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kmcnaught edited this page Jan 13, 2022 · 26 revisions

✨ EyeMine version 2 is here! ✨

If you're an existing user interested in what new features are available, check out our EyeMineV2 walkthrough video on youtube

Welcome to the EyeMine wiki!

EyeMine is a project that allows you to play Minecraft using only eye control. It involves an assistive keyboard (EyeMine) as well as a custom mod that makes makes some changes behind the scenes to make Minecraft more accessible.

EyeMine is developed by SpecialEffect, a UK based charity which uses video games and technology to enhance the quality of life of people with disabilities. The project is entirely open-source and free to use for anyone with a Minecraft account.

Download and install EyeMine here

YouTube demo

Access requirements

EyeMine is designed to provide access to Minecraft for a wide range of abilities. It is currently targeted at 3 different levels of eye-gaze access, and users can move up through the levels as they progress.

If you can use eye gaze to select a square button that is about 1/4 of the height of your monitor, then you're good to go! You should be able to:

  • explore a (creative) Minecraft world, by walking and flying around
  • mine and explore underground
  • attack monsters and animals

If you are able to use eye gaze to select smaller buttons, you can work your way through the more advanced versions to unlock functionality including:

  • riding minecarts and boats
  • building things
  • selecting items from your inventory
  • chatting

For more information, see Different interaction levels

System Requirements

  • You need a Windows PC running at least Windows 7. EyeMine is not compatible with Minecraft on mobile or gaming consoles.
  • Your computer must have the minimum spec for Minecraft: Minecraft requirements
  • You need one of the eye-trackers listed here: Supported eye-trackers
    • Check the requirements of the eyetracker you want to use and make sure your PC meets the spec.
  • Finally, you will need to buy a copy of Minecraft Java Edition or sign up for an account with a free trial - see Getting a Minecraft account


EyeMine is written by Kirsty McNaught, with the eye gaze interface based on OptiKey by Julius Sweetland.

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