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Jaudiotagger is a Java API for audio metatagging. Both a common API and format specific APIs are available, currently supports reading and writing metadata for:

  • Mp3
  • Flac
  • OggVorbis
  • Mp4
  • Aiff
  • Wav
  • Wma
  • Dsf

The main project page is and you can contact the main developer via


Jaudiotagger requires Java 1.8


Jaudiotagger welcomes contributors, if you make an improvement or bug fix we are very likely to merge it back into the master branch with a minimum of fuss.

If you can't contribute code but would like to support this project please consider making a donation—donations can be made at here.

Include in your Project

Latest release is 3.0.1 available from Maven central repository, so to use in your project just include the following in your applications pom.xml file



Directory structure as follows:

Under source control

  • src : source code directory
  • srctest : source test code directory
  • www : java doc directory
  • testdata : test files for use by the junit tests, not all tests are included in the distribution because of copyright
  • target : contains the jaudiotagger***.jar built from maven

IDE files

  • jaudiotagger.iml : JetBrains Intellij Module
  • jaudiotagger.ipr : JetBrains Intellij Project


  • license.txt : license file

Local Build details

Build is with Maven.

pom.xml : Maven build file

To compile, test, build javadocs and install into your local repository run

mvn install

To generate a website for Jaudiotagger including code coverage reports run

mvn site

they will be found in target/site/index.html.

Your test coverage can be seen at target/site/cobertura/index.html.

Notes Maven Central Release instructions

  • modify pom to remove SNAPSHOT from version
  • commit pom.xml
  • Create version tag of the form vx.x.x
  • git push origin vx.x.x
  • mvn clean deploy -Prelease
  • Login to
  • Release the release
  • Wait for it on Maven Central
  • modify pom to increase version number and reinstate SNAPSHOT part