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ReCpp CircleCI (GCC, Clang, MSVC)

Reusable Standalone C++ Libraries and Modules

The goal of this project is to provide C++17 and C++20 developers with convenient and minimal cross-platform C++ utility libraries. All of the modules are heavily performance oriented and provides the least amount of overhead possible.

Currently supported and tested platforms are VC++,Clang on Windows and GCC,Clang on Ubuntu,iOS,Android

rpp/strview.h - A lightweight and powerful string utilities

An extremely fast and powerful set of string-parsing utilities. Includes fast tokenization, blazing fast number parsers, extremely fast number formatters, and basic string search functions and utilities, all extremely well optimized.

This strview module works on UTF-8 strings, and since std::codecvt_utf8 already exists, there is no plan to add a Wide strview.

The string view header also provides examples of basic parsers such as line_parser, keyval_parser and bracket_parser. It's extremely easy to create blazing fast parsers with rpp::strview

rpp::strview text = buffer; // or {, buffer.size() };
rpp::strview line;
while (, '\n')) // or "\r\n"
    line.trim(); // in-place trim
    if (line.empty() || line.starts_with('#'))
    if (line.starts_withi("numObJecTS")) // case insensitive search
        objects.reserve(line.to_int()); // to_int(),to_bool(),to_float(),to_double()
    else if (line.starts_with("object")) // "object scene_root 192 768"
        // next(' ') tokenizes the line by skipping over the entries
        line.skip(' '); // skip over "object "
        rpp::strview name =' '); // "scene_root"
        int posX = line.next_int(); // 192
        int posY = line.next_int(); // 768
        objects.push_back(scene::object{name.to_string()/*std::string*/, posX, posY});

The strview API global utilities:

Function Description
double to_double(const char* str, int len, const char** end) C-locale specific, simplified atof that also outputs the end of parsed string
int to_int(const char* str, int len, const char** end) Fast locale agnostic atoi
int to_inthx(const char* str, int len, const char** end) Fast locale agnostic atoi for HEX strings
char* replace(char* str, int len, char chOld, char chNew) Replaces characters of 'chOld' with 'chNew' inside the specified string
std::string& replace(std::string& str, char chOld, char chNew) Replaces characters of 'chOld' with 'chNew' inside this std::string
std::string concat(const strview& a, const strview& b, ...) Concats multiple strviews
char* to_lower(char* str, int len) Converts a string into its lowercase form
char* to_upper(char* str, int len) Converts a string into its uppercase form
std::string& to_lower(std::string& str) Converts an std::string into its lowercase form
std::string& to_upper(std::string& str) Converts an std::string into its uppercase form

Utility structs API:

Class Description
rpp::line_parser Parses an input string buffer for individual lines. The line is returned trimmed of any \r or \n.
rpp::keyval_parser Parses an input string buffer for 'Key=Value' pairs. The pairs are returned one by one with 'read_next'.
rpp::bracket_parser Parses an input string buffer for balanced-parentheses structures.

| rpp::bracket_parser | Parses an input string buffer for balanced-parentheses structures.

Class Description
rpp::strview String token for efficient parsing. Represents a 'weak' reference string with Start pointer and Length. The string can be parsed, manipulated and tokenized.
Function Description
int to_int() Parses this strview as an integer
int to_int_hex() Parses this strview as a HEX integer ('0xff' or '0ff' or 'ff')
long to_long()
float to_float() Parses this strview as a float
double to_double()
bool to_bool() Relaxed parsing of this strview as a boolean: "true", "yes", "on", "1"
void clear() Clears the strview
int size()
bool empty()
bool is_whitespace()
bool is_nullterm()
strview& trim_start(...) Trims the start of the string
strview& trim_end(...) Trims the end of the string
strview& trim(...) Trims both start and end
strview& chomp_first() Consumes the first character in the strview if possible
strview& chomp_last() Consumes the last character in the strview if possible
char pop_front() Pops and returns the first character in the strview if possible
char pop_back() Pops and returns the last character in the strview if possible
bool contains(...) TRUE if the strview contains [char, string]
bool contains_any(const cahr* chars, int nchars) TRUE if the strview contains any of the chars
const char* find(...) Pointer to start of substring if found, NULL otherwise
const char* rfind(...) Pointer to char if found using reverse search, NULL otherwise
const char* findany(const char* chars, int n) Forward searches for any of the specified chars
const char* rfindany(const char* chars, int n) Reverse searches for any of the specified chars
int count(char ch) Count number of occurrances of this character inside the strview bounds
int indexof(char ch) Index of character, or -1 if not found
int rindexof(char ch) Reverse iterating indexof
int indexofany(const char* chars, int n) First index of any character that matches Chars array
bool starts_with(...) TRUE if this strview starts with the specified string
bool starts_withi(...) TRUE if this strview starts with IGNORECASE of the specified string
bool ends_with(...) TRUE if the strview ends with the specified string
bool ends_withi(...) TRUE if this strview ends with IGNORECASE of the specified string
bool equals(...) TRUE if this strview equals the specified string
bool equalsi(...) TRUE if this strview equals IGNORECASE the specified string
int compare(...) Compares this strview to string data
strview split_first(...) Splits the string into TWO and returns strview to the first one
strview split_second(char delim) Splits the string into TWO and returns strview to the second one
bool next(strview& out, char delim) Gets the next strview; also advances the ptr to next token.
bool next(strview& out, const char* delims, int ndelims) Gets the next string token; also advances the ptr to next token.
strview next(char delim) Same as bool next(strview& out, char delim), but returns a token instead
strview next(const char* delim, int ndelims)
bool next_notrim(strview& out, char delim) Gets the next string token; stops buffer on the identified delimiter.
bool next_notrim(strview& out, const char* delims, int ndelims) Gets the next string token; stops buffer on the identified delimiter.
strview next_notrim(char delim) Same as bool next(strview& out, char delim), but returns a token instead
strview next_notrim(const char* delim, int ndelims)
strview substr(int index, int length) Tries to create a substring from specified index with given length.
strview substr(int index) Tries to create a substring from specified index until the end of string.
double next_double() Parses next float from current strview
float next_float()
int next_int() Parses next int from current Token
strview& skip(int nchars) Safely chomps N chars while there is something to chomp
strview& skip_until(...) Skips start of the string until the specified substring is found
strview& skip_after(...) Skips start of the string until the specified substring is found
strview& to_lower() Modifies the target string to lowercase
std::string as_lower() Creates a copy of this strview that is in lowercase
strview& to_upper() Modifies the target string to be UPPERCASE
std::string as_upper() Creates a copy of this strview that is in UPPERCASE
strview& replace(char chOld, char chNew) Modifies the target string by replacing all chOld occurrences with chNew
void decompose(auto delim, auto outFirst, auto... outRest) Decomposes strview into a struct
    rpp::strview input = ";27;3486.37;true"_sv;
    User user;
    input.decompose(';',, user.age, user.coins, user.unlocked);

rpp/file_io.h - Useful cross platform path utilities (pre C++17)

Function Description
bool file_exists(filename) TRUE if the file exists, arg ex: "dir/file.ext"
bool folder_exists(folder) TRUE if the folder exists, arg ex: "root/dir" or "root/dir/"
file_or_folder_exists(fileOrFolder) TRUE if either a file or a folder exists at the given path
bool file_info(path, *size, *creted, *access, *mod) Gets basic information of a file
int file_size(filename) Short size of a file
int64 file_sizel(filename) Long size of a file
time_t file_created(filename) File creation date
time_t file_accessed(filename) Last file access date
time_t file_modified(filename) Last file modification date
bool delete_file(filename) Deletes a single file, ex: "root/dir/file.ext"
bool copy_file(srcFile, dstFile) Copies srcFile to dstFile, overwriting the previous file!
bool copy_file_if_needed(srcFile, dstFile) Copies srcFile to dstFile IF dstFile doesn't exist
bool copy_file_into_folder(srcFile, dstFolder) Copies srcFile into dstFolder, overwriting the previous file!
bool create_folder(foldername) Creates a folder, recursively creating folders that do not exist
bool delete_folder(foldername, delete_mode) Resolves a relative path to a full path name using filesystem path resolution
std::string merge_dirups(path) Merges all ../ inside of a path
strview file_name(path) Extract the filename (no extension) from a file path
strview file_nameext(path) Extract the file part (with ext) from a file path
strview file_ext(path) Extract the extension from a file path
std::string file_replace_ext(path, ext) Replaces the current file path extension
std::string file_name_append(path, add) Changes only the file name by appending a string
std::string file_name_replace(path, newName) Replaces only the file name of the path
std::string file_nameext_replace(path, newNameAndExt) Replaces the file name and extension
strview folder_name(path) Extract the foldername from a path name
strview folder_path(path) Extracts the full folder path from a file path
std::string& normalize(std::string& path, char sep) Normalizes the path string to use a specific type of slash
std::string normalized(strview path, char sep) Normalizes the path string to use a specific type of slash
std::string path_combine(path1, path2, ...) Efficiently combines path strings, removing any repeated / or \
rpp::dir_iterator Basic and minimal directory iterator.
list_dirs(dir, recursive, fullpath) Lists all folders inside a directory
list_files(dir, suffix, recursive, fullpath) Lists all files inside this directory that have the specified extension (default: all files)
list_alldir(dir, recursive, fullpath) Lists all files and folders inside a dir
std::string working_dir() The current working directory of the application. An extra slash is always appended.
std::string module_dir(void* moduleObject) Directory where the current module in which Rpp was linked to is located.
bool change_dir(const char* new_wd) Calls chdir() to set the working directory of the application to a new value
std::string temp_dir() The system temporary directory for storing misc files
std::string home_dir() The system home directory for this user

