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General purpose audio patching engine


  • Arbitrarily create and connect audio generators and processors (modules).
  • Control module parameters from Lua scripting layer.


  • Take care of your ears and speakers while patching! 🎧🎛️


  • new ss <modulename> <moduletype> - creates a uniquely named module of given type (refer to section "Modules" for available types).
    • Examples: new Osc MultiOsc, new Out SoundOut
  • connect ss <modulename/output> <modulename*input> - connects a module output to a module input. *
    • Examples: connect Osc/Pulse Out*Left, connect Osc/Pulse Out*Right
  • disconnect ss <modulename/output> <modulename*input> - disconnects a module output from a module input. *
    • Example: disconnect Osc/Out Out*Left
  • set sf <modulename.parameter> <value> - sets a module parameter to the given value.
    • Examples: set Osc.Tune -13, set Osc.PulseWidth 0.5
  • delete s <modulename> - removes a module.
    • Example: delete Osc

* In an earlier version inputs were referred to with the same delimiter as outputs <modulename/input>. This still works but is deprecated. For clarity, it is advised to use the new delimiter <modulename*input>.

Bulk Commands

  • bulkset s <bundle> - sets multiple module parameters to values given a bundle of modulename.parameter value pairs serialized as a string.
    • Example: bulkset "Osc.Tune -1 Osc.PulseWidth 0.7" has the same effect as sending set Osc.Tune -1 and set Osc.PulseWidth 0.7. All value changes of a bundle are performed at the same time. TODO: floating point precision?

Macro Commands

  • newmacro ss <macroname> <modulename.parameters...> - creates a uniquely named macro for simultaneous control of a list of space delimited module parameters. All included parameters should adhere to the same spec.
    • Example: given SineOsc and PulseOsc modules named Osc1 and Osc2 the command newmacro Tune "Osc1.Tune Osc2.Tune" defines a new macro controlling Tune parameter for both modules.
  • macroset sf <macroname> <value> - sets value for module parameters included in a macro. Controlling multiple parameters with a macro is more efficient than using multiple set commands. It is also faster than using bulkset. All value changes of parameters in a macro are performed at the same time.
    • Example: given Tune macro above command macroset Tune 30 has the same effect as commands set Osc1.Tune 30 and set Osc2.Tune 30.
  • deletemacro s <macroname> - removes a macro.
    • Example: deletemacro Tune.


The engine has ten polls named poll1 to poll10. Snapshots of module output signals can be routed to these polls. In addition, some modules expose feedback values typically used for visualization (ie. the MMFilter module feedback value Frequency which takes frequency modulation into account). These values - referred to as visuals - can also be routed to the polls.

  • polloutput is <modulename/output> - routes an output signal of a named module to a poll.

    • Examples: polloutput 1 LFO/Saw routes the signal of the output named Saw of the LFO module to poll1.
  • pollvisual is <modulename=visual> - routes a visual of a named module to a poll.

    • Example: pollvisual 2 Filter=Frequency routes the feedback value of the visual named Frequency of the Filter module to poll2.

Only one output or visual can be routed to each poll at any given time. The latest routed output or visual takes precedence.

Debug Commands

  • trace i <boolean> - determines whether to post debug output in SCLang Post Window (1 = yes, 0 = no)



4x4 matrix signal router.

  • Inputs:
    • In1 ... In4: Signal inputs.
  • Outputs:
    • Out1 ... Out4: Signal outputs.
  • Parameters:
    • FadeTime: Fade time in milliseconds (range: 0 - 100000 ms) applied when an input is switched on to or off from an output. Default is 5 ms.
    • Gate_1_1 ... Gate_4_4: Toggles that determine what inputs (first number) are switched on to outputs (second number).


8x8 matrix signal router.

  • Inputs:
    • In1 ... In8: Signal inputs.
  • Outputs:
    • Out1 ... Out8: Signal outputs.
  • Parameters:
    • FadeTime: Fade time in milliseconds (range: 0-100000 ms) applied when an input is switched on to or off from an output. Default is 5 ms.
    • Gate_1_1 ... Gate_8_8: Toggles that determine what inputs (first number) are switched on to outputs (second number).


ADSR Envelope.

  • Inputs:
    • Gate: Gate control input. A signal > 0 triggers envelope.
  • Outputs:
    • Out: Envelope signal: 0 ... 0.8.
  • Parameters:
    • Attack: Attack time. Range 0.1 - 2000 ms. Default is 5.
    • Decay: Decay time. Range 0.1 - 8000 ms. Default is 200.
    • Sustain: Sustain level 0 - 1.0. Default is 0.5.
    • Release: Release time. Range 0.1 - 8000 ms. Default is 200.
    • Gate: Scriptable gate. When parameter goes from 0 to a positive value a gate is triggered.


Simple amplifier with level parameter and exponential or linear gain modulation.

  • Inputs:
    • Exp: Gain modulation control input (logarithmic).
    • Lin: Gain modulation control input (linear).
    • In: Input signal to attenuate.
  • Outputs:
    • Out: Attenuated signal.
  • Parameters:
    • Level: Amplifier level 0 - 1.0.


Amplifier with two inputs, level parameter and variable exponential or linear gain modulation.

  • Inputs:
    • GainModulation: Control input for gain modulation.
    • In1: Audio input 1.
    • In2: Audio input 2.
  • Outputs:
    • Out: Attenuated signal.
  • Parameters:
    • Gain: Initial gain 0 - 1.0.
    • GainModulation: Gain modulation amount 0 - 1.0.
    • In1: Audio input 1 level 0 - 1.0.
    • In2: Audio input 2 level 0 - 1.0.
    • Out: Audio output level 0 - 1.0.
    • Mode: 0 or 1 representing linear or exponential gain modulation.


Resonant bandpass SVF filter.

  • Inputs:
    • In: Audio input.
    • FM: Control input for frequency modulation.
    • ResonanceModulation: Control input for resonance modulation.
  • Outputs:
    • Out: Filtered audio signal.
  • Parameters:
    • AudioLevel: Audio level 0 ... 1.0. Default is 1.
    • Frequency: Cutoff frequency 0.1 ... 20000 Hz. Default is 440 Hz.
    • Resonance: Resonance 0 ... 1.0. Default is 0.
    • FM: Frequency modulation amount -1.0 ... 1.0.
    • ResonanceModulation: Resonance modulation amount -1.0 ... 1.0.
  • Visuals:
    • Frequency: Cutoff frequency 0.1 ... 20000 Hz.


Resonant bandreject (Notch) SVF filter.

  • Inputs:
    • In: Audio input.
    • FM: Control input for frequency modulation.
    • ResonanceModulation: Control input for resonance modulation.
  • Outputs:
    • Out: Filtered audio signal.
  • Parameters:
    • AudioLevel: Audio level 0 ... 1.0. Default is 1.
    • Frequency: Cutoff frequency 0.1 ... 20000 Hz. Default is 440 Hz.
    • Resonance: Resonