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  • You can buy Harkirat's course using the given testnet tokens. The course price is 2 tokens.

Verification logic

  • The application asks user to approve 2 tokens. The user gives a contract Payment.sol permission to transfer 2 tokens.
  • Then moveFunds function in Payment.sol is called by the user. Here the 2 tokens are transfered by the Payment.sol contract to a EOA, which is owned by me.

Where to get testnet tokens?

Contract and EOA addresses

  • EOA: 0x93104E260cb74E94038F4325098d31EE426C6F85
  • MyToken.sol: 0xA27612ea3e47750DD1Ff27223cfBAEE99BC9a401
  • Payment.sol: 0x21A14df46428681954AcEB96C7F39BD26D283d75
  • Faucet.sol: 0xb910de2349eb28985f2140ff286f70046beba916

Future improvements

  • I can use The Graph to index events and make the the moveFunds function emit event with email address of the user. And handle all the login in the backend rather than in frontend.
  • Also I can implement it in such a way, so that user just have to make one transaction, rather than 2 in the current scenario.