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Sans Plush Game Dev edited this page Dec 20, 2023 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Beter Fanf Seciyasity Bearsch wiki! Here are some questions you may be asking yourself and their answers:

What is Beter Fanf Seciyasity Bearsch?

  • this is a meme game and passion project that i created for the hell of it because i wanted to make a powerpoint game

Is the spelling purposely horrible?

  • yes

Can I edit the powerpoint and make custom mechanics?

  • feel free! but if you post it please credit me visibly for the base and my art(unless its taken out then just for the base)

How does it work?

  • the animatronics will move when there is no light shining on them and they're in the window, if they're in the door and have a light shining on them they will still jumpscare you
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