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For this project the project order detail and project order will not act a cart but as a receipt. This makes changing quanitiy and cost a lot easier to deal with and a lot less complex.

Schema View:

Getting Started:

Seems you can't export/import objects so you need to:

  1. Create the Objects with fields as seen in pic
  2. Add layout fields for easy GUI use
  3. Create Workflow Rule (Get Overall cost working on Project Order)
  • create -> Workflow & Approvals -> Workflow Rules -> New Rule -> on Project Order Detail -> -> give name like Total Cost Sum -> for field use Project Order Detail: Quantity opertaor greater than value -1 the save-> add workflow actions -> Give name and forumla as Quantity__c * Project_Products__r.Cost__c, then activate it
  1. Create Custom Tabs of objects to use GUI to populate and see and manipulte data easily. Create -> Tabs.
  2. Your environment should be good.

What's finished:

  • All objects were created
  • A Workflow rule was made

What still needs to be finished:

  • Apex class for Project Order, Project Order Details, Project Products
  • Trigger on Order detail for quantity
  • Validation on what the user can input
  • APEX code so basic business stuff works correctly. Like inventory goes down/up when something happens.

My examples for Project Customer object:

  • Add Customers through execute anonymous window (or use tabs):
Project_Customer__c customerToAdd = new Project_Customer__c();
customerToAdd.First_Name__c = 'June';
customerToAdd.Last_Name__c = 'Morgan';
customerToAdd.Address__c = '123 street rd.';
customerToAdd.Phone_Number__c = '123-123-1234';
customerToAdd.Name = 'June Morgan'; // unsure if this is also a unique identifer or just the actual name of the entry
insert customerToAdd;
System.debug('customerToAdd recordID is: ' +;
  • An APEX class for Project Customers:
public class ProjectCustomerManager {
    public static ID addProjectCustomer(String lastNameToInsert, String firstNameToInsert, String addressToInsert, String phoneToInsert, String NameToInsert) {
        Project_Customer__c customerToAdd = new Project_Customer__c(First_Name__c=firstNameToInsert, Last_Name__c=lastNameToInsert, Address__c=addressToInsert, Phone_Number__c=phoneToInsert, Name=NameToInsert);
        System.debug('customerToAdd recordID is: ' + customerToAdd.Id);
        return customerToAdd.Id;
  • Add customers with the APEX class method addProjectCustomer:
ID projectCustomerID = ProjectCustomerManager.addProjectCustomer('Rehman','Areil', '1234 Street','321-321-4321','Rehman Areil');
System.debug('Called from Execute Anonymous: ID is ' + projectCustomerID);
  • Test duplicates on project customers: Creates test data (createTestDataProjectCustomers) and finds of duplicates (testFindDuplicates)
private class ProjectCustomerManager_Test {

    private static List<Project_Customer__c> createTestDataProjectCustomers(Integer startValue, Integer endValue) {
        List<Project_Customer__c> customerToAdd = new List<Project_Customer__c>();
        for (Integer i=startValue; i <= endValue; i++) {
            Project_Customer__c customer = new Project_Customer__c(First_Name__c='TestFirst' + i, Last_Name__c='TestLast' + i, Address__c='TestAddress' + i, Phone_Number__c='TestPhone' + i, Name='TestName' + i);
        return customerToAdd;

    static testMethod void testFindDuplicates () {
        List<Project_Customer__c> oldCustomers = createTestDataProjectCustomers(0, 5);
        List<Project_Customer__c> newCustomers = createTestDataProjectCustomers(3, 6);
        Set<Project_Customer__c> duplicateCustomers = ProjectCustomerManager.findDuplicates(oldCustomers, newCustomers);
  • Added Method (findDuplicates) to the ProjectCustomerManager class for the test:
public class ProjectCustomerManager {

    public static ID addProjectCustomer(String lastNameToInsert, String firstNameToInsert, String addressToInsert, String phoneToInsert, String NameToInsert) {
        Project_Customer__c customerToAdd = new Project_Customer__c(First_Name__c=firstNameToInsert, Last_Name__c=lastNameToInsert, Address__c=addressToInsert, Phone_Number__c=phoneToInsert, Name=NameToInsert);
        System.debug('customerToAdd recordID is: ' + customerToAdd.Id);
        return customerToAdd.Id;

    public static Set<Project_Customer__c> findDuplicates (List<Project_Customer__c> oldCustomerList, List<Project_Customer__c> newCustomerList) {
        Set<Project_Customer__c> projectCustomerSet = new Set<Project_Customer__c>();
        Set<Project_Customer__c> oldCustomerSet = new Set<Project_Customer__c>(oldCustomerList);
        for (Project_Customer__c newCustomer : newCustomerList) {
            if (oldCustomerSet.contains(newCustomer)) {
        return projectCustomerSet;
  • SOQL query for Project Customers Object:
SELECT Id, Name, First_Name__c, Last_Name__c, Phone_Number__c, Address__c FROM Project_Customer__c
  • Trigger on Project Customers Object to not allow area-code 555 during insert/update:
trigger ProjectCustomerTrigger on Project_Customer__c (before 
    insert,  before update) {
    if (trigger.isBefore) {
        if (trigger.isUpdate || trigger.isInsert) {
            for (Project_Customer__c pc {
                if (pc.Phone_Number__c.substring(0,5) == '(555)') {
                    pc.addError('Invalid area code');


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