rpp/file_io.h - Simple and fast File IO

This is an extremely useful cross-platform file and filesystem module. It provides all the basic functionality for most common file operations and path manipulations.

Example of using file_io for basic file manipulation

#include <rpp/file_io.h>
using namespace rpp;

void fileio_read_sample(strview filename = ""_sv)
    if (file f = { filename, READONLY })
        // reads all data in the most efficient way
        load_buffer data = f.read_all(); 
        // use the data as a binary blob
        for (char& ch : data) { }
void fileio_writeall_sample(strview filename = "test.txt"_sv)
    string someText = "/**\n * A simple self-expanding buffer\n */\nstruct";
    // write a new file with the contents of someText
    file::write_new(filename,, someText.size());
    // or just write it as a string 
    file::write_new(filename, someText);
void fileio_info_sample(strview file = ""_sv)
    if (file_exists(file))
        printf(" === %s === \n", file.str);
        printf("  file_size     : %d\n",   file_size(file));
        printf("  file_modified : %llu\n", file_modified(file));
        printf("  full_path     : %s\n",   full_path(file).data());
        printf("  file_name     : %s\n",   file_name(file).data());
        printf("  folder_name   : %s\n",   folder_name(full_path(file)).data());
void fileio_path_manipulation(strview file = "/root/../path\\example.txt"_sv)
    printf(" === %s === \n", file.str);
    printf("  full_path     : %s\n", full_path(file).data());
    printf("  merge_dirups  : %s\n", merge_dirups(file).data());
    printf("  file_name     : %s\n", file_name(file).str);
    printf("  file_nameext  : %s\n", file_nameext(file).str);
    printf("  file_ext      : %s\n", file_ext(file).str);
    printf("  folder_name   : %s\n", file_ext(file).str);
    printf("  folder_path   : %s\n", file_ext(file).str);
    printf("  normalized    : %s\n", normalized(file).data());
    printf("  path_combine  : %s\n", path_combine(folder_name(file), "another.txt").data());
void fileio_listing_dirs(strview path = "../"_sv)
    printf(" working dir   : %s\n", working_dir().data());
    printf(" relative path : %s\n", path.str);
    printf(" full path     : %s\n", full_path(path).data());
    vector<string> cppFiles = list_files_recursive(path, "cpp");
    for (auto& relativePath : cppFiles)
        printf("  source  : %s\n",;
    vector<string> headerFiles = list_files_fullpath("./rpp", "h");
    for (auto& fullPath : headerFiles)
        printf("  header  : %s\n",;

rpp/delegate.h - Fast function delegates and multicast delegates (events)

Class Description
delegate<f(a)> Function delegate that can contain static functions, instance member functions, lambdas and functors.
event<void(a)> Multicast delegate object, acts as an optimized container for registering multiple delegates to a single event.

Examples of using delegates for any convenient case

void delegate_samples()
    // create a new function delegate - in this case using a lambda
    delegate<void(int)> fn = [](int a) { 
        printf("lambda %d!\n", a); 
    // invoke the delegate like any other function
void event_sample()
    // create an event container
    event<void(int,int)> onMouseMove;

    // add a single notification target (more can be added if needed)
    onMouseMove += [](int x, int y) { 
        printf("mx %d, my %d\n", x, y); 
    // call the event and multicast to all registered callbacks
    onMouseMove(22, 34);

rpp/future.h - Composable Futures with C++20 Coroutines Support

This makes it easy to write asynchronous cross-platform software with minimal dependencies. The main API consists of rpp::async_task() which uses rpp/thread_pool.h to launch the task in background.

template<typename Task>
auto async_task(Task&& task) noexcept -> cfuture<decltype(task())>;

The future object rpp::cfuture<T> provides composable facilities for continuations.

