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RaidMax edited this page Jan 10, 2021 · 24 revisions


Initial Configuration

When IW4MAdmin is launched for the first time, you will be prompted to setup your configuration.

Enable webfront

  • Enables you to monitor and control your server(s) through a web interface
  • Default —

Enable multiple owners

  • Enables more than one client to be promoted to level of Owner
  • Default — false

Enable stepped privilege hierarchy

  • Allows privileged clients to promote other clients to the level below their current level
  • Default — false

Enable custom say name

  • Shows a prefix to every message send by IW4MAdmin -- [Admin] message
  • This feature requires you specify a custom say name
  • This feature only works on games that support the sv_sayName dvar
  • Default — false

Enable social link

  • Shows a link to your community's social media/website on the webfront
  • Default — false

Use Custom Encoding Parser

  • Allows alternative encodings to be used for parsing game information and events
  • Russian users should use this and then specify windows-1251 as the encoding string
  • Default — false

Server Configuration

After initial configuration is finished, you will be prompted to configure your servers for IW4MAdmin.

Enter server IP Address

  • For almost all scenarios is sufficient
  • Default — n/a

Enter server port

  • The port that your server is listening on (can be obtained via net_port)
  • Default — n/a

Enter server RCon password

  • The (R)emote (Con)sole password set in your server configuration (can be obtained via rcon_password)
  • Default — n/a

Enter number of reserved slots

  • The number of client slots reserved for privileged players (unavailable for regular users to occupy)
  • For example, if you enter 2 reserved slots on an 18 slot server, you will have 16 publicly available slots
  • Default — 0

Advanced Configuration

If you wish to further customize your experience of IW4MAdmin, the following configuration file(s) will allow you to changes core options using any text-editor.

IW4MAdminSettings.json-- this file is created after initial setup

  • This file uses the JSON specification, so please validate your configuration before running IW4MAdmin


Name Description Validation Default
IPAddress Internet Protocol Address IPv4 format --
Port Communication endpoint 1-65535 --
Password RCon password Not empty --
Rules List of rules Not null []
AutoMessages List of messages to broadcast automatically Not null []
ManualLogPath Override game log path -- null
ReservedSlotNumber Number of client slots to reserve for privileged users 0-32 0
GameLogServerUrl HTTP Url for the Game Log Server HTTP endpoint null
CustomHostname Override server title (hostname) Length >= 3 — Length <= 128 null


Name Description Validation Default
WebfrontBindUrl Specifies the address and port the webfront will listen on. HTTP Uri
ManualWebfrontUrl URL for webfront (useful for things like YADB) HTTP Uri null
WebfrontPrimaryColor Hex Value for the Primary Webfront color. Hex Color Code --
WebfrontSecondaryColor Hex Value for the Secondary Webfront color. Hex Color Code --
WebfrontCustomBranding Name of application. Text IW4MAdmin
ContactUri Website/email/etc.. that users can contact the administrator on Text this server's website
CommandPrefix Prefix indicating the chat message is a command Not empty !
BroadcastCommandPrefix Prefix indicating the chat message is a broadcast command Not empty @
MasterUrl HTTP Url location of the master server HTTP Uri
CustomLocale Specifies a locale name to use instead of system default Not empty windows-1252
ConnectionString Specifies the connection string to a MySQL server that is used instead of SQLite Not empty null
DatabaseProvider Specifies the database provider IW4MAdmin should use. (Possible values — sqlite, mysql, postgresql) Not empty sqlite
IgnoreBots Disables bots from being registered and tracked by IW4MAdmin true/false false
RConPollRate Specifies (in milliseconds) how often to poll each server for updates Number 5000
AutoMessagePeriod Specifies (in seconds) how often messages should be broadcasted to each server Number 60
GlobalRules Specifies the list of rules that apply to all servers` Not empty []
BanDurations Specifies the dropdown ban duration list for webfront bans Not empty 1h, 6h, 1d, 2d, 1w, 4w
PresetPenaltyReasons Specifies the dropdown penalty reason list for webfront Not empty afk, ci
EnablePrivilegedUserPrivacy Hides privileged user levels and chat history from guests on webfront True or False False


  • Specifies the list of messages that are broadcasted to all servers
  • Specially formatted tokens can be used to broadcast dynamic information
  • {{TOTALPLAYERS}} — displays how many players have connected
  • {{TOPSTATS}} — displays the top 5 players on the server based on performance
  • {{MOSTPLAYED}} — displays the top 5 players based on number of kills
  • {{TOTALPLAYTIME}} — displays the cumulative play time (in man-hours) on all monitored servers
  • {{VERSION}} — displays the version of IW4MAdmin
  • {{ADMINS}} — displays the currently connected and unmasked privileged users online
  • {{NEXTMAP}} — displays the next map and gametype in rotation


  • Specifies the list of maps for each supported game
  • Name
    • Specifies the name of the map as returned by the game (usually the file name sans the file extension)
  • Alias
    • Specifies the display name of the map (as seen while loading in)
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