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Lyricsbot will find the lyrics of your favorite song!

Release Build Codecov

Python3 Python3


Getting started

What is LyricsBot

Lyricsbot is a Telegram bot that allows the user to receive lyrics.

Touch @GetSongsLyricsBot. Note: The song must be written in English.

All tokens and URLs are private because they are not available to users.


Install requirements on your environment:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Deploy to Heroku

Create your Heroku account, install the Heroku CLI and install Git, if you still have not done this.

Clone the application from Git to your working directory:

git clone

Log in on Heroku CLI to allow both the heroku and git commands to operate:

heroku login

Create your own application on Heroku in your working directory:

heroku create

Deploy your application:

git push heroku heroku:master

Ensure that at least one instance of the app is running:

heroku ps:scale web=1

View information about your running app:

heroku logs --tail

Check that everything is working:

heroku open

To restart a server on Heroku:

heroku restart or heroku restart -a app_name


Use the ElephantSQL is a PostgreSQL database hosting service. Will manage administrative tasks of PostgreSQL, such as installation, upgrades to latest stable version and backup handling.

To get started you need to sign up on ElephantSQL.

Create a new instance:


Connection URL format: postgres://username:password@hostname/databasename


Install PostgreSQL database:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib

Switch over to the postgres account on your server and access a Postgres prompt immediately:

sudo -i -u postgres
psql postgres://username:password@hostname/databasename

Or you can do this in one step:

sudo -u postgres psql postgres://username:password@hostname/databasename

Environment variables

Environment variables are variables that are defined for the current shell and are inherited by any child shells or processes, they are used to pass information into processes that are spawned from the shell. It can be said that environment variables help to create and shape the environment of where a program runs.

We must use environment variable for simultaneous use of bot functions for local and production servers without changing the code.

Create the Telegram test bot with which you will work locally.

Temporarily set the environment variable local for the current shell and all its subprocesses:

export ENVIRONMENT="local"

To see a list of all of our environment variables and make sure that there is an environment variable, check its value:

env or printenv

For the main bot on the Heroku server, set the environment variable production:

heroku config:set ENVIRONMENT=production

This environment variable is persistent – it will remain in place across deploys and app restarts – so unless you need to change value, you only need to set it once.

Make sure that there is an environment variable, check its value:

heroku config or heroku config:get ENVIRONMENT

Access the environment variables using the os.environ['ENVIRONMENT'] template in Python.

For instance:

if os.environ['ENVIRONMENT'] == 'production':
        port=int(os.environ.get('PORT', 5000))

if os.environ['ENVIRONMENT'] == 'local':


Good to install develop requirements and check your code with linters:

pip3 install -r requrements-dev.txt

Running all tests in lyricsbot directory to check code coverage:

python -m unittest discover

And running all linting tools together to check code quality:

flake8 lyricsbot && pylint lyricsbot && pycodestyle lyricsbot

Checking code coverage percentage and reporting:

coverage run --source=lyricsbot -m unittest discover
coverage report -m