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The goal of fishcom is to get all the informations concerning the ECOSTAB postdoc project in one place including reproducible code, notes, eventually data and manuscripts.

How to

### Get the repository

You can clone the repository with git by pasting in your terminal:

git clone dir_name_to_be_created


just download the repository: alaindanet/fishcom

Open it in Rstudio

If you have Rstudio installed on your computer, just open fishcom.Rproj with Rstudio.


My notes are available in the introductory vignette vignettes/intro.html

Structure of the project repository

Raw data

Raw datas are spreadsheets (xls, csv, etc…) shapefiles and others cartographic data and reports (of the AFB, ONEMA, etc). The raw datas come together with R scripts which describe cleaning procedures. The cleaning procedures end by saving datasets used for data analysis.

It is located in data-raw.

Data for analysis

The clean datasets live in data directory and stored in rda compressed format. Once the package is loaded, they can be call as easily as load(objet_name).

#> Loading fishcom
#> [1] "metaweb"         "species"         "resource"        "nb_class"       
#> [5] "size_class"      "piscivory_index" "th_prey_size"

The cleaned and filtered objects used for data analysis are named with the suffix _analysis.

Analysis of data

The analysis of data lives in the directory named analysis.

This folder contains scripts in which various metrics are computed for two different aspects that have been more or less arbitrary separated.

Community data

The community data lives in the community_metrics and contains the following metrics:

  • species abondances
  • species biomass
  • species richness

The following metrics are summarised by station:

  • mean and cv of species richness
  • mean and cv of species biomass
  • temporal beta-diversity

Network data

The network data lives in the network_analysis and contains the following metrics:

  • connectance
  • number of nodes
  • modularity and modules
  • nestedness
  • trophic length

The following metrics are summarised by station:

  • mean and cv of all the above indices