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@jrfnl jrfnl released this 25 Jul 18:18
· 1784 commits to develop since this release

Important information about this release:

If you use the WordPress Coding Standards with a custom ruleset, please be aware that a number of sniffs have been moved between categories and that the old sniff names have been deprecated.
If you selectively include any of these sniffs in your custom ruleset or set custom property values for these sniffs, your custom ruleset will need to be updated.

The WordPress-VIP ruleset has also been deprecated. If you used that ruleset to check your theme/plugin for hosting on the VIP platform, please use the Automattic VIP coding standards instead.
If you used that ruleset for any other reason, you should probably use the WordPress-Extra or WordPress ruleset instead.

These and some related changes have been annotated in detail in the Deprecated section of this changelog.

Please read the complete changelog carefully before you upgrade.

If you are a maintainer of an external standard based on WPCS and any of your custom sniffs are based on or extend WPCS sniffs, the same applies.


  • WordPress.PHP.PregQuoteDelimiter sniff to the WordPress-Extra ruleset to warn about calls to preg_quote() which don't pass the $delimiter parameter.
  • WordPress.Security.SafeRedirect sniff to the WordPress-Extra ruleset to warn about potential open redirect vulnerabilities.
  • WordPress.WP.DeprecatedParameterValues sniff to the WordPress-Extra ruleset to detect deprecated parameter values being passed to select functions.
  • WordPress.WP.EnqueuedResourceParameters sniff to the WordPress-Extra ruleset to detect:
    • Calls to the script/style register/enqueue functions which don't pass a $version for the script/style, which can cause issues with browser caching; and/or
    • Calls to the register/enqueue script functions which don't pass the $in_footer parameter, which causes scripts - by default - to be loaded in the HTML header in a layout rendering blocking manner.
  • Detection of calls to strip_tags() and various PHP native ..rand() functions to the WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions sniff.
  • readonly() to the list of auto-escaped functions Sniff::$autoEscapedFunctions. This affects the WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput sniff.
  • The WordPress.Security.PluginMenuSlug, WordPress.WP.CronInterval, WordPress.WP.PostsPerPage and WordPress.WP.TimezoneChange sniffs are now included in the WordPress-Extra ruleset. Previously, they were already included in the WordPress and WordPress-VIP rulesets.
  • New utility method Sniff::is_use_of_global_constant().
  • A rationale to the package suggestion made via composer.json.
  • CI: Validation of the composer.json file on each build.
  • A wiki page with instructions on how to set up WPCS to run with Eclipse on XAMPP.
  • Readme: A link to an external resource with more examples for setting up PHPCS for CI.
  • Readme: A badge-based quick overview of the project.


