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This project is a Java-based RESTful API designed to streamline car sharing services. This API provides a solid foundation for creating a comprehensive car sharing solution.

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Welcome to the Car Sharing API. This project is a Java-based RESTful API designed to streamline car sharing services. This API provides a solid foundation for creating a comprehensive car sharing solution.


There were several challenges during the creation of the application.

Integration Telegram API for notifications & Stripe API for payments

Since it was my first time interacting with Telegram API as well as with Stripe API it was a bit complicated at first to understand how to work with these tools correctly. Despite this, successfully integrating the Stripe API for payment services and the Telegram API for notifications has enhanced the functionality and usability of the Car Sharing API, providing users with a seamless and secure experience.

API Architecture

The Car Sharing API is build upon a robust and scalable MVC architecture designed to provide a seamless and efficient experience for users interacting with a platform. The application is divided into a number of layers, each with specific responsibility:

  • Controller layer is responsible for handling incoming HTTP requests and returning responses to client.
  • Service layer is in charge of implementation of the business logic of the API.
  • Repository layer is used for interaction with data sources.
  • Domain model layer needed for defining domain entities used by the API.

API Features Overview

  1. Authentication management endpoints:
    • Available for everybody:
      POST: /auth/register - registers a new user.
      POST: /auth/login - sign in for existing user.
  2. Car management endpoints:
    • Administrator available:
      POST: /cars - adds a new car.
      PATCH: /cars/{id} - updates a car.
      DELETE: /cars/{id} - removes a car.
    • Available for everyone:
      GET: /cars - retrieves all cars.
      GET: /cars/{id} - retrieves specific car detailed info.
  3. User management endpoints:
    • Administrator available:
      PUT: /users/{id}/role - updates user's role.
    • User available:
      GET: /users/me - retrieves user's profile info.
      PATCH: /users/me - updates user's profile info.
  4. Rental management endpoints:
    • Administrator available:
      GET: /rentals/?user_id=...&is_active=... - retrieves specific user rentals by user ID and whether the rental is still active or not.
      GET: /rentals/{id} - retrieves specific rental.
    • User available:
      POST: /rentals - places a new rental.
      GET: /rentals/ - retrieves user's specific rental.
      POST: /rentals/return - sets actual return date for specific rental.
  5. Payment management endpoints:
    • Administrator available:
      GET: /payments?userId=... - provides list of specific user payments.
    • Available for everyone:
      POST: /payments/create - creates a new payment session for specific rental.
      GET: /payments - provides list of user's payments.
      GET: /payments/success - endpoint for Stripe redirection when payment is successful.
      GET: /payments/cancel - endpoint for Stripe redirection when payment is cancelled.

Here you can find public Postman collection with full URLs which you can use for testing.

Setting Up the Application

This chapter contains information on how to set up the Car Sharing API.

There are two ways of running the app:

  1. Natively (JRE).
  2. In Docker container.

First way:


  • Java Development Kit (JDK) version 17.0.10 or higher
  • Apache Maven version 3.8.7 or higher
  • MySQL Server 8 or MariaDB 11.2.3 if you are a Linux user


  1. Clone this repository to your computer git clone
  2. Move to car-sharing-app directory
  3. Configure database connection in
  4. Configure your Telegram and Stripe properties
  5. Build the project using mvn clean package
  6. Run the project by java -jar car-sharing-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar command

Second way:


  • Docker Desktop


  1. Clone this repository to your computer git clone
  2. Move to car-sharing-app directory
  3. Create and configure your .env file. See .env.template.
  4. Run docker-compose build command to build required images
  5. Run docker-compose up to start an application.
  6. To finish execution of program you may press Ctrl + C or type in docker-compose down in a new terminal tab.

API work display

In this section you will see some basic use cases of the application.

1. Registration use case:

2. Login use case:

3. Adding a new rental use case:

4. Setting an actual return date use case:

5. Creating of a new payment session use case:

6. Making payment:

7. Telegram notifications overview:

Technologies and libraries used in the project

  1. Java

    • Java is hugely popular programming language that is used widely for building enterprise-level applications. It gained recognition for its robustness, scalability and security.
  2. Spring Boot

    • Spring Boot is a wide-spread framework for building Java applications. It provides a set of tools and libraries that simplify the development process and make it easier to build reliable and flexible software. Spring Boot is used to build Online Book Store API supplying features such as Dependency Injection, security, data access and web development.
  3. MySQL

    • MySQL is a solid open-source relational database management system that is widely used for web applications. This application uses it for storing data about users, books, and other related information.
  4. Maven

    • Maven is a build automation tool used for Java projects. It serves as a standard way to manage project dependencies, project builder, and test runner.
  5. Jackson

    • Jackson is a library for processing JSON in Java. It provides features for parsing JSON, generating JSON, and mapping JSON to Java objects.
  6. Mapstruct

    • Mapstruct is a code generator library that automates the mapping between Java objects. It provides a way to define the mappings between objects using annotations and generates the mapping code automatically during the build phase of project. In this project Mapstruct is used for mapping between domain models and data transfer objects.
  7. Liquibase

    • Liquibase is a database migration tool that allows to manage database schema changes. Same as Mapstruct it does its work during the building stage of the application.
  8. Swagger

    • Swagger is an open-source tool for creating API documentation.
  9. Telegram API

    • Telegram API is a set of tools and protocols provided by Telegram Messenger LLP that allows developers to integrate Telegram's messaging services into their own applications or services.
  10. Stripe API

    • The Stripe API is a set of tools, protocols, and endpoints provided by Stripe, Inc. that enable developers to integrate payment processing functionalities into their applications or websites.


This project is a Java-based RESTful API designed to streamline car sharing services. This API provides a solid foundation for creating a comprehensive car sharing solution.






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