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A Fixed-Yield Aggregator & Meta Principal Token

Users can deposit an integrated protocol's (swivel, yield, notional, sense, pendle, apwine, tempus, element) principal token within a given maturity to mint an aggregated, "meta" zero-coupon, "iPTs" (working name).

A frontend can then direct a user to the correct illuminate.sol lending function, which then lends to a given protocol (acquiring zero-coupon tokens) and deposits/mints iPTs.

On-chain applications can also purchase the iPT through our Marketplace.sol router, or direct YieldSpace AMM implementation with the knowledge that the rate is gaurunteed to be the highest collateralized rate in web3.

Should the iPT not trade at the lowest price on the market (meaning the highest rate for buyers), arbitrageurs can simply deposit/mint iPTs with the cheapest alternative, and arbitrage the current open market trading price.


Illuminate's smart contracts are located here, stored by version. Their associated abi and bin compilation assets are also here for convenience.

Current Deployments

  • Mainnet
    • MarketPlace: 0xcd1D02fDa51CD24123e857CE94e4356D5C073b3f
    • Lender: 0x429B47C4AEADD42BBcB118651C8984086Bfc4551
    • Redeemer: 0x4eA57ef203E91AE8c7D9822aa09CC719a9c01aC6
    • Deployed Market:
      • maturity: 1688342400 (JUN 23)
      • underlying: 0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48 (USDC)
      • iPT Yield Space Pool: 0xCC696A6a6174CF592e5CBF680F2aa95b02e98E15
      • Illuminate PT (ERC 5095): 0x3393f10c89F59d8c2533E559F931D147259A0A1B
      • Swivel PT: 0x7918dAf8f0F00c585DDadACd40dd215b6fF11897
      • Sense PT: 0x869a70c198c937801b26d2701dc8e4e8c4de354a
      • Notional PT: 0x3f4b94D67FA86638f3dB925e4Ce6926471b27953
  • Goerli
    • MarketPlace: 0xDBcaCe3715a2206113a81e6cC02e8aBE907Ece26
    • Lender: 0xb338Caa1488c319a1E938af02ab1BBe74dc7Fd17
    • Redeemer: 0x8CA4ef1314Ce95Dfb965c31a96C6E3d111Cc1079
    • Deployed Market:
      • maturity: 1696115940 (SEP 23)
      • underlying: 0x07865c6E87B9F70255377e024ace6630C1Eaa37F (USDC)
      • iPT Yield Space Pool: 0x81B48E253E92f1501DF0277b958CAF8121d05e4e
      • Illuminate PT (ERC 5095): 0xBa8647Fbc6D11fa6d634289D0627c1eD29d54D07
      • Swivel PT: 0xac7e226c324103d8709c63c175a137c1436f5ed5
      • Yield PT: 0x868E267912E8E94BF27F91aBCAfA6a4BC283Eb5C


To build the project, run forge build --via-ir.


To serve the docs locally, run forge doc --serve.


To run tests, install Foundry and use forge test. To operate the tests in test/fork, you will have to provide an RPC url and block number via an environment variable. The following is an example command to call the tests:

forge test --fork-url ${RPC_URL} --fork-block-number ${BLOCK_NUMBER} --use solc:0.8.16

Note that some tests are currently skipped. These tests' names will end with Skip. To avoid running them, add --no-match-test "Skip\(\B" to the test command.

There are also unit tests that can be found in test/unit.


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