  • The WordPress ruleset no longer includes the WordPress-VIP ruleset, nor does it include any of the (deprecated) VIP sniffs anymore.
  • The following sniffs have been moved to a new category:
    • CronInterval from the VIP category to the WP category.
    • DirectDatabaseQuery from the VIP category to the DB category.
    • DontExtract from the Functions category to the PHP category.
    • EscapeOutput from the XSS category to the Security category.
    • GlobalVariables from the Variables category to the WP category.
    • NonceVerification from the CSRF category to the Security category.
    • PluginMenuSlug from the VIP category to the Security category.
    • PreparedSQL from the WP category to the DB category.
    • SlowDBQuery from the VIP category to the DB category.
    • TimezoneChange from the VIP category to the WP category.
    • ValidatedSanitizedInput from the VIP category to the Security category.
  • The WordPress.VIP.PostsPerPage sniff has been split into two distinct sniffs:
    • WordPress.WP.PostsPerPage which will check for the use of a high pagination limit and will throw a warning when this is encountered. For the VIP ruleset, the error level remains error.
    • WordPress.VIP.PostsPerPage wich will check for disabling of pagination.
  • The default value for minimum_supported_wp_version, as used by a number of sniffs detecting usage of deprecated WP features, has been updated to 4.6.
  • The WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions sniff will now only throw a warning if/when the recommended alternative function is available in the minimum supported WP version of a project.
    In addition to this, certain alternatives are only valid alternatives in certain circumstances, like when the WP version only supports the first parameter of the PHP function it is trying to replace.
    This will now be taken into account for:
    • wp_strip_all_tags() is only a valid alternative for the PHP native strip_tags() when the second parameter $allowed_tags has not been passed.
    • wp_parse_url() only added support for the second parameter $component of the PHP native parse_url() function in WP 4.7.0.
  • The WordPress.WP.DeprecatedFunctions sniff will now detect functions deprecated in WP 4.9.
  • The WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride sniff will now display the name of the variable being overridden in the error message.
  • The WordPress.WP.I18n sniff now extends the AbstractFunctionRestrictionSniff.
  • Assignments in conditions in ternaries as detected by the WordPress.CodeAnalysis.AssignmentInCondition sniff will now be reported under a separate error code FoundInTernaryCondition.
  • The default error level for the notices from the WordPress.DB.DirectDatabaseQuery sniff has been lowered from error to warning. For the VIP ruleset, the error level remains error.
  • The default error level for the notices from the WordPress.Security.PluginMenuSlug sniff has been lowered from error to warning. For the VIP ruleset, the error level remains error.
  • The default error level for the notices from the WordPress.WP.CronInterval sniff has been lowered from error to warning. For the VIP ruleset, the error level remains error.
  • The Sniff::get_function_call_parameters() utility method now has improved handling of closures when passed as function call parameters.
  • Rulesets: a number of error codes were previously silenced by explicitly exclude-ing them. Now, they will be silenced by setting the severity to 0 which makes it more easily discoverable for maintainers of custom rulesets how to enable these error codes again.
  • Various performance optimizations which should most notably make a difference when running WPCS on PHP 7.
  • References to the VIP platform have been clarified.
  • Unit Tests: custom properties set in unit test files are reset after use.
  • Various improvements to the ruleset used by the WPCS project itself and minor code clean up related to this.
  • CI: Each change will now also be tested against the lowest supported PHPCS 3 version.
  • CI: Each change will now also be checked for PHP cross-version compatibility.
  • CI: The rulesets will now also be tested on each change to ensure no unexpected messages are thrown.
  • CI: Minor changes to the script to make the build testing faster.
  • Updated the custom ruleset example for the changes contained in this release and to reflect current best practices regarding the PHPCompatibility standard.
  • The instructions on how to set up WPCS for various IDEs have been moved from the README to the wiki.
  • Updated output examples in and and other minor changes to these files.
  • Updated references to the PHPCompatibility standard to reflect its new location and recommend using PHPCompatibilityWP.


  • The WordPress-VIP ruleset has been deprecated.
    For checking a theme/plugin for hosting on the VIP platform, please use the Automattic VIP coding standards instead.
    If you used the WordPress-VIP ruleset for any other reason, you should probably use the WordPress-Extra or WordPress ruleset instead.
  • The following sniffs have been deprecated and will be removed in WPCS 2.0.0:
    • WordPress.CSRF.NonceVerification - use WordPress.Security.NonceVerification instead.
    • WordPress.Functions.DontExtract - use WordPress.PHP.DontExtract instead.
    • WordPress.Variables.GlobalVariables - use WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride instead.
    • WordPress.VIP.CronInterval - use WordPress.WP.CronInterval instead.
    • WordPress.VIP.DirectDatabaseQuery - use WordPress.DB.DirectDatabaseQuery instead.
    • WordPress.VIP.PluginMenuSlug - use WordPress.Security.PluginMenuSlug instead.
    • WordPress.VIP.SlowDBQuery - use WordPress.DB.SlowDBQuery instead.
    • WordPress.VIP.TimezoneChange - use WordPress.WP.TimezoneChange instead.
    • WordPress.VIP.ValidatedSanitizedInput - use WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput instead.
    • WordPress.WP.PreparedSQL - use WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL instead.
    • WordPress.XSS.EscapeOutput - use WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput instead.
    • WordPress.VIP.AdminBarRemoval without replacement.
    • WordPress.VIP.FileSystemWritesDisallow without replacement.
    • WordPress.VIP.OrderByRand without replacement.
    • WordPress.VIP.RestrictedFunctions without replacement.
    • WordPress.VIP.RestrictedVariables without replacement.
    • WordPress.VIP.SessionFunctionsUsage without replacement.
    • WordPress.VIP.SessionVariableUsage without replacement.
    • WordPress.VIP.SuperGlobalInputUsage without replacement.
  • The following sniff categories have been deprecated and will be removed in WPCS 2.0.0:
    • CSRF
    • Variables
    • XSS
  • The posts_per_page property in the WordPress.VIP.PostsPerPage sniff has been deprecated as the related functionality has been moved to the WordPress.WP.PostsPerPage sniff.
    See WP PostsPerPage: post limit for more information about this property.
  • The exclude property which is available to most sniffs which extend the AbstractArrayAssignmentRestrictions, AbstractFunctionRestrictions and AbstractVariableRestrictions classes or any of their children, used to be a string property and expected a comma-delimited list of groups to exclude.
    The type of the property has now been changed to array. Custom rulesets which pass this property need to be adjusted to reflect this change.
    Support for passing the property as a comma-delimited string has been deprecated and will be removed in WPCS 2.0.0.
    See Excluding a group of checks for more information about the sniffs affected by this change.
  • The AbstractVariableRestrictionsSniff class has been deprecated as all sniffs depending on this class have been deprecated. Unless a new sniff is created in the near future which uses this class, the abstract class will be removed in WPCS 2.0.0.
  • The Sniff::has_html_open_tag() utility method has been deprecated as it is now only used by deprecated sniffs. The method will be removed in WPCS 2.0.0.


