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This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 28, 2024. It is now read-only.

A progressive web app to display the angle bisector of two angles given by zodiac sign, degrees and minutes.


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Bisectriz PWA


This repository has moved to Codeberg: Bisectriz. The PWA is now located at

Deploy PWA to Pages

Bisectriz logo

A progressive web app to display the angle bisector of two angles given by zodiac sign, degrees and minutes. The angle bisector of the two given angles is always calculated counterclockwise from the smaller to the bigger angle, the order in the input fields does not matter. The two angles are given as zodiac sign -- starting at aries (0°), ending at pisces (330°) -- the rest given in degrees between 0° and 29° (inclusive) and minutes between 0' and 59' (inclusive).

Link to the Created PWA

Bisectriz at GitHub Pages


Install all development dependencies using npm:

% npm install --save-dev

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

  • npm run dev - Runs the app in the development mode. Open https://localhost:5173 to view it in the browser. Only works with certificate files ../https_cert-key.pem and ../https_cert.pem. See ./vite.config.ts:

  • npm run build - Builds the app for production to the ./http folder. To be used with a local npm run preview.

  • npm run build-github - Builds the app for production and hosting at GitHub pages to the ./http folder.

  • npm run preview - Run the app in production mode. Open https://localhost:4173 to view it in the browser. Only works with certificate files ../https_cert-key.pem and ../https_cert.pem. See ./vite.config.ts:

    server: {
              https: {
                  key: fs.readFileSync("../localhost_https_cert-key.pem"),
                  cert: fs.readFileSync("../localhost_https_cert.pem"),
  • npm run test - Run the Mocha tests.


Bisectriz is licensed under the AGPLv3 and later. See file ./LICENSE for details.


A progressive web app to display the angle bisector of two angles given by zodiac sign, degrees and minutes.








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