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desktop screenshot

desktop screenshot


  • sxhkd
  • bspwm
  • kitty
  • Curl (apt-get install curl, pacman -S curl, etc.)
  • Git (apt-get install git, pacman -S git, etc.)
  • zsh
  • oh-my-zsh
  • diff-so-fancy
  • tmux (apt-get install tmux, pacman -S tmux, etc.)
  • neovim and Vim may you wish
  • neofetch (apt-get install neofetch, pacman -S neofetch, etc.)
  • stylize neofetch with cowsay and fortune (apt-get install cowsay fortune, pacman -S cowsay fortune, etc.)
  • Fira Code
  • qdbus, jq (apt-get install qdbus jq, pacman -S qdbus jq, etc.)
  • vim-jedi (apt-get install vim-python-jedi, pacman -S vim-jedi, etc.)

Optional (nice) software

For API development
For screen recording/capturing
For notification
  • telegram-send (sudo pip3 install telegram-send)

Great site to get unicode characters!! &what;

Making NeoVim work with .vimrc file config

# Create symbolic link between neovim's config directory and file and vim's
$ ln -s ~/.vim ~/.config/nvim
$ ln -s ~/.vimrc ~/.config/nvim/init.vim