  • cancel_comment_reply_link(), get_bookmark(), get_comment_date(), get_comment_time(), get_template_part(), has_post_thumbnail(), is_attachement(), post_password_required() and wp_attachment_is_image() from the list of auto-escaped functions Sniff::$autoEscapedFunctions. This affects the WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput sniff.
  • WPCS no longer explicitly supports HHVM and builds are no longer tested against HHVM.
    For now, running WPCS on HHVM to test PHP code may still work for a little while, but HHVM has announced they are dropping PHP support.


  • Compatibility with PHP 7.3. A change in PHP 7.3 was causing the WordPress.DB.RestrictedClasses, WordPress.DB.RestrictedFunctions and the WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions sniffs to fail to correctly detect issues.
  • Compatibility with the latest releases from PHP_CodeSniffer.
    PHPCS 3.2.0 introduced new annotations which can be used inline to selectively disable/ignore certain sniffs.
    Note: The initial implementation of the new annotations was buggy. If you intend to start using these new style annotations, you are strongly advised to use PHPCS 3.3.0 or higher.
    For more information about these annotations, please refer to the PHPCS Wiki.
    • The WPCS native whitelist comments can now be combined with the new style PHPCS whitelist annotations in the -- for reasons part of the annotation.
    • WordPress.Arrays.ArrayDeclarationSpacing: the fixer will now handle the new style annotations correctly.
    • WordPress.Arrays.CommaAfterArrayItem: prevent a fixer loop when new style annotations are encountered.
    • WordPress.Files.FileName: respect the new style annotations if these would selectively disable this sniff.
    • WordPress.WhiteSpace.ControlStructureSpacing: handle the new style annotations correctly for the "blank line at the start/end of control structure" checks and prevent a fixer conflict when the new style annotations are encountered.
    • WordPress.WhiteSpace.PrecisionAlignment: allow for checking of for precision alignment on lines containing new style annotations when phpcs is run with --ignore-annotations.
  • The Sniff::is_test_class() method now has improved recognition of namespaced test classes.
    This positively affects the WordPress.Files.FileName, WordPress.NamingConventions.PrefixAllGlobals and WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride sniffs, which each allow for test classes to (partially) not comply with the rules these sniffs check for.
    This fixes the following bugs:
    • Namespaced classes where the classname was one of the whitelisted global classes would incorrectly be recognized as a test class, even though they were not the same class.
      This also happened if a namespaced class extended one of the whitelisted global classes.
    • A namespaced custom test class where the name was split between the namespace declaration and the extended class declaration was not correctly recognized as the whitelisted test class.
    • A namespaced test class which extended another class using a FQCN prefixed with a \\ would not be correctly recognized.
    • The custom_test_class_whitelist property which is available for each of these sniffs expects to be passed a Fully Qualified Class Name. FQCNs prefixed with a global namespace indicator will now be correctly handled.
  • The determination of whether a T_STRING is a function call or not has been improved in the AbstractFunctionRestrictions class. This improvement benefits all sniffs which extend this abstract and any of its children (> 10 sniffs) and fixes the following false positives:
    • Class declarations will no longer be confused with function calls.
    • Use statement alias declarations will no longer be confused with function calls.
  • Various bugs in the WordPress.Arrays.ArrayIndentation sniff:
    • The sniff will no longer throw false positives or try to fix multi-line text strings where the closing quote is on a line by itself.
    • The sniff would go into a fixer loop when it encountered a multi-line trailing comment after an array item.
  • The WordPress.CodeAnalysis.AssignmentInCondition was throwing false positives for ternaries in nested, but unrelated, parentheses.
  • The WordPress.CodeAnalysis.EmptyStatement and WordPress.Files.FileName sniffs underreported as they did not take PHP short open echo tags into account.
  • Various bugs in the WordPress.NamingConventions.PrefixAllGlobals sniff:
