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Wallet Inc

Access to this module is presently restricted to customers of Wallet Inc. Reach out on Discord for help.


This module provides a server-side SDK for integrating with the CRM & Digital Payments platform provided by Wallet Inc. For details about the Wallet Platform, please visit

For detailed API documentation and detailed steps to create your API key for authenticated requests, please visit the Wallet Developer Hub (


npm install wallet

To test examples

cd examples
npm install # Install ts-node to run typescript examples without transpilation


Create and manipulate Membership Tiers

import * as api from "wallet";
import * as constants from "./constants";


async function membershipTiers() {
    let tiersClient = new api.MembershipTiersApi(constants.domain);

    // Create new membership tier
    let tier = await tiersClient.createMembershipTier({
        tierNumber: "1",
        tierName: "GOLD",
        tierDiscount: 20,
        tierDesignID: "JSUilOPE98",
        pointsDesignID: "L918AJ7356"
    }, constants.headers).catch(err => {
        throw err;
    }).then(resp => {
        return resp.body

    // The membership tier that has just been created

    // Fetch the created tier
    tier = (await tiersClient.fetchMembershipTierById(, constants.headers)).body;

    tier = await tiersClient.updateMembershipTier(, {
        tierName: "SILVER"
    }, constants.headers).catch(err => {
        throw err;
    }).then(resp => {
        return resp.body

    // Archive the membership tier
    tier = await tiersClient.archiveMembershipTier(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body

    console.log(tier.isActive); // This will be false, since the tier has just been archived

    // Restore the membership tier
    tier = await tiersClient.restoreMembershipTier(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body

    console.log(tier.isActive); // This will be true, since the tier has just been restored

    // Fetch paginated tier history logs
    let historyLogs = (await tiersClient.fetchMembershipTierHistoryLog({
        pageSize: 10,
        pageNum: 1,
    }, constants.headers)).body;


    let redemptionLogs = (await tiersClient.fetchMembershipTierRedemptionLog({
        pageSize: 10,
        pageNum: 1,
    }, constants.headers)).body;


    // Fetch the list of tiers with members
    let tiersList = ((await (tiersClient.fetchAllMembershipTiersWithMemberCount(false, constants.headers))).body);

Create and manipulate Payment Designs

import * as api from "wallet";
import * as constants from "./constants";


async function paymentDesigns() {
    let designClient = new api.PaymentDesignsApi(constants.domain);

    // Create a new payment design
    let design = await designClient.createPaymentDesign({
        borderColor: "#f0f0f0",
        borderStyleType: "Dashed",
        borderSize: "4px",
        borderRadius: 2,
        fontColor: "#777777",
        fontType: "Arial",
        abbreviation: "ABBR",
        acronym: "AR",
        icon: "fa-anchor",
        designName: "Thanksgiving Design",
        displayName: "Decorator",
    }, constants.headers).catch(err => {
        throw err;
    }).then(resp => {
        return resp.body

    // The payment design that has just been created

    // Fetch the created design
    design = (await designClient.fetchPaymentDesignById(, constants.headers)).body;

    // Change the borderColor and borderSize of the payment design
    design = await designClient.updatePaymentDesign(, {,
        borderColor: "#050505",
        borderSize: "6px",
    }, constants.headers).catch(err => {
        throw err;
    }).then(resp => {
        return resp.body

    // Archive the payment design
    design = await designClient.archivePaymentDesign(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body

    console.log(design.isActive); // This will be false, since the design has just been archived

    // Restore the payment design
    design = await designClient.restorePaymentDesign(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body
    console.log(design.isActive); // This will be true, since the design has just been restored

    // Fetch all payment designs
    let designs = (await designClient.fetchAllPaymentDesigns(false, constants.headers)).body;

Create and manipulate Club Members

import * as api from "wallet";
import { PaginationRequestWithSortOptions } from "wallet";
import * as constants from "./constants";


async function clubMembers() {
    let membersClient = new api.ClubMembersPointsApi(constants.domain);

