDX slice

  1. First, create a Chameleon node, using vlan tag "3298"

  2. For Chameleon slice, we need another safe server for it (In this demo, we use the SAFE server in SDX slice for everything, therefore, this step is skipped).

  3. Stitch chameleon node to exogeni slice

     ./scripts/ -c config/chameleon.conf
     >stitch 3298 [Cameleon_Node_IP] [SDX_SITE_NAME] [Optional: sdx node name] 


    ./scripts/ -c config/carol.conf -e "stitch 3298 [SDX_SITE_NAME] [STITCH_POINT, e.g., c3]"

[6] When stitching a chameleon node to exogeni node, we know the ip address of the chameleon node, say "". In the stitching request, we tell the sdx controller what IP address it should use for the new interface on c3 to the stitchport, we can specify any address in the same subnet as the chameleon node, say "" Note that in sdx server, we use SDN controller to configure the ip address. The ip address is not configured for the physical interface, so we can't ping from exogeni node to chameleon node. But we can ping from the Chameleon node to the exogeni node.

a) Chameleon slice advertises its ip prefixes in the same way as ExoGENI slice does

    ./scripts/ -c config/carol.conf -e "route [SDX_SLICE_NAME, e.g., sdx] [STITCH_POINT, e.g., c3]"

b) Chameleon node set up routing table when it wants to talk with exogeni slices in different subnets

NOTE: Now we have "-n" option for sdx server and both clients, which can be used to DISABLE SAFE AUTHORIZATION


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