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Raspberry Pi server for weather + IR controller for robot vacuum + Nook Simple Touch display

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Raspberry Pi Terminal Hub

Turning a RPi into a server hub using Raspian OS Lite.

Credits: Icons created by @erikflowers

The main.go file contains the primary logic of continuously running the code. It handles starting and stopping the various underlying services.

NOTE: PWM usage requires root privleges


  • --owm: For passing in the OpenWeatherMap api key. This can also be passed via an OWM environment variable
  • Configuration of variables in the code can be done via -ldflags
go run -ldflags "-X" main.go
  • build + upload to RPi commands (using SSH)
env GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm GOARM=5 go build
scp rpi-terminal-hub pi@<rpi-ip>:/home/pi/


Various integrations for controlling / reporting devices and information.

[service] Web Server

The web server module provides an user facing endpoint for the weather panel, controlling the vacuum, and prometheus metrics host.

  • GET /: Main endpoint with a stylized HTML page for weather
  • POST /vacuum: Used for triggering the IR emitter to issue vacuum commands (start, stop, 30min, home)
curl -X POST -d "start" localhost:5000/vacuum
  • GET /metrics: prometheus metrics endpoint

[service] Weather

The weather service polls the OpenWeatherMap API for weather data and provides it in a consumable form to the Web Server.

Learn more here:

[service] Vacuum

Uses the IR emitter to control the robotic vacuum and issue commands on a set schedule.

Original inspiration (actual circuit is slightly different):

[service] Alerts

Polling and parsing various endpoints to monitor for alerts. Currently supported:

  • NOAA/NWS weather alerts for given LAT/LON

[service] Connectivity

Polling a DNS service to determine internet connectivity. Information is reported to the metrics service.

[service] Metrics

Handles various incoming messages from other services and tracks accordingly using prometheus metrics.

Exporting to Grafana:

[service] Post Office

Message router for the various services to communicate.

[service] Base

Underlying service that provides base functionality for each services incoming and outgoing messages, frequency of processing, etc.

[GPIO] Infrared

Provides basic utilities for recording and emitting IR PWM signals

  • --emit-ir: flag for testing an IR signal
  • --record-ir: flag for recording an IR signal, prints out golang formatted time durations


Setting up SSH on RPi

Autorun on RPi using CRON

@reboot sleep 15 && sudo /home/pi/rpi-terminal-hub --owm=<API_KEY> >> ~/cron.log 2>&1

RPi Timezones

Server Inspiration