    // Create new club member
    let member = await membersClient.createMember({
        firstName: "John",
        lastName: "Doe",
        membershipTierID: "HDywI893LQ",
        mobileNumber: "+1807654543",
        pointsAccrued: 2000,
        memberID: "MEM001"
    }, constants.headers).catch(err => {
        throw err;
    }).then(resp => {
        return resp.body

    // The club member that has just been created

    // Fetch the created member
    member = (await membersClient.fetchMemberById(, constants.headers)).body;

    member = await membersClient.updateMember(, {
        mobileNumber: "+1809863542"
    }, constants.headers).catch(err => {
        throw err;
    }).then(resp => {
        return resp.body

    // Archive the club member
    member = await membersClient.archiveMember(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body

    console.log(member.isActive); // This will be false, since the member has just been archived

    // Restore the club member
    member = await membersClient.restoreMember(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body

    console.log(member.isActive); // This will be true, since the member has just been restored

    // Fetch members by page
    let members = (await membersClient.fetchMembersByPage({
        pageSize: 10, pageNum: 1, sortKey: PaginationRequestWithSortOptions.SortKeyEnum.CreatedAt


    // Fetch paginated member history logs
    let historyLogs = (await membersClient.fetchMemberHistoryLog({
        pageSize: 10,
        pageNum: 1,
    }, constants.headers)).body;


    let redemptionLogs = (await membersClient.fetchMemberRedemptionLog({
        pageSize: 10,
        pageNum: 1,
    }, constants.headers)).body;


    // Fetch the count of members
    let membersCount = ((await (membersClient.fetchMembersCount(constants.headers))).body).count;

Create and manipulate Advertisement Credits

import * as api from "wallet";
import * as constants from "./constants";


async function advertisementCredits() {
    let client = new api.AdvertisementCreditsApi(constants.domain);

    let title = "Ad Credit API Client (New Headers)";

    // Create a new advertisement credit
    let adCredit = await client.createAdvertisementCredit({
        title: title,
        valueType: "percent",
        paymentDesignID: "jbkVgPTgoo",
        maxUses: 5,
        discountValue: 500,
    }, constants.headers).catch(err => {
        throw err;
    }).then(resp => {
        return resp.body

    // The advertisement credit that has just been created

    // Fetch the advertisement credit that has just been created
    adCredit = (await client.fetchAdvertisementCreditById(, constants.headers)).body;

    // Update the advertisement credit with a new maxUses count
    adCredit = await client.updateAdvertisementCredit(, {
        title: `${title} Update`,
        valueType: "percent",
        paymentDesignID: "jbkVgPTgoo",
        maxUses: 10,
        discountValue: 1000,
    }, constants.headers).catch(err => {
        throw err;
    }).then(resp => {
        return resp.body

    // Retrieve all the scans
    let scans = (await client.fetchAdvertisementCreditScans(, constants.headers)).body;
    console.log("All scans: " + JSON.stringify(scans));

    // Archive the advertisement credit
    adCredit = await client.archiveAdvertisementCredit(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body

    console.log(adCredit.isActive); // This will be false, since the advertisement credit has just been archived

    // Restore the advertisement credit
    adCredit = await client.restoreAdvertisementCredit(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body

    console.log(adCredit.isActive); // This will be true, since the advertisement credit has just been restored

    // Fetch all the active advertisement credits
    let adCredits = (await client.fetchAllAdvertisementCredits(false, constants.headers)).body;
    console.log("Active advertisement credits: ", JSON.stringify(adCredit));

Create and manipulate Link Book Links

import * as api from "wallet";
import * as constants from "./constants";


async function linkBook() {
    let client = new api.LinkBookApi(constants.domain);

