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Inline Group Container

Paolo edited this page Sep 27, 2023 · 4 revisions

The Inline Group Container allow you to use at best the available width dividing the available width in 3 horizontal section, left, right and content; the left and the right section will use all and only the necessary width depending on their content (if any); the content section instead will use all the remaining width.

Inline Group Container IMG

Getting Started

You can drop Servoy any Servoy Web Components and nest other 12Grid containers into the left, right and content section.

You may decide to leave empty the right or left section, not necessarely you need to use these section; however you may use at least one of these 2 sections; otherwise you may not use this container at all since there is no benefit on using only the content section.

IMPORTANT! The parent container of the inline group container MUST have a known width, the inline group container is not useful at all if the width of it's top container is 'auto' (which is an unknown value).

Inline Group Container Outline

Fixed Left/Right Section Size

You may force the left and or right section to a fixed width by setting the respectively the data-leftsize and data-rightsize attribute of the inline group container to one of the pre-defined values xs, sm, md, lg.

Setting a fixed size to a section is particoularly useful when you want to align multiple label and fields using multiple inline group containers.

Fixed Section width IMG

Fixed Section width Outline

You can override the default sizes of the pre-defined values by adding the following CSS rules to the CSS styleSheet of your Solution.

 /* Inline Group Sizes */
.inline-group[data-leftsize="xs"] > .inline-group-left,
.inline-group[data-rightsize="xs"] > .inline-group-right {
 	width: 40px;
.inline-group[data-leftsize="sm"] > .inline-group-left,
.inline-group[data-rightsize="sm"] > .inline-group-right {
 	width: 80px;
.inline-group[data-leftsize="md"] > .inline-group-left,
.inline-group[data-rightsize="md"] > .inline-group-right {
 	width: 120px;
.inline-group[data-leftsize="lg"] > .inline-group-left,
.inline-group[data-rightsize="lg"] > .inline-group-right {
 	width: 160px;

You can of course decide also to add your own CSS class to set a specific width to the section instead of using the pre-defined sizes.

Responsive Section

You can enable a responsive behavior for the left section using the attribute data-responsive of the inline-group-container. You can select a breakpoint value (sm, md, lg) for which the left section will move into a new line when the screen size is smaller thane the breakpoint value; see the Bootstrap CSS Media Query for the breakpoint values.

Responsive Section IMG

Responsive Section Outline

Nesting Inline Group Containers

You can nest multiple inline group container within the content section to sub-divide the available width of the content section.