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Weather Stations Monitoring

Design Data-Intensive Apps Course Project

Project Description

The Internet of Things (IoT) is an important source of data streams in the modern digital world.
The “Things” are huge in count and emit messages in very high frequency which flood the
global internet. Hence, efficient stream processing is inevitable.

One use case is the distributed weather stations use case. Each “weather station” emits
readings for the current weather status to the “central base station” for persistence and
analysis. In this project, you will find the implementation of the architecture of a weather
monitoring system.


Ahmed Aboeleid

Mohamed Salama

Youssef Bazina

Table of Content


Note This setup for Ubuntu

Local Setup

  1. Run Kafka Commands Respectively

    Service Command
    Zoo Keeper bin/ config/
    Kafka Server bin/ config/
    Create Weather Status Messages Topic bin/ --create --topic weather-status-messages --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
    Create Raining Status Messages Topic bin/ --create --topic raining-status-messages --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
    Run Kafka Consumer bin/ --topic weather-status-messages --from-beginning --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
  2. Run Bitcask.

  3. Run Base Central Station.

  4. Run Weather Station. Run multiple instances with arguments station_id latitude longitude to simulate multiple stations, e.g. 1 30.0444 31.2357.

  5. Run Kafka Processor.

Now you can see the messages in each terminal.

K8s Setup

Not implemented yet.

System Architecture

System Architecture Diagram

Data Acquisition

Multiple Weather Stations which feed a message queueing service Kafka with their readings.

Weather Stations

  • Implemented in Weather Station
  • Weather station gets its data from Open-Meteo API according to a latitude and longitude the API.
  • Data is fetched every 1 second.
  • The properties of this data is battery distribution(30% low - 40% medium - 30% high) and dropping percentage of 10%.
  • Built using Adapter Integration Pattern to connect our App to Open-Meteo and to receive data on the needed-form.

Kafka Processor

  • Implemented in Kafka Processor.
  • There are two types of processing following
Processing Type Description
Dropping Messages Processes messages by probabilistic sampling of 10%, then throw some of them away
Raining Areas Processes messages and detects rain when humidity > 70%, then pass new messages to raining topic. Kafka Streams and Filters are used to do this
  • Kafka streams produce messages to Weather Topic And records which have humidity > 70 (Pipe & Filter Patterns) go to Raining Topic.
  • Built using Envelope Wrapper as each message Kafka streams unwraps it and processes it then wraps it again as raining status message.
  • Dropped messages go to Invalid Channel which is a RocksDB.

Data Processing and Archiving

  • Data Processing and Archiving is implemented in Base Central Station.
  • It consumes messages from Weather Topic and Raining Topic.
  • It then writes them to Parquet Files, Parquet writer aggregates every 10k records and flushes them to the file.
  • Files are partitioned by day and station_id.
  • When the writer shuts down, when it restarts it will create a new file for the same station if it's the same day with new version number.

Base Central Station UML Diagram

Data Indexing

  1. BitCask Storage
  2. Elasticsearch and Kibana

Bitcask Storage

  • Implemented in bitCask With JavaDocs.
  • We implemented the BitCask Riak LSM to maintain an updated store of each station status as discussed in This paper
    • Scheduled Compaction over Replica Files to avoid disrupting active readers.

    • Tombstones for deletions to mark deleted entries, so they are skipped at compaction process.

    • The Entry Structure in active and replica files is as follows

      ENTRY timestamp key size value size key value
      SIZE 8 bytes 4 bytes 4 bytes key size value size
    • The Entry Structure in hint files is as follows

      ENTRY timestamp key size value size value position key
      SIZE 8 bytes 4 bytes 4 bytes 8 bytes key size
    • Crash Recovery Mechanism

      • Create a new in-memory structure called keydir.
      • Reads hint files if found, from start to end, and fill keydir with key value pairs.
      • If hint file is not found for specific timestamp, it reads Active file, from start to end, and fill keydir with key value pairs.
    • Compaction Mechanism

      • Loop on all replica files, read each replica file from start to end, add its key value pairs to hashMap.
      • Loop on keydir, write each key value as entry in a compacted file.
      • Delete replica files.
    • MultiWriter concurrency Mechanism

      • One writer at a time, other writers wait until the lock is released.
      • Multiple readers can read at the same time.
    • No checksums implemented to detect errors.

Bitcask UML Diagram

Elasticsearch and Kibana

  • Implemented in elastic-search-and-kibana.
  • A command is run to loop on parquet files in elasticsearch.
  • Kibana's visualisations confirming Battery status distribution of some stations confirming the battery distribution of stations
  • Kibana's visualisations calculating the percentage of dropped messages from stations confirming the required percentage 10%


A distributed weather stations monitoring system






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