    // Create a new link book link
    let link = await client.createLinkBook({
        title: "External Link",
        url: "",
        icon: "fa-clock",
        orderNumber: 1,
        linkBookSectionID: "",
    }, constants.headers).catch(err => {
        throw err;
    }).then(resp => {
        return resp.body

    // The link book link that has just been created

    // Update the link book link with a new url
    link = await client.updateLinkBook(, {,
        url: ""
    }, constants.headers).catch(err => {
        throw err;
    }).then(resp => {
        return resp.body

    // Archive the link book link
    link = await client.archiveLinkBook(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body

    console.log(link.isActive); // This will be false, since the link book link has just been archived

    // Restore the link book link
    link = await client.restoreLinkBook(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body

    console.log(link.isActive); // This will be true, since the link book link has just been restored

    // Fetch all links
    let links = (await client.fetchAllLinkBook(false, constants.headers)).body;

Create and manipulate Merchant URLs

import * as api from "wallet";
import * as constants from "./constants";


async function merchantURLs() {
    let client = new api.MerchantURLsApi(constants.domain);

    // Create a new merchant URL
    let url = await client.createMerchantURL({
        nickname: "Instagram",
        destinationURL: ""
    }, constants.headers).catch(err => {
        throw err;
    }).then(resp => {
        return resp.body

    // The merchant URL that has just been created

    // Fetch the created url
    url = (await client.fetchMerchantURL(, constants.headers)).body;

    // Update the merchant URL with a new destination URL
    url = await client.updateMerchantURL(, {
        destinationURL: ""
    }, constants.headers).catch(err => {
        throw err;
    }).then(resp => {
        return resp.body

    // Archive the merchant URL
    url = await client.archiveMerchantURL(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body

    console.log(url.isActive); // This will be false, since the merchant URL has just been archived

    // Restore the merchant URL
    url = await client.restoreMerchantURL(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body

    console.log(url.isActive); // This will be true, since the merchant URL has just been restored

    // Fetch all merchant urls
    let urls = (await client.fetchAllMerchantURLs(false, constants.headers)).body;

    // Fetch all the wallet page views for the given merchant url
    let pageViews = (await (client.fetchMerchantURLRequests(, constants.headers))).body;

Create and manipulate News Articles

import * as api from "wallet";
import * as constants from "./constants";


async function news() {
    let client = new api.NewsApi(constants.domain);

    // Create a new news article
    let article = await client.createNewsArticle({
        title: "News Article",
        orderNumber: 1,
        body: "This is a news article related to the merchant",
        url: "",
        mediaURL: ""
    }, constants.headers).catch(err => {
        throw err;
    }).then(resp => {
        return resp.body

    // The news article that has just been created

    // Update the news article with a new title
    article = await client.updateNewsArticle(, {
        title: "News Article Updated"
    }, constants.headers).catch(err => {
        throw err;
    }).then(resp => {
        return resp.body

    // Archive the news article
    article = await client.archiveNewsArticle(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body

    console.log(article.isActive); // This will be false, since the news article has just been archived

    // Restore the news article
    article = await client.restoreNewsArticle(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body

    console.log(article.isActive); // This will be true, since the news article has just been restored

    // Fetch all articles
    let articles = (await client.fetchAllNewsArticles(false, constants.headers)).body;

Create and manipulate Performances

import * as api from "wallet";
import * as constants from "./constants";


async function performances() {
    let client = new api.PerformancesApi(constants.domain);

    // Create a new performance
    let performance = await client.createPerformance({
        title: "Performance",
        body: "Details related to the performance",
        startDateTime: new Date(),
        price: 200,
        url: "",
        orderNumber: 1,
        mediaURL: "",
        isSoldOut: false,

    }, constants.headers).catch(err => {
        throw err;
    }).then(resp => {
        return resp.body

    // The performance that has just been created

    // Update the performance with a new title
    performance = await client.updatePerformance(, {
        title: "performance Updated"
    }, constants.headers).catch(err => {
        throw err;
    }).then(resp => {
        return resp.body