  • then() allows chaining futures together by passing the result to the next future and resuming it using rpp::async_task()
  • continue_with() allows to continue execution without returning a future, which is useful for the final step in chaining
  • detach() allows to abandon this future by moving the state into rpp::async_task() and waiting for finish there

Example with classic composable futures using callbacks

        return downloadZipFile(url);
    }).then([=](std::string zipPath) {
        return extractContents(zipPath);
    }).continue_with([=](std::string extractedDir) {
        callOnUIThread([=]{ jobComplete(extractedDir); });

Continuations with exception handlers: allows to forward the task result to the next task in chain, or handle an exception of the given type. This allows for more complicated task chains where exceptions can be used to recover the task chain and return a usable value.

    rpp::async_task([=] {
        return loadCachedScene(getCachePath(file));
    }, [=](invalid_cache_state& e) {
        return loadCachedScene(downloadAndCacheFile(file)); // recover
    }).then([=](std::shared_ptr<SceneData> sceneData) {
    }, [=](scene_load_failed& e) {
        loadDefaultScene(); // recover

Example with C++20 coroutines. This uses co_await to run each lambda in a background thread. This is useful if you are upgrading legacy Synchronous code which doesn't have awaitable IO.

The lambdas are run in background thread using rpp::thread_pool

using namespace rpp::coro_operators;
rpp::cfuture<void> downloadAndUnzipDataAsync(std::string url)
    std::string zipPath = co_await [&]{ return downloadZipFile(url); };
    std::string extractedDir = co_await [&]{ return extractContents(zipPath); };
    co_await callOnUIThread([=]{ jobComplete(extractedDir); });
rpp::cfuture<void> coroRunnerExample()
    co_await downloadAndUnzipDataAsync("");

Some additional utilities

  • cfuture<T> make_read_future(T&& value) Creates a cfuture which is already completed.
  • cfuture<T> make_exceptional_future(E&& e) Creates a cfuture which is already errored with the exception.
  • wait_all(const std::vector<cfuture<T>>& vf) Given a vector of futures, waits blockingly on all of them to be completed.
  • std::vector<T> get_all(const std::vector<cfuture<T>>& vf) Blocks and gathers the results from all of the futures
  • std::vector<T> get_tasks(std::vector<U>& items, const Launcher& futureLauncher) Used to launch multiple parallel Tasks and then gather the results.
  • std::vector<T> get_async_tasks(std::vector<U>& items, const Callback& futureCallback) Used to launch multiple parallel Tasks and then gather the results.
  • void run_tasks(std::vector<U>& items, const Launcher& futureLauncher) Used to launch multiple parallel Tasks and then wait for the results.

rpp/coroutines.h - C++20 Coroutine facilities

Contains basic utilities for using C++20 coroutines. Supports MSVC++, GCC and Clang.

  • rpp::lambda_awaiter<Task> - Spawns a parallel task to enable awaiting on any lambda.
rpp::cfuture<void> lambda_awaiter_example() {
    using namespace rpp::coro_operators;
    std::string zip = co_await [&]{ return downloadFile(url); };
    co_await [&]{ unzipArchive(zip, "."); }
  • rpp::chrono_awaiter<Clock> - Spawns a parallel task to sleep and notify until enough time has elapsed.
    using namespace rpp::coro_operators;
    co_await std::chrono::milliseconds{100};

rpp/vec.h - Everything you need to write a 3D and 2D game in Modern OpenGL

Contains basic Vector2, Vector3, Vector4 and Matrix4 types with a plethora of extremely useful utility functions. Main features are convenient operators, SSE2 intrinsics and GLSL style vector swizzling.

rpp::Vector2 a = { 1.5f, 2.5f };
rpp::Vector2 b = { 2.4f, -5.4f };
rpp::Vector2 dir = (a - b).normalized();
std::cout << dir.toString() << std::endl;
LogInfo("dir: %s\n", dir.toString());

rpp/timer.h - Contains cross-platform Timer utilities

Basic timer utilities for measuring time for performance profiling and consistent thread sleeps.

    rpp::Timer t;
    double elapsed = t.elapsed();
    printf("work elapsed: %.2fs\n", elapsed);
  • rpp::Duration Unified nanosecond precision duration type

    • Duration() Initializes with Duration::zero()
    • Duration from_seconds(double seconds) Creates a new duration from fractional seconds
    • Duration from_millis(int64 millis) Creates a new duration from milliseconds
    • Duration from_micros(int64 micros) Creates a new duration from microseconds
    • Duration from_nanos(int64 nanos) Creates a new duration from nanoseconds
    • double sec() Converts this duration to fractional seconds
    • int64 seconds() Converts this duration to fractional seconds
    • int64 millis() Converts this duration to milliseconds
    • int64 micros() Converts this duration to microseconds
    • int64 nanos() Converts this duration to nanoseconds
  • rpp::TimePoint System's most accurate measurement for a single time point.

