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Library for PAYU Marketplace

This library is based on "openpay/openpay" The seller verification elements for the market place have been added, as well as the marketplace service itself.

The library is currently under construction, please check back, it will be ready soon.

Remember !!

When registering a marketplace account with PayU, you must send the URL for verification notification. This address cannot be entered in the panel or sent via API. PayU employees must enter this address manually.

Celem maksymalnego skrócenia czasu rejestracji konta, przygotuj dokumenty firmy, aktywne adresy e-mail oraz numer rachunku bankowego Twojej firmy.

W zależności od formy prawnej jaką posiada Twoja firma, przygotuj poniżej wskazane dokumenty. Wykonaj ich skan lub zdjęcie oraz zapisz je na dysku komputera. W 5 kroku rejestracji konta zostaniesz poproszony o załączenie plików z kopią dokumentów. Do rejestracji będziesz potrzebował:

  • jednoosobowa działalność gospodarcza: skan dowodu osobistego właściciela firmy,
  • spółka cywilna: NIP i REGON (jeśli nie jest widoczny w KRS), skan umowy spółki cywilnej, skany dowodów osobistych wszystkich wspólników,
  • spółka akcyjna, z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, jawna, komandytowa: NIP i REGON (jeśli nie jest widoczny w KRS), skan dowodu osobistego osoby podpisującej umowę (wpisaną jako reprezentant w KRS),
  • fundacja lub stowarzyszenie: NIP i REGON (jeśli nie jest widoczny w KRS), w przypadku fundacji skan dokumentu statusowego, skan dowodu osobistego osoby reprezentującej firmę (wpisanej jako reprezentant w KRS),
  • instytucja publiczna: NIP i REGON, skan dowodu osobistego osoby reprezentującej firmę, skan dokumentu potwierdzającego utworzenie danego podmiotu.

The PAYU Marketplace PHP library provides integration access to the REST API 2.1


PHP >= 5.3 with extensions cURL and hash


Full implementation guide: English Default and English Advanced


Add the dependency to your project:

composer require dominservice/payu_marketplace


Verification new seller

Verification type:

  • PAYOUT_ACCOUNT_DATA - initialized by marketplace side. The verification with this type should contain the data of payout account and seller (submerchant). If this verification initializes seller in PayU then seller data are required. If it is just account update, then only account data are required.
  • FULL - verification which requires providing by seller all data for AML4 and payouts, typically initialized by marketplace side.
  • UPDATE - verification typically initialized by merchant side, when seller (submerchant) updates its data (eg. firm address). If merchant changes crucial data (eg. Tax id, legal type) it is required to use FULL verification.
  • REVERIFICATION - verification typically initialized by PayU, when we require merchant to update his data (eg. no longer valid document).
  • PERSONAL_ID_TAX_ID_CHANGE - initialized by marketplace side. This allows to change PERSONAL_ID for private person or TAX_IDs for legal entity. Once the KYC verification process begins, the current account and payouts are blocked until verification is completed. If the process is interrupted (e.g. the company is unable to verify itself), PayU restores the old merchant account, thus unlocking the payouts on it.

You can use the \Dominservice\PayuMarketplace\Api\PayU class to provide the correct type of verification


By default type is FULL,

Getting started

If you are using Composer use autoload functionality:

include "vendor/autoload.php";

use Dominservice\PayuMarketplace\Api\Configuration;


Important: SDK works only with 'REST API' (Checkout) points of sales (POS). If you do not already have PayU merchant account, please register in Production or please register in Sandbox

Example "Configuration keys" from Merchant Panel (used from openpayu/openpayu)


To configure OpenPayU environment you must provide a set of mandatory data in config.php file.

For production environment:

    //set Production Environment

    //set POS ID and Second MD5 Key (from merchant admin panel)

    //set Oauth Client Id and Oauth Client Secret (from merchant admin panel)

For sandbox environment:

    //set Sandbox Environment

    //set POS ID and Second MD5 Key (from merchant admin panel)

    //set Oauth Client Id and Oauth Client Secret (from merchant admin panel)

Set Cache directory:

    use Dominservice\PayuMarketplace\Api\Oauth\OauthCacheFile;

    if (!file_exists(__DIR__ . '/payu_cache')) {
        @mkdir(__DIR__ . '/payu_cache', 0777);
    Configuration::setOauthTokenCache(new OauthCacheFile(__DIR__ . '/payu_cache'));

The method is built by adding "set" or "get" to the parameter with a few exceptions

For example, if we want to add the "accountNumberFromBank" parameter, we must provide the following method

    (new Seller->setAccountNumberFromBank('111111111111111111111111111'))