    // Archive the performance
    performance = await client.archivePerformance(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body

    console.log(performance.isActive); // This will be false, since the performance has just been archived

    // Restore the performance
    performance = await client.restorePerformance(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body

    console.log(performance.isActive); // This will be true, since the performance has just been restored

    // Fetch all performances
    let performances = (await client.fetchAllPerformances(false, constants.headers)).body;

Create and manipulate Promo Codes

import * as api from "wallet";
import * as constants from "./constants";


async function promocodes() {
    let client = new api.PromoCodesApi(constants.domain);

    // Create a new promocode
    let promocode = await client.createPromoCode({
        title: "Promo Code",
        description: "Description about Promo Code",
        promoCode: "MON50OFF",
        displayValue: "50OFF",
        orderNumber: 1,
        startDate: new Date(),
        expirationDate: new Date(new Date().getTime() + (5 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000))
    }, constants.headers).catch(err => {
        throw err;
    }).then(resp => {
        return resp.body

    // The promocode that has just been created

    // Update the promocode with a new title
    promocode = await client.updatePromoCode(, {
        title: "promocode Updated"
    }, constants.headers).catch(err => {
        throw err;
    }).then(resp => {
        return resp.body

    // Archive the promocode
    promocode = await client.archivePromoCode(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body

    console.log(promocode.isActive); // This will be false, since the promocode has just been archived

    // Restore the promocode
    promocode = await client.restorePromoCode(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body

    console.log(promocode.isActive); // This will be true, since the promocode has just been restored

    // Fetch all promocodes
    let promocodes = (await client.fetchAllPromoCodes(false, constants.headers)).body;

Create and manipulate Merchant Credits

import * as api from "wallet";
import { PaginationRequestWithSortOptions } from "wallet";
import * as constants from "./constants";


async function merchantCredits() {
    let client = new api.MerchantCreditsApi(constants.domain);

    // Create a new merchant credit
    let merchantcredit = await client.createMerchantCredit({
        mobileNumber: "+1808978789",
        creditAmount: 2000, // In cents
        memberID: "MEM001"
    }, constants.headers).catch(err => {
        throw err;
    }).then(resp => {
        return resp.body

    // The merchant credit that has just been created

    // Fetch the created merchantcredit
    merchantcredit = (await client.fetchMerchantCreditById(, constants.headers)).body;

    // Update the merchant credit with a new title
    merchantcredit = await client.updateMerchantCredit(, {
        creditAmount: 1000, // In cents
    }, constants.headers).catch(err => {
        throw err;
    }).then(resp => {
        return resp.body

    // Archive the merchant credit
    merchantcredit = await client.archiveMerchantCredit(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body

    console.log(merchantcredit.isActive); // This will be false, since the merchant credit has just been archived

    // Restore the merchant credit
    merchantcredit = await client.restoreMerchantCredit(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body

    console.log(merchantcredit.isActive); // This will be true, since the merchant credit has just been restored

    // Fetch merchantcredits by page
    let merchantcredits = (await client.fetchMerchantCreditsByPage({
        pageSize: 10, pageNum: 1, sortKey: PaginationRequestWithSortOptions.SortKeyEnum.CreatedAt


    // Fetch paginated merchantcredit history logs
    let historyLogs = (await client.fetchMerchantCreditHistoryLog({
        pageSize: 10,
        pageNum: 1,
    }, constants.headers)).body;


    let redemptionLogs = (await client.fetchMerchantCreditRedemptionLog({
        pageSize: 10,
        pageNum: 1,
    }, constants.headers)).body;


    // Fetch the count of merchantcredits
    let merchantcreditsCount = ((await (client.fetchMerchantCreditCount(constants.headers))).body).count;

Create and manipulate Dynamic Vouchers

import * as api from "wallet";
import * as constants from "./constants";


async function dynamicVouchers() {
    let client = new api.DynamicVouchersApi(constants.domain);