    • TimePoint() Initializes with TimePoint::zero()
    • TimePoint TimePoint::now() Gets the current time
    • double elapsed_sec(end) Fractional seconds elapsed from this time point to end
    • int64 elapsed_ms(end) Integer milliseconds elapsed from this time point to end
    • int64 elapsed_us(end) Integer microseconds elapsed from this time point to end
    • int64 elapsed_ns(end) Integer nanoseconds elapsed from this time point to end
    • bool is_valid() True if TimePoint is not zero
  • rpp::Timer High accuracy timer for performance profiling or deltaTime measurement.

    • Timer() Initializes a new timer by calling start
    • Timer(StartMode startMode) Explicitly defines Timer::NoStart or Timer::AutoStart
    • void start() Starts the timer
    • double elapsed() Fractional seconds elapsed from start()
    • double elapsed_millis() Fractional milliseconds elapsed from start()
    • double next() Gets the next time sample, since the last call to next() or start() and calls start() again
    • double next_millis() next() converted to milliseconds
    • int64 elapsed_ms(end) Integer milliseconds elapsed from start() until end
    • int64 elapsed_us(end) Integer microseconds elapsed from start() until end
    • int64 elapsed_ns(end) Integer nanoseconds elapsed from start() until end
    • int64 elapsed_ms() Integer milliseconds elapsed from start() until now()
    • int64 elapsed_us() Integer microseconds elapsed from start() until now()
    • int64 elapsed_ns() Integer nanoseconds elapsed from start() until now()
    • double measure(Func f) Measure block execution time as seconds
    • double measure_millis(Func f) Measure block execution time as milliseconds
  • rpp::StopWatch High accuracy stopwatch for measuring specific events and keeping the results

    • StopWatch Creates an uninitialized StopWatch. Reported time is always 0.0
    • void start() Sets the initial starting point of the stopwatch and resets the stop point only if the stopwatch hasn't started already
    • void stop() Sets the stop point of the stopwatch only if start point exists and not already stopped
    • void resume() Clears the stop point and resumes timing
    • void clear() Clears both start and stop times
    • void restart() Clears both start and stop times and starts the stopwatch
    • bool started() Has the stopwatch been started?
    • bool stopped() Has the stopwatch been stopped with a valid time?
    • double elapsed() Reports the currently elapsed time.
    • double elapsed_millis() Currently elpased time in milliseconds
  • rpp::ScopedPerfTimer Automatically logs performance from constructor to destructor and writes it to log

    • ScopedPerfTimer(const char* what) Starts the timer
    • ~ScopedPerfTimer() Prints out the elapsed time

Global time utilities:

  • double time_now_seconds() Current time in fractional seconds
  • void sleep_ms(unsigned int millis) Let this thread sleep for provided milliseconds
  • void sleep_us(unsigned int microseconds) Let this thread sleep for provided MICROSECONDS
  • void sleep_ns(uint64_t nanoseconds) Let this thread sleep for provided NANOSECONDS

rpp/stack_trace.h - Cross-platform stack tracing and traced exceptions

Provides detailed stack traces on demand, which is not yet part of C++ standard.

Function Description
std::string stack_trace(const char* message, size_t messageLen, int maxDepth, int entriesToSkip) Base implementation of stack trace. Only needed if you're implementing custom abstractions
std::string stack_trace(int maxDepth) Prepares stack trace
std::string stack_trace(const char* message, int maxDepth)
std::string stack_trace(const std::string& message, int maxDepth) Prepares stack trace WITH error message
void print_trace(int maxDepth) Prints stack trace to STDERR
void print_trace(const char* message, int maxDepth)
void print_trace(const std::string& message, int maxDepth) Prints stack trace to STDERR WITH error message
std::runtime_error error_with_trace(const char* message, int maxDepth)
std::runtime_error error_with_trace(const std::string& message, int maxDepth) Prepared runtime_error with error message and stack trace
rpp::traced_exception Traced exception forms a complete [message]\n[stacktrace] string which can be retrieved via runtime_error::what()
void register_segfault_tracer() Installs a default handler for SIGSEGV which will throw a traced_exception instead of quietly terminating

CircleCI Local

Running CircleCI locally on WSL/Ubuntu. If running on WSL, you need Docker Desktop with WSL2 integration enabled.

You will need to configure a personal API token to use the CircleCI CLI. Read more at:

curl -fLSs | sudo bash
circleci update
circleci setup

Executing the build locally, targeting the android-cpp17 Job:

circleci config process .circleci/config.yml > process.yml && \
circleci local execute -c process.yml android-cpp17


Reusable Standalone C++ Libraries and Modules







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Contributors 4

