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I run a small baking service, I hope some of the following filters may be useful to anyone baking

jq is a utility for reading JSON output Tezos offers some RPC commands that return a JSON object of information from the running node. jq allows one to filter the results into a more usable form, this can then be used in a bash script to help with monitoring of the node. I use Mathematica for most of my work, but my node runs in Ubuntu 18.04, the rest of the time I use a Mac. I hope these filters are useful to people

First a few things > and >> in Ubuntu mean redirect output; > means overwrite >> means append to end of file. So the command > will redirect the output of to . >> would append the output to . The following link has all the RPCs currently available

The following RPC ./tezos-client rpc get /network/peers?filter='running' >> test.json appends a list of running peers to test.json The command jq '[.[][0]] | length' test.json will return the number of running peers, I use this command to determine if the running peer count ever drops to zero. By running the RPC every few minutes on the node I can record a log of the active peer count.

To do this I use a bash script like follows

while true
$HOME/tezos/./tezos-client rpc get /network/peers?filter='running' >> test.json
sleep 3000

Saving this as file as say check_peers and then adding executable status for all users by typing sudo chmod a+x check_peers The script is then run by typing ./check_peers in a new terminal window.

The following RPC will return the number of unique bakers in cycle 21:

./tezos-client rpc get /chains/main/blocks/head/helpers/baking_rights?'cycle=21&max_priority=1'| jq '[.[].delegate] | unique | length'

The RPC:

./tezos-client rpc get /chains/main/blocks/head/context/delegates/tz1eZwq8b5cvE2bPKokatLkVMzkxz24z3Don > test.json

gives you all the information about a baking address

Then the following jq filters will extract the information

  1. jq '[.frozen_balance_by_cycle[].rewards | tonumber] | add' test.json : Total the rewards per cycles of the contract
  2. jq '.delegated_contracts[]' test.json : All contracts that are delegating to the Baker
  3. jq '[.frozen_balance_by_cycle[].deposit | tonumber] | add' test.json : Total of deposits
  4. jq '[.frozen_balance_by_cycle[].fees | tonumber] | add' test.json : Total of fees earned
  5. jq '.balance' test.json : Get Balance of the Baker
  6. jq '.frozen_balance' test.json : Get Frozen balance of the Baker
  7. jq '[.delegated_balance]' test.json : The delegated balance of the Baker
  8. jq '[.delegated_contracts[]] | unique | length' test.json : Number of unique addresses delegating

The previous RPC gets the information about the head block the following RPC gets the information from a block an integer number (in this case 60 000 levels) before the head.

./tezos-client rpc get /chains/main/blocks/head\~60000/context/delegates/tz1eZwq8b5cvE2bPKokatLkVMzkxz24z3Don > test.json

You can also put a block-id like BM4TJHwLhjNz2UkiMwAb2He9gr7LcxG5bkNsPqyw4zGd18sc6wy\~60000 instead of head. Notice its a tilde sign \~ not a minus sign -

The following bash script automates the procedure This bash script automates the procedure (need to do sudo chmod a+x 'filename')

while true
sleep 10
$HOME/tezos/./tezos-client rpc get /chains/main/blocks/head~$i/context/delegates/tz1eZwq8b5cvE2bPKokatLkVMzkxz24z3Don >> test.js

I use a script like this to jump back a cycle at a time to calculate what delegates I have and therefore what rewards are due to each. I have not put the script up, I am not absolutely certain its right :-), but you get the idea.

Network filters

./tezos-client rpc get /network/connections > test.json

  1. jq '.[].peer_id' test.json : Gives list of connected peers
  2. jq '.[].id_point' test.json : Gives list in same order as before of IP and port Number

More on Baking Rights

./tezos-client rpc get /chains/main/blocks/head/helpers/baking_rights?"cycle=$myCycle&delegate=tz1eZwq8b5cvE2bPKokatLkVMzkxz24z3Don&max_priority=2" > node_baking_rights.json

Previous command will get the data from the node about baking Now lets filter it to a csv file

Write Headers

jq -r '.[-1]| keys_unsorted|@csv' node_baking_rights.json > node_baking_rights.csv

Append data

jq -r  '.|map([.level,.delegate,.priority,.estimated_time])|.[] | @csv' node_baking_rights.json >> node_baking_rights.csv

Now for Past Data

./tezos-client rpc get /chains/main/blocks/head/context/delegates/tz1eZwq8b5cvE2bPKokatLkVMzkxz24z3Don > node_past_rewards.json

Write headers

jq  -r '.frozen_balance_by_cycle[0]| keys|@csv' node_past_rewards.json > node_past_rewards.csv

Append Data

jq -r  '[.frozen_balance_by_cycle[]]|map([(.cycle),(.deposit|tonumber),(.fees|tonumber),(.rewards|tonumber)])|.[] | @csv' node_past_rewards.json >> node_past_rewards.csv 

Endorsing rights

./tezos-client rpc get /chains/main/blocks/head/helpers/endorsing_rights?"cycle=$myCycle&delegate=tz1eZwq8b5cvE2bPKokatLkVMzkxz24z3Don" > node_endorsing_rights.json

Write Headings

jq -r '[.[-1]|keys_unsorted[]]|[.[0],.[1],.[3],.[2]]|@csv' node_endorsing_rights.json > node_endorsing_rights.csv

Append Data

jq -r  '.|map([.level,.delegate,.estimated_time,(.slots|.[])])|.[] |@csv' node_endorsing_rights.json >> node_endorsing_rights.csv

Some filters for tzscan

Read Data

curl --fail --silent --show-error$myCycle > tzscan_rewards_split.json

Write Headings

echo "Contract", "Balance", "Cycle", $myCycle > tzscan_contract_balances.csv

Append Data

jq -r '[.delegators_balance[]]|map([.[0].tz,(.[1]|tonumber)])|.[]|@csv' tzscan_rewards_split.json >> tzscan_contract_balances.csv


Some filters for tezos node RPC calls using jq







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