    // Fetch payment design
    let designClient = new api.PaymentDesignsApi(constants.domain);
    let allDesigns = await designClient.fetchAllPaymentDesigns(false, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body;
    let selectedDesign = allDesigns[0];

    let startDate = new Date();
    let expiryDate = new Date((new Date()).setDate((new Date()).getDate() + 5));

    let params: api.WTDynamicVoucherCreateParams = {
        title: "Dynamic Voucher API Client",
        notes: "Example notes",
        dateTimeStart: startDate,
        dateTimeExpiration: expiryDate,
        startingValue: 1000, // In cents
        maxBudget: 90000, // In cents
        decreaseAmount: 10, // In cents
        frequency: 10, // Every 10 units of the frequencyType
        frequencyType: "Minute(s)", // Possible values are: "Minute(s)", "Hour(s)", "Day(s)", "Week(s)", "Second(s)"
        isActive: true,

    let voucher = await client.createDynamicVoucher(params, constants.headers).catch(err => {
        throw err;
    }).then(resp => {
        return resp.body


    // Fetch dynamic voucher by id
    voucher = await client.fetchDynamicVoucherById(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body;


    // Update dynamic voucher
    voucher = await client.saveDynamicVoucher(, {
        title: `${voucher.title} Updated`,
    }, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body;


    // Fetch all dynamic vouchers
    let allVouchers = await client.fetchAllDynamicVouchers(false, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body;


    // Fetch all the redemptions
    let allRedemptions = await client.fetchDynamicVoucherRedemptions(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body;


    // Fetch reach stats of individual dynamic voucher
    let individualVoucherReachStats = await client.fetchReachStatsOfIndividualDynamicVoucher(, undefined, undefined, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body;


    // Fetch reach stats of all the dynamic vouchers
    let allVouchersReachStats = await client.fetchReachStatsOfAllDynamicVouchers(undefined, undefined, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body;


Create and manipulate Static Voucher Campaigns

import * as api from "wallet";
import * as constants from "./constants";


async function staticVoucherCampaigns() {
    let client = new api.StaticVoucherCampaignsApi(constants.domain);
    // Fetch payment design
    let designClient = new api.PaymentDesignsApi(constants.domain);
    let allDesigns = await designClient.fetchAllPaymentDesigns(false, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body;
    let selectedDesign = allDesigns[0];

    let startDate = new Date();
    let expiryDate = new Date((new Date()).setDate((new Date()).getDate() + 5));

    let params: api.CreateStaticVoucherCampaign = {
        startDateTime: startDate,
        expirationDateTime: expiryDate,
        title: "Static Voucher Campaign API Client",
        notes: "Example notes",
        valueType: "currency", // percent or currency
        displayValue: "$5 Off",
        merchantsReferenceID: "",
        validOnlyAtPOSRegisterIDs: [],
        isActive: true,
        sourceID: 0,
    let campaign = await client.createStaticVoucherCampaign(params, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body


    // Fetch static voucher campaign by ID
    campaign = await client.fetchStaticVoucherCampaignById(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body


    // Fetch all the static voucher campaigns
    let allCampaigns = await client.fetchStaticVoucherCampaigns(false, undefined, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body


    // Fetch all vouchers within a static voucher campaign
    let allVouchers = await client.fetchStaticVouchers(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body


    // Fetch vouchers within a static voucher campaign by page
    let allVouchersByPage = await client.fetchStaticVouchersPage(, 1, 10, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body


    // Fetch performance overview
    let performanceOverview = await client.fetchPerformanceOverview(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body


    // Fetch reach stats of individual static voucher campaign
    let individualCampaignReachStats = await client.fetchReachStatsOfIndividualStaticVoucherCampaign(, undefined, undefined, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body


