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3D household task-based dataset created using customised AI2-THOR.

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ActioNet: An Interactive End-to-End Platform for Task-Based Data Collection and Augmentation in 3D Environments

ActioNet Pipeline


ActioNet Data Annoatation


ActioNet GUI for data collection


ActioNet Paper

[ActioNet Paper] [Video]

ActioNet Dataset


Task-Based Dataset

It is created using AI2-THOR ( We have made changes to allow for the customisation of initial scene settings (eg. object state) for some tasks. The edited AI2-THOR can be cloned from The custom scene configurations can be found in ./util/

Our human annotated dataset can be found in the ./dataset/{collection_instance} folders.

Each data file has the naming convention of ./dataset/{collection_instance}/{task}_{floor_plan}. In each file, there are two lists:

  • First list: [task, floor_plan]
  • Second list: [first_action, second_action, ..., last_action]

The ./dataset_info/task_descriptions folder contains the descriptions of the tasks for each collection instance.

The ./dataset_info/user_tasks folder contains the collection instances and tasks that each user is in charge of, for a total of 10 users.

The AI2-THOR agent has a default configuration of grid_size=0.25, meaning that each grid block has the size of 0.25 meters.

Dataset Statistics

Dataset statistics are obtained from running python3 ./util/

The statistics can be found in ./stats.txt.

System Requirements

  • Linux (tested on Ubuntu 18.04) for using the custom AI2-THOR Unity build
  • Python 3.6
  • External Python libraries: ai2thor, keyboard, opencv-python, pillow
  • Unity 2018.3.6f1

Script Configurations

You can set configurations for custom directories and AI2-THOR settings in ./settings.txt in the {setting}={setting_choice} format.

  • actionet_path: Path to ActioNet root directory
  • ai2thor_build_path: Path to custom AI2-THOR Linux build, from, eg. ./ai2thor/unity/Builds/linux.x86_64
  • target_data_dir_for_frames: Path to folder of data files for creating frames with ./util/, eg. ./dataset/1
  • save_frames_dir: Path to save frames created with ./util/
  • save_augmented_data_dir: Path to save augmented data created with ./util/, eg. ./augmented_dataset
  • target_augmentation_file: Path to specific data file for data augmentation with ./util/, eg. ./dataset/1/Make coffee_FloorPlan1
  • random_start: Whether to initialise agent at a random position for data augmentation, eg. True or False
  • seed: Seed for randomising agent location for data augmentation
  • width: Width of AI2-THOR frame for data augmentation and saving frames
  • height: Height of AI2-THOR frame for data augmentation and saving frames

Creating Images from Data

The ./util/ file is used to replay the actions in the dataset as a series of frames, and save the frames in a chosen directory.

Settings can be found in ./settings.txt.

Some samples can be found in the ./saved_frames and ./augmented_saved_frames folders.

Data Augmentation

Sample data files can be found in the ./augmented_dataset folder. If a data file has 'TeleportFull...' as its first action, it means the agent's starting position was randomised.

The data files that can be augmented are listed in ./augmentable_data_files.txt.

Data files that have hand movements, 'ThrowObject', 'PullObject' or 'PushObject' are not augmentable.

Future Work

  • Do a final examination of the human annotated and augmented datasets
  • Explore interesting use cases

If you use ActioNet, please cite the our paper:

    title={Actionet: An Interactive End-To-End Platform For Task-Based Data Collection And Augmentation In 3D Environment},
    author={Duan, Jiafei and Yu, Samson and Tan, Hui Li and Tan, Cheston},
    booktitle={2020 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)},