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badeend committed Aug 18, 2024
1 parent 061d28f commit 4969fbe
Showing 1 changed file with 308 additions and 0 deletions.
308 changes: 308 additions & 0 deletions wit/tls.wit
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
interface tls {
use wasi:io/streams@0.2.0.{input-stream, output-stream};
use wasi:io/poll@0.2.0.{pollable};

/// TLS protocol version.
/// At the time of writing, these are the existing TLS versions:
/// - 0x0200: SSLv2 (Deprecated)
/// - 0x0300: SSLv3 (Deprecated)
/// - 0x0301: TLSv1.0 (Deprecated)
/// - 0x0302: TLSv1.1 (Deprecated)
/// - 0x0303: TLSv1.2
/// - 0x0304: TLSv1.3
/// TODO: Want to use regular WIT `enum` type, but then adding a new protocol is backwards incompatible.
type protocol-version = u16;

/// Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) protocol ID.
/// ALPN IDs are between 1 and 255 bytes long. Typically, they represent the
/// binary encoding of an ASCII string (e.g. `[0x68 0x32]` for `"h2"`),
/// though this is not required.
type alpn-id = list<u8>;

/// A X509 certificate chain; starting with the end-entity's certificate
/// followed by 0 or more intermediate certificates.
resource public-identity {
export-X509-chain: func() -> list<list<u8>>;

/// The combination of a private key with its public certificate(s).
/// The private key data can not be exported.
resource private-identity {
parse: static func(private-key: list<u8>, x509-chain: list<list<u8>>) -> result<private-identity>;

public-identity: func() -> public-identity;

/// Resource to configure, control & observe a TLS client stream.
/// # Transform stream
/// A TLS client resource does not perform any I/O on its own. It is a pure
/// stream transformer that takes cleartext data on one side and emits
/// secured TLS data on the other side and vice-versa.
/// The user of this resource is responsible for continually
/// "pumping" the data from the underlying socket into the TLS client's
/// `public-output` stream and the `public-input` back into the socket.
/// # Usage
/// The general usage pattern looks something like this:
/// - Instantiate new `client`.
/// - (Optional) Further refine the settings using the various `configure-*` methods.
/// - Forward the "public" streams acquired in the previous step into the underlying socket.
/// - Call `resume`.
/// - Read & write application data into the "private" streams.
/// # Suspend / resume
/// A `client` always starts out suspended. During this initial suspension
/// the various `configure-*` methods may be called. After configuration,
/// the TLS handshake must be manually initiated using the `resume` method.
/// Many TLS libraries let users provide custom behavior through the
/// registration of callbacks. The WebAssembly Component Model does not
/// support callbacks. Instead, these customization points are modeled as
/// additional suspensions.
/// The `suspend-at` parameter of the `connect` constructor controls at which
/// moments during the lifetime of the TLS stream the client should
/// automatically suspend itself.
/// The consumer drives this transition using the `suspend` method. If the
/// client is not ready to be suspended, the pollable returned by `subscribe`
/// can be used to wait for its readiness. When `suspend` succeeds, the client
/// is suspended and some settings are open for configuration again. Once
/// ready to continue the connection, the consumer should call `resume`.
/// In general:
/// - While a client is suspended, no data flows through the I/O streams.
/// - A client may only be configured while it is suspended.
/// # Secure by default
/// Implementations should pick reasonably safe defaults for all security related
/// settings. Users of this interface should be able to confidently instantiate
/// a new `client` and then, without further configuration, immediately
/// initiate the handshake.
resource client {
/// Create a new suspended TLS client.
constructor(server-name: string, suspend-at: client-suspension-points);

/// Obtain the I/O streams associated with this client.
/// These must be obtained exactly once, before the first call to `resume`.
/// Returns an error if they were already obtained before.
/// The I/O streams are child resources of the client. They must be
/// dropped before the client is dropped.
streams: func() -> result<io-streams>;

/// Configure the ALPN IDs for this client to adertise to the server,
/// in descending order of preference.
/// This may only be configured while suspended in the `constructed` phase.
configure-alpn-ids: func(value: list<alpn-id>) -> result;

/// Configure the client certificates, in descending order of preference.
/// If the server requests a certificate from the client,
/// the TLS implementation will consult this list of configured identities
/// in the provided order and pick the first one that satisfies the
/// constraints sent by the server. If there was no match, then by default
/// it is up to the server to decide whether to continue or abort the connection.
/// This may only be configured while suspended in the `constructed`,
/// `verify-server-identity` or `select-client-identity` phases.
configure-identities: func(value: list<borrow<private-identity>>) -> result;

/// The server name that was provided during construction of this client.
server-name: func() -> string;

