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Romanist edited this page Mar 27, 2022 · 2 revisions


Useful features, cool technologies ("hi Svelte!"), new ideas - the project is unique and doesn't have alternatives (at the moment of writing), we want to solve some of problems we all face every day - let's do it together, jump in! More then 10 people have shown their interest already.

We can think of 4 main ways of contributions:

  • Code itself. SvelteKit, MongoDB, ExpressJS, algorithms, map optimizations, a lot of data - truly vaporous area to improve your skills or achieve new ones!
  • How-to-rent-in-your-city guide. If you have experience of searching for a place in your town recently, it'd be extremely useful for everyone if you shared it. Check out the existing guides and use the template
  • Design and images. We want to improve our visual thing as well, so your ideas/designs/images are welcome
  • Feedback. We need it :)

If it's something that can interest you, contact via Telegram or Email:

Getting started on programming

There is a guide on how to start back-end server inside back-end folder README.

We use Svelte for front-end, links: tutorial, documentation. SvelteKit for building: documentation

Some other tools we use (links to documentation): leaflet, tailwind, noUiSlider, swiper, svelte-i18n, polybooljs

We suggest to name branches this way:

  • fix/something-bad - for bug fixes
  • feat/something-good - for new features
  • chore/update-something - refactor

All branches go to/from master and applied by pull requests with reviews.