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Technologicat committed Nov 21, 2019
1 parent 434256b commit 3b5d991
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229 changes: 8 additions & 221 deletions
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SHORTDESC = "Supercharge your Python with parts of Lisp and Haskell."

# Long description for package homepage on PyPI
DESC = """We provide missing features for Python, mainly from the list processing
tradition, but with some haskellisms mixed in. We place a special emphasis on
**clear, pythonic syntax**.
Optionally, we also provide extensions to the Python language as a set of
syntactic macros that are designed to work together. Each macro adds an
orthogonal piece of functionality that can (mostly) be mixed and matched
with the others.
Design considerations are simplicity, robustness, and minimal dependencies.
Currently none required; MacroPy optional, to enable the syntactic macros.
**Without macros**, our features include tail call optimization (TCO), TCO'd
loops in FP style, call/ec, let & letrec, assign-once, multi-expression lambdas,
dynamic assignment (a.k.a. *parameterize*, *special variables*), memoization
(also for generators and iterables), currying, function composition,
folds and scans (left and right), unfold, lazy partial unpacking of iterables,
functional update for sequences, pythonic lispy linked lists (``cons``), and
compact syntax for creating mathematical sequences that support infix math.
Our curry modifies Python's reduction rules. It passes any extra arguments
through on the right, and calls a callable return value on the remaining
arguments, so that we can::
mymap = lambda f: curry(foldr, composerc(cons, f), nil)
myadd = lambda a, b: a + b
assert curry(mymap, myadd, ll(1, 2, 3), ll(2, 4, 6)) == ll(3, 6, 9)
with_n = lambda *args: (partial(f, n) for n, f in args)
clip = lambda n1, n2: composel(*with_n((n1, drop), (n2, take)))
assert tuple(curry(clip, 5, 10, range(20))) == tuple(range(5, 15))
If MacroPy is installed, ``unpythonic.syntax`` becomes available. It provides
macros that essentially extend the Python language, adding features that would
be either complicated or impossible to provide (and/or use) otherwise.
**With macros**, we add automatic currying, automatic tail-call optimization
(TCO), call-by-need (lazy functions), continuations (``call/cc`` for Python),
``let-syntax`` (splice code at macro expansion time), lexically scoped
``let`` and ``do`` with lean syntax, implicit return statements, and
easy-to-use multi-expression lambdas with local variables.
The TCO macro has a fairly extensive expression analyzer, so things like
``and``, ``or``, ``a if p else b`` and any uses of the ``do[]`` and ``let[]``
macros are accounted for when performing the tail-call transformation.
The continuation system is based on a semi-automated partial conversion into
continuation-passing style (CPS), with continuations represented as closures.
It also automatically applies TCO, using the same machinery as the TCO macro.
To keep the runtime overhead somewhat reasonable, the continuation is captured
only where explicitly requested with ``call_cc[]``.
Macro examples::
# let, letseq (let*), letrec with no boilerplate
a = let((x, 17),
(y, 23))[
(x, y)]
# alternate haskelly syntax
a = let[((x, 21),(y, 17), (z, 4)) in x + y + z]
a = let[x + y + z, where((x, 21), (y, 17), (z, 4))]
# cond: multi-branch "if" expression
answer = lambda x: cond[x == 2, "two",
x == 3, "three",
"something else"]
assert answer(42) == "something else"
# do: imperative code in any expression position
y = do[local[x << 17],
x << 23,
assert y == 23
# autocurry like Haskell
with curry:
def add3(a, b, c):
return a + b + c
assert add3(1)(2)(3) == 6
# actually partial application so these work, too
assert add3(1, 2)(3) == 6
assert add3(1)(2, 3) == 6
assert add3(1, 2, 3) == 6
mymap = lambda f: foldr(composerc(cons, f), nil)
myadd = lambda a, b: a + b
assert mymap(myadd, ll(1, 2, 3), ll(2, 4, 6)) == ll(3, 6, 9)
# lazy functions (call-by-need) like Haskell
with lazify:
def f(a, b):
return a
def g(a, b):
return f(2*a, 3*b)
assert g(21, 1/0) == 42 # the 1/0 is never evaluated
# automatic tail-call optimization (TCO) like Scheme, Racket
with tco:
assert letrec((evenp, lambda x: (x == 0) or oddp(x - 1)),
(oddp, lambda x: (x != 0) and evenp(x - 1)))[
evenp(10000)] is True
# lambdas with multiple expressions, local variables, and a name
with multilambda, namedlambda:
myadd = lambda x, y: [print("myadding", x, y),
local[tmp << x + y],
print("result is", tmp),
assert myadd(2, 3) == 5
assert myadd.__name__ == "myadd"
# implicit "return" in tail position, like Lisps
with autoreturn:
def f():
"I'll just return this"
assert f() == "I'll just return this"
def g(x):
if x == 1:
elif x == 2:
"something else"
assert g(1) == "one"
assert g(2) == "two"
assert g(42) == "something else"
# splice code at macro expansion time
with let_syntax:
with block(a) as twice:
with block(x, y, z) as appendxyz:
lst += [x, y, z]
lst = []
twice(appendxyz(7, 8, 9))
assert lst == [7, 8, 9]*2
# lispy prefix syntax for function calls
with prefix:
(print, "hello world")
# the LisThEll programming language
with prefix, curry:
mymap = lambda f: (foldr, (compose, cons, f), nil)
double = lambda x: 2 * x
(print, (mymap, double, (q, 1, 2, 3)))
assert (mymap, double, (q, 1, 2, 3)) == ll(2, 4, 6)
# the HasThon programming language
with curry, lazify:
def add2first(a, b, c):
return a + b
assert add2first(2)(3)(1/0) == 5
assert letrec[((c, 42),
(d, 1/0),
(e, 2*c)) in
add2first(c)(e)(d)] == 126
# call/cc for Python
with continuations:
stack = []
def amb(lst, cc): # McCarthy's amb operator
if not lst:
return fail()
first, *rest = tuple(lst)
if rest:
ourcc = cc
stack.append(lambda: amb(rest, cc=ourcc))
return first
def fail():
if stack:
f = stack.pop()
return f()
def pythagorean_triples(maxn):
z = call_cc[amb(range(1, maxn+1))]
y = call_cc[amb(range(1, z+1))]
x = call_cc[amb(range(1, y+1))]
if x*x + y*y != z*z:
return fail()
return x, y, z
x = pythagorean_triples(20)
while x:
x = fail()
# if Python didn't already have generators, we could add them with call/cc:
with continuations:
@dlet((k, None)) # let-over-def decorator
def g():
if k:
return k()
def my_yield(value, cc):
k << cc # rebind the k in the @dlet env
cc = identity # override current continuation
return value
# generator body
out = []
x = g()
while x is not None:
x = g()
assert out == [1, 2, 3]
For documentation and full examples, see the project's GitHub homepage,
and the docstrings of the individual features. For even more examples,
see the unit tests included in the source distribution.

# Set up data files for packaging.
# Directories (relative to the top-level directory where resides) in which to look for data files.
Expand All @@ -272,6 +52,11 @@ def my_yield(value, cc):
import os
from setuptools import setup

def read(*relpath, **kwargs): #
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), *relpath),
encoding=kwargs.get('encoding', 'utf8')) as fh:

# Gather user-defined data files
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -323,8 +108,10 @@ def my_yield(value, cc):



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