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Dhiraj Mishra edited this page May 9, 2018 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the BFuzz wiki!


BFuzz is currently in beta. 
Note: Fuzzing Chrome in BFuzz is still in process

BFuzz is an input based fuzzer tool which take .html & .xml as an input, open's up your browser with a new instance and pass multiple testcases which is present in recurve folder of BFuzz, we can simply keep adding testcases in recurve

Run BFuzz

warmachine@ftw:~/BFuzz$ python 
Enter the browser type:  
 1: Chrome 
 2: Firefox

Running python will ask for option for now select 2 this will open firefox firefox --new-instance and randomly open any of the testcase from recurve create the logs on the terminal wait for 3 seconds again it will open firefox and the process continue so on.

BFuzz is a small .py script which enable's to open browser run testcase for 12 seconds the close wait for 3 seconds and again follow the same process.

The testcase's in recurve is been collected by different exploit DB forums a huge ShouOut to respective security researcher's to wrote such tescases, most of the testcase are from Google Project Zero

BFuzz On Action

Here is one of the example which running BFuzz on Epiphany Web 3.28.1: Bug ID: GNOME, 95740 However a Stack Overflow was also observed while running BFuzz on Firefox but it went duplicate, FF Bug ID: 1456083


Please feel free to PR.

Thank you

Zubin, Hardik, Bakhtyar


Handle Exeception, Add banner, Add more testcases, Optimize Code.

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