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CarBazar (MERN-APP)

  1. Live Website:
  2. Server Side:
Admin(Email & Password):
  1. adminEmail:
  2. adminPassword: Ad123456@


  1. A web base application (MERN Stack).
  2. At "Home" page user find "Brands Catagories". and on individual Brands they will find the used cares collection based on that brand.
  3. User Can view the details of the cars and if user want, user can add the car to their order list for booking.
  4. There is also a "Report Item" button for report for the Item to Admin at Car's details Card.
  5. If user is Loged in, user can See Dashboard Button on the Navbar.
  6. Dashboard will change for different Users(Admin, Seller, Buyer)
  7. Buyers can see the orders list which he/she added.By Clearing Payment Processing Complete.Buyers can purchase the Car. Also, they can remove items from their list.
  8. Sellers can add their Product and View their added products. also seller and add the product for advertisement.
  9. Admin can manage All Sellers and All Buyers also the can take action on Repoted Items(delete the product)
  10. System is Fully Authenticate By "Google Firebase Authentication" and uses JWTToken for user Authorization.
  11. There are also "Blog" page. From there user can find Questions and Answers.
  12. System is fully responsive.
  13. All Data's are hosted on the database "MongoDB" and server side hosted on "vercel".

Technology Uses (Frameworks, libraries):

  1. Tailwind CSS.
  2. react-router-dom
  1. React JS
  2. Daisy UI
  3. Flowbite
  4. react-hot-toast
  5. react-icons
  6. react-spinners
  7. aos
  8. JwtToken


  1. Vercel (Server Side)
  2. Firebase (Client Side)


  1. MongoDB(NoSQL)