    // Fetch reach stats of all static voucher campaigns
    let allStaticVoucherCampaignStats = await client.fetchReachStatsOfAllStaticVoucherCampaigns(undefined, undefined, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body


    // Fetch wallet page views of a static voucher campaign
    let views = await client.fetchViews(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body


    // Fetch redeemed vouchers
    let redeemedVouchers = await client.fetchVouchersRedeemed(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body


    // Duplicate static voucher campaign
    let duplicatedCampaign = await client.duplicateStaticVoucherCampaignById(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body


    // Update static voucher campaign
    campaign = await client.updateStaticVoucherCampaign(, {
        title: `${params.title} Updated`
    }, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body


    // Create static voucher campaign with voucher
    let campaignWithVoucher = await client.createStaticVoucherCampaignWithVoucher({
        cellPhone: "+1809898787",
        memberID: "MEM0091",
        offerAmountCents: 1000
    }, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body


    allVouchers = await client.fetchStaticVouchers(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body

    // Update static voucher campaign
    campaignWithVoucher = await client.updateStaticVoucherCampaignWithVoucher(, {
        offerAmountCents: 2000,
        voucherID: allVouchers[0].id
    }, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body


Create and manipulate Static Vouchers

import * as api from "wallet";
import * as constants from "./constants";


async function staticVouchers() {
    let client = new api.StaticVouchersApi(constants.domain);

    let params: api.WTStaticVoucherCreateParams = {
        offerAmountCents: 1000, // In cents
        memberID: "MEM0090",
        cellPhone: "+1809898787",
        campaignID: "",
    // Create a new static voucher
    let voucher = await client.createStaticVoucher(params, constants.headers).catch(err => {
        throw err;
    }).then(resp => {
        return resp.body

    // The static voucher that has just been created

    // Fetch the static voucher that has just been created
    voucher = (await client.fetchStaticVoucher(, constants.headers)).body;

    // Update the static voucher with a new maxUses count
    voucher = await client.updateStaticVoucher(, {
        offerAmountCents: 2000 // In cents
    }, constants.headers).catch(err => {
        throw err;
    }).then(resp => {
        return resp.body

    // Archive the static voucher
    await client.deleteStaticVoucher(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body

    // Fetch reach stats of individual static voucher
    let individualVoucherReachStats = await client.fetchReachStatsOfIndividualStaticVoucher(, undefined, undefined, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body;


    // Fetch reach stats of all the static vouchers
    let allVouchersReachStats = await client.fetchReachStatsOfAllStaticVouchers(undefined, undefined, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body;


Create and manipulate SMSes

import * as api from "wallet";
import * as constants from "./constants";


async function smsExample() {
    let client = new api.SMSApi(constants.domain);

    // Acquire phone number
    let phoneNumber = await client.acquirePhoneNumber({
        phoneNumber: "+1807675656"
    }, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body;


    // Send phone number for verification
    await client.sendPhoneNumberForVerification(, {
        helpDeskQueueResponse: "HELPME",
        helpDeskKeyword: "HELP12",
        helpResponse: "Hello, we're here to help.",
        stopResponse: "We're sad to see you go",
        messageFooter: "Subscribe for more info!",
        termsOfServiceURL: "",
        privacyPolicyURL: "",
        companyName: "Fictitious Corporation"
    }, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body;

    // Archive phone number
    phoneNumber = await client.archivePhoneNumber(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body;

    console.log(phoneNumber.isActive); // This will be false

    // Restore phone number
    phoneNumber = await client.restorePhoneNumber(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body;

    console.log(phoneNumber.isActive); // This will be true

    // Create SMS agreement
    let agreement = await client.createSMSAgreement({
        isShortCodeTimelineUnderstood: true,
        isPricingUnderstood: true,
        isShortCodeTransferUnderstood: true,
        isOptInOutUnderstood: true,
        isShortCodeUnderstood: true,
        isStandardsUnderstood: true,
        isCtiaShortCodeRead: true,
        isManualRead: true,
        isStopUnderstood: true,
        isTosOnWebsite: true,
        isPrivacyPolicyOnWebsite: true,
        isTwilioTermsRead: true,
    }, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body;