If we want to get the value of this field, we have to do it like this:

    (new Seller->grtAccountNumberFromBank())

Otherwise, we add the address as well as the statementData->address

    // (new Seller())->setAddress([country ISO code], [street], [zipcode], [city], [is account cloned])
    (new Seller())->setAddress('PL', 'Zatylna 23/3', '00-001', 'Testowo', true|false)
    // (new Seller())->setStatementAddress([country ISO code], [street], [zipcode], [city])
    (new Seller())->setStatementAddress('PL', 'Zatylna 23/3', '00-001', 'Testowo')

But if we want to get the value of one of them we use getAddress() in both cases because the above methods are used for different CURL queries.

    (new Seller())->getAddress()

For the fields 'hasDocument', 'verified', 'foreign' the value must be true or false, in immy if we enter anything, the value will be true, and if we enter nothing, the value will be false.

For the rest of the fields in the 'statementData' table, we give methods with the value of the field name as in the examples below.


use Dominservice\PayuMarketplace\Api\Oauth\OauthGrantType;
use Dominservice\PayuMarketplace\Api\PayU;
use Dominservice\PayuMarketplace\Exception\ConfigException;
use Dominservice\PayuMarketplace\Exception\PayuMarketplaceException;
use Dominservice\PayuMarketplace\Exception\VerificationException;
use Dominservice\PayuMarketplace\Marketplace;
use Dominservice\PayuMarketplace\Api\Verification;
use Dominservice\PayuMarketplace\Seller;


$sellerId = 'dso_seller_test';
$verificationId = null;
$verificationStatus = null;
$sellerInfo = (new Seller())->initializingVerification($sellerId);
$response = $sellerInfo->getResponse();

if (!empty($response->verificationId)) {
    $verificationId = $response->verificationId;
if (!empty($response->status)) {
    $verificationStatus = $response->status;

if ($verificationId && $verificationStatus === 'WAITING_FOR_DATA') {
    $sellerVerification = (new Seller())
        ->setAddress('PL', 'Zatylna 23/3', '00-001', 'Testowo')
        ->setLegalForm(PayU::LEGAL_FORM_SOLE_TRADER) // "legalForm value please place PRIVATE_PERSON or SOLE_TRADER."
        ->setGusCode('099') //,pojecie.html
        ->setRegistryNumber(123456789) // Polish REGON

    if (!$sellerVerification->getError()) {
        $associateId = $this->uuid();
        $sellerAssociates = (new Seller())
        // $filename = $_FILES['file']['name'];
        // $filePath = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
        // $filesize = $_FILES['file']['size'];
        $filename = 'przud';
        $filePath = __DIR__ . '/test_dowód_przud.jpg');
        $filesize = strlen(file_get_contents($filePath));
        $filename2 = 'tył';
        $filePath2 = __DIR__ . '/test_dowód_tył.jpg');
        $filesize2 = strlen(file_get_contents($filePath2));

        if (function_exists('curl_file_create')) { // php 5.5+
            $cFile = curl_file_create($filePath);
            $cFile2 = curl_file_create($filePath2);
        } else {
            $cFile = '@' . realpath($filePath);
            $cFile2 = '@' . realpath($filePath2);
        $sellerFiles = [];
        $sellerFile = (new Seller())
            ->setSellerFile($filename, $cFile, $filesize);
        if ($fileResponse = $sellerFile->getResponse()) {
            $sellerFiles[$filename] = $fileResponse->fileId;
        $sellerFile = (new Seller())
            ->setSellerFile($filename2, $cFile2, $filesize);
        if ($fileResponse = $sellerFile->getResponse()) {
            $sellerFiles[$filename2] = $fileResponse->fileId;
        if (!empty($sellerFiles)) {
            $sellerDocumentId = $this->uuid();
            $sellerDocument = (new Seller())
            $associateDocumentId = $this->uuid();
            $associateDocument = (new Seller())
                ->setDocumentNumber('QWE 111111')

//        $order = (new Marketplace())
//            ->setNotifyUrl(route('payu_test_notify'))
//            ->setCustomer(
//                '',
//                '555555555',
//                'Tester',
//                'Oblatywacz',
//                'pl'
//            )
//            ->setSellerFee($sellerId, 10)
//            ->setProduct($sellerId, 'Produkt testowy', 23, 5, date('Y-m-d'))
//            ->setShippingMethods($sellerId, 'PL', 12, 'Przewożnik A')
//            ->setCurrency('PLN')
//            ->setDescription('bla bla blaS')
//            ->createOrder(time());


Library for PAYU Marketplace







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