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YairHalberstadt edited this page Oct 22, 2020 · 3 revisions

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Type Registration

You can register a type either as itself, or as its base classes/interfaces. StrongInject will look for a suitable constructor to use to instantiate it.

To register a type, add the [Register] attribute to a container or module.

The RegisterAttribute has three parameters:

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = false)]
public class RegisterAttribute : Attribute
    public RegisterAttribute(Type type, params Type[] registerAs);

    public RegisterAttribute(Type type, Scope scope, params Type[] registerAs);

    public Type Type { get; }
    public Type[] RegisterAs { get; }
    public Scope Scope { get; }

The type parameter is the type that StrongInject will try to instantiate by looking for a suitable constructor.

The scope parameter specifies the Scope of the registration. This is optional, and is Scope.InstancePerResolution by default.

The registerAs is a params parameter, and specifies which types the registered type should be considered a registration for. Stronginject will only use this registration to resolve types specified in the registerAs list. If the list is empty it will be considered a registration for itself by default. type must be a subtype of all types specified in registerAs.


It is an error if type does not have a public constructor.

It is an error if type has more than one public constructor with parameters.

If type has 1 public constructor, that constructor will be used to instantiate an instance of type.

If type has 1 parameterless public constructor, and 1 public constructor with parameters, the constructor with parameters will be used to instantiate an instance of type.


If type implements IDisposable or IAsyncDisposable, an instance of type will be automatically disposed by StrongInject once it is no longer used.


using StrongInject;
using System;

public class A : IDisposable { public void Dispose() { } }
public class B : IDisposable { public void Dispose() { } }
public interface I { }
public class C : I { public C(A a, B b) { } }

[Register(typeof(A), Scope.SingleInstance)] // No types specified for `registerAs`, will be registered as type `A`.
[Register(typeof(B))] // No `scope` specified, Scope will be InstancePerResolution. No types specified for `registerAs`, will be registered as type `B`.
[Register(typeof(C), typeof(C), typeof(I))] // No `scope` specified, Scope will be InstancePerResolution. Registered as type `C` and as type `I`.
public partial class Container : IContainer<I> { }

var container = new Container();
container.Run(x => Console.WriteLine(x.ToString())); // Will create a new instance of `C` which is registered as `I`, and new instances of `A` and `B` to satisfy `C`'s constructor. `B` will be disposed once the lambda completes.
container.Run(x => Console.WriteLine(x.ToString())); // Will create a new instance of `C` which is registered as `I`, and new instances of `B` to satisfy `C`'s constructor. The instance of `A` will be reused from the previous invocation, since it is SingleInstance. `B` will be disposed once the lambda completes.
container.Dispose(); // Will dispose the single instance of `A`.
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