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Diego Gonzalez Marignac edited this page May 14, 2017 · 1 revision

Strange Metrics is an Open Source Fraud Management Service (FMS) aimed at fighting the non-legit activity in the Affiliates industry.



The platform where Strange Metrics (SM) will get the reports from. For version 0.1 we are starting with one the most popular trackers in the market, HasOffers from Tune.


An analysis is a set of metrics and behaviors to apply in a list of offers. Also, each analysis will come with a particular number of metrics to configure, like minimum conversion rates, or time of delta between click and conversion.


In the report you will find all the cases SM found with metrics exceeding the ones configured in the Analysis settings.

Unit of Traffic

The combination of affiliate_id and subsequent aff_sub(2 to 5). For example: affiliate_id="1000" and aff_sub="abc".


When there are more than a few metrics in the report belonging to the same unit of traffic, a case will be created so you can create a conversation with the supplier of the traffic and have a unified place with the resolution of the case.

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