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serve rest apis with merry and json-schema


var rest = require('merry-rest')
var merry = require('merry')

var app = merry()
var api = rest(app)

// db is a levelup instance
var model = api.model(db, 'schema.json')

api.resource(model, { route: 'schema' })

After running the .start() method, you will have the following routes availaible

GET     /api/v1/schema
GET     /api/v1/schema/:id
POST    /api/v1/schema
PUT     /api/v1/schema/:id
DELETE  /api/v1/schema/:id


api = rest(app [, opts])

Create a rest api instance. app is a merry instance and is mandatory. opts is an optional configuration object, availaible options are:

  • version: Defaults to 1, specify the version of your api, it will be used in the route.
  • default: Set a default route in case of a missmatch. Must be a function like function (reques, response, context)

The returned object has two properties: api the merry instance, and prefix the prefix of all the routes. The prefix has the form '/api/v:version'

var model = api.model(db, schema)

Create a rest-parser instance using level-rest-parser as backend. db and schema are mandatory. db is a levelup instance where the data is saved and schema is a string with the path to the json file that contains your schema. The rest-parser instance returned here is used later in the resource method.

api.resource(model , opts)

Generate the rest routes for the given model. You must provide a model and opts argument, where opts can be a string or an object. If opts is a string, then that will be the route of your model, it it is an object, it can have the following properties:

  • route: The only required property. Must be a string indicating your model route.

  • only: Must be an array of strings. If defined, set explicity the methods for which this resource define routes. For example, seting { only: ['GET', 'POST'] } will set only these routes

GET     /api/v1/schema
GET     /api/v1/schema/:id
POST    /api/v1/schema
  • except: Similar to the only option, must be an array of strings and will do the oposite thing, so having { except: ['PUT', 'DELETE'] } as an option will result in these routes:
GET     /api/v1/schema
GET     /api/v1/schema/:id
POST    /api/v1/schema

As you can see, you can achieve the same result with both options, but what you can not do, is define them bot in the same call, { except: ['DELETE'], only: ['GET'] }, that option has no sense, and it will throw.

  • before: Must be a function. If defined, will be called before every route for this resource. It accepts four arguments req, res, ctx and next which are the reques, the response, the merry context and a callback, in this case, the actual route method. So if you don't call next(req, res, ctx) your actual route wont be called, this is useful if your before hook must cancell the request

  • after: As you might guess, this is like before hook, but after. Difference are that you don't provide a next hook, because there is nothing next. Also, you must end the request manually here, this is easily done with merry context object, like ctx.send(200, bodyData, headers)

api.route(method, route, handler)

Define a special route not set by any of the rest routes. Method is a string, route is also a string and handler a function like next in the hooks (with req, res, ctx).

var server = api.start([cb])

Start a regular http server with the rest routes defined. Optionally, you can pass a callback to be run after the server start listening. cb must be a function.




🌊 serve rest apis with merry and json-schema








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