/// The negotiated ALPN ID, if any.
/// Returns `none` when:
/// - the handshake did not take place yet,
/// - the client did not advertise any ALPN IDs,
/// - a successful handshake has occurred, but there was no intersection
/// between the IDs advertised by the client and the IDs supported by
/// the server.
alpn-id: func() -> option<alpn-id>;

/// The negotiated TLS protocol version.
/// Returns `none` if the handshake did not take place yet.
protocol-version: func() -> option<protocol-version>;

/// The client's identity advertised to the server, if any.
/// This will be one of the identities configured using `configure-identities`.
/// This becomes available _after_ the `select-client-identity` phase.
/// Returns `none` when:
/// - the handshake did not take place yet,
/// - the server did not request a client certificate,
/// - the server did request a client certificate, but there was no match
/// with the configured identities.
client-identity: func() -> option<private-identity>;

/// The validated certificate of the server.
/// This becomes available _after_ the `verify-server-identity` phase.
server-identity: func() -> option<public-identity>;

/// Attempt to suspend the client at one of the places specified by
/// `suspend-at` during construction of the client.
/// Returns `error(not-ready)` if the client is not ready to be suspended.
/// Use the pollable returned by `subscribe` to wait for its readiness.
/// Returns `error(already-suspended)` is already suspended.
/// Returns `error(closed)` if the connection has shut down either
/// successfully or abornmally.
/// The suspension resource is a child resource of the client. Dropping
/// the `client` while it still has an active suspension resource may trap.
suspend: func() -> result<client-suspension, suspend-error>;

/// Resume the suspended client. Returns an error if the client is not
/// suspended.
/// If the client was suspended though `suspend` (i.e. it is not the
/// initial resumption), this method will trap if the suspension
/// resource hasn't been dropped yet.
/// Returns an error if the client is not suspended.
resume: func() -> result;

/// Create a `pollable` which can be used to poll for
/// the client to be suspendable or closed.
/// `subscribe` only has to be called once per client and can be (re)used
/// for the remainder of the client's lifetime.
subscribe: func() -> pollable;

/// The I/O streams that represent both sides of the transform.
/// The application side interacts with the cleartext "private" streams.
/// The network side interacts with the encrypted "public" streams.
/// A typical setup looks something like this:
/// ```text
/// : TCP Socket TLS Client/Server
/// +-----------------+ +---------------------------------------------+
/// | | splice | decryption | read
/// | `input-stream` | ========>> | `public-output` =========>> `private-input` | ======>> your
/// | | | | app
/// | | | | lives
/// | `output-stream` | <<======== | `public-input` <<========= `private-output` | <<====== here
/// | | splice | encryption | write
/// +-----------------+ +---------------------------------------------+
/// ```
/// The user of this interface is responsible for continually forwarding
/// data from the socket into the `public-output` stream and
/// data from the `public-input` into the socket.
/// # Caution
/// Because the guest acts as both the producer and the consumer for these
/// streams, do not use the `blocking_*` methods as that will deadlock yourself.
record io-streams {
public-input: input-stream,
public-output: output-stream,
private-output: output-stream,
private-input: input-stream,

flags client-suspension-points {
/// When the client received the server's certificate.

/// When the client received a certificate request from the server.

/// When the initial handshake was successful.

resource client-suspension {
/// At which point the TLS stream is suspended.
/// Exactly one flag is set in the return value.
at: func() -> client-suspension-points;

/// Only for select-client-identity:
// TODO: acceptable-authorities: func() -> result<list<string>>;

/// Only for verify-server-identity:
// TODO: unverified-identity: func() -> result<public-identity>;

enum suspend-error {

resource server {
constructor(suspend-at: server-suspension-points);
streams: func() -> result<io-streams>;

configure-alpn-ids: func(value: list<alpn-id>) -> result;
configure-identities: func(value: list<borrow<private-identity>>) -> result;

server-name: func() -> option<string>;
alpn-id: func() -> option<alpn-id>;
protocol-version: func() -> option<protocol-version>;
client-identity: func() -> option<public-identity>;
server-identity: func() -> option<private-identity>;

suspend: func() -> result<server-suspension, suspend-error>;
resume: func() -> result;
subscribe: func() -> pollable;

flags server-suspension-points {
/// When the server received the initial message from the client.

/// When the server received the client's certificate.

/// When the initial handshake was successful.

resource server-suspension {
at: func() -> server-suspension-points;

/// Only for client-hello:
// TODO: requested-protocol-versions: func() -> result<list<protocol-version>>;
// TODO: requested-server-name: func() -> result<option<string>>;
// TODO: requested-alpn-ids: func() -> result<list<alpn-id>>;

/// Only for verify-client-identity:
// TODO: unverified-identity: func() -> result<public-identity>;

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