    // Fetch the agreement
    agreement = await client.fetchSMSAgreement(constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body;


    // Create imported list
    let importedList = await client.createImportedList({
        listName: "Imported List",
        isActive: true,
    }, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body;


    // Create recipient in imported list
    let recipient = await client.createRecipientInImportedList({
        mobilePhoneNumber: "+1805654545"
    }, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body;


    // Count recipients in imported list
    let { count } = await client.countImportedListRecipients(, false, undefined, undefined, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body;


    // Fetch recipients
    let importedListRecipients = await client.fetchImportedListRecipients(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body;


    // Fetch recipients by page
    let importedListRecipientByPage = await client.fetchImportedListRecipientsByPage(, 10, 1, false, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body;

    console.log(`Total: ${}, Length: ${importedListRecipientByPage.length}, List: ${JSON.stringify(importedListRecipientByPage.results)}`);

    // Export recipients
    await client.exportImportedListRecipients(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body;

    // Create opt in list
    let optInList = await client.createOptInList({
        isActive: true,
        listName: "Opt In List",
        estimatedMessagesPerMonth: 250,
        optInKeyword: "OPTIN",
        optOutKeyword: "OPTOUT",
        optInConfirmedResponse: "You've opted in",
        optOutConfirmedResponse: "You've opted out",
        optInConfirmedCustomerReceives: "You've opted in",
        optOutConfirmedCustomerReceives: "You've opted out",
        isOver21Required: false,
    }, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body;


    // Count opt in list subscribers
    count = await client.countOptInListSubscribers(, true, false, false, undefined, undefined, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return (resp.body).count;


    // Export opt in list subscribers
    await client.exportOptInListSubscribers(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body;

    // Fetch subscribers
    let optInListRecipients = await client.fetchOptInListSubscribers(, true, false, false, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body;


    // Fetch subscribers by page
    let optInListRecipientByPage = await client.fetchOptInListSubscribersByPage(, 10, 1, true, false, false, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body;

    console.log(`Total: ${}, Length: ${optInListRecipientByPage.length}, List: ${JSON.stringify(optInListRecipientByPage.results)}`);

    // Fetch all opt in lists associated with the given phone number

    let optInListsAssociatedWithPhoneNumber = await client.fetchOptInListsAssociatedWithPhoneNumber(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body;


    // Create opt in source
    let optInSource = await client.createOptInListSource({
        sourceName: "Opt In Source",
    }, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body;

    // Count subscribers in opt in list source
    count = await client.countOptInSourceSubscribers(, true, false, false, undefined, undefined, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return (resp.body).count;


    let optInSourceSubscribers = await client.fetchOptInSourceSubscribers(, true, false, false, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body;


    let optInSourcesAssociatedWithPhoneNumber = await client.fetchOptInSourcesAssociatedWithPhoneNumber(, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body;


    // Fetch all outbound SMSes
    let outboundSMSes = await client.fetchOutboundSMS(, undefined, undefined, undefined, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body;

    // Fetch outbound SMSes by page
    let outboundSMSesByPage = await client.fetchOutboundSMSByPage(, undefined, undefined, 10, 1, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body;
    console.log(`Total: ${}, Length: ${outboundSMSesByPage.length}, Messages: ${JSON.stringify(outboundSMSesByPage.results)}`);

    // Count outbound SMSes
    let outboundSMSesCount = await client.countOutboundSMS(, undefined, undefined, undefined, constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return (resp.body).count;

    // Retrieve message limits
    let limits = await client.retrieveSentAndMaxCountOfMessages(constants.headers)
        .catch(err => {
            throw err;
        }).then(resp => {
            return resp.body;
    console.log(`Max: ${limits.max}, Sent: ${limits.sent}`);