    • Parameters in a closure declaration were incorrectly being regarded as global variables.
    • Non-prefixed variables created by a foreach() construct in the global namespace were previously not detected.
    • Non-prefixed globals found in namespaced test classes should be ignored by the sniff, but were not.
    • Definition of non-prefixed global WP constants which are intended to be overruled, should not trigger an error from this sniff.
    • The sniff presumed the WP naming conventions for PHP constructs, while it should check for the construct being prefixed regardless of whether camelCase, PascalCase, snake_case or other naming conventions are used.
    • The sniff presumed the WP naming conventions for prefixes used in hook names. The sniff will now be more tolerant when non-conventional word separators are used in prefixes for hooks.
  • The WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName sniff no longer "hides" one message behind another. The sniff will now correctly throw a message about function names not being in snake_case, even when the FunctionDoubleUnderscore or MethodDoubleUnderscore error codes have been excluded.
  • The WordPress.PHP.StrictInArray sniff will no longer throw an error when in_array, array_search or array_keys are used in a file use statement.
  • Various bugs in the WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput sniff:
    • A limited list of native PHP constants which are safe to use, such as PHP_EOL, has been added. When any of these constants are encountered, the sniff will no longer demand output escaping for them.
    • The sniff was underreporting issues with variables passed to trigger_error().
    • While reporting an issue, sometimes the wrong error message was used. The sniff logic has been adjusted to prevent this.
    • The sniff will now correctly ignore the open and close brackets of short arrays.
    • The sniff would throw false positives when echo, print, exit or die were encountered as constants, function or class names. While it may not be a good idea to use PHP keywords in such a way, it is allowed, so the sniff should handle this correctly.
  • The WordPress.WhiteSpace.ControlStructureSpacing sniff would inadvertently throw an error for the spacing around the colon for a return type in a function declaration.
  • The WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions sniff used to flag all function calls to file_get_contents() twice, suggesting to use wp_remote_get() - which is only applicable for remote URLs - and the WP_FileSystem API - which is not needed when just reading local files. These messages contradicted each other.
    The sniff will now try to determine whether the file requested is local or remote and will only throw a warning suggesting to use wp_remote_get(), if a remote URL is being requested or when it could not be determined if the requested file is local or remote.
  • The expected default value for wp_upload_bits() in the WordPress.WP.DeprecatedParameters sniff.
  • The WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride sniff previously did not detect variables created by a foreach() construct which would override WP global variables.
  • Various bugs in the WordPress.WP.I18n sniff:
    • The sniff will no longer throw false positives for calls to methods carrying the same name as any of the global WP functions being targeted and has improved handling of parse errors and live coding.
    • A numeric 0 would throw a false positive for "no translatable content found".
  • The fixer in the WordPress.WhiteSpace.ControlStructureSpacing sniff will no longer inadvertently remove return type declarations.
  • Various bugs in the WordPress.WhiteSpace.PrecisionAlignment sniff:
    • Inline HTML before the first PHP open tag was not being examined.
    • Files which only contained short open echo tags for PHP were not being examined.
    • The last line of inline HTML in a file was not being examined.
  • Some best practice sniffs presumed the WordPress coding style regarding code layout, which could lead to incorrect results (mostly underreporting).
    The following sniffs have received fixes related to this:
    • WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL
    • WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName
    • WordPress.WP.CronInterval
    • WordPress.WP.I18n
  • Various minor fixes based on visual inspection and Scrutinizer analysis feedback.
  • Typo in the instructions contained in
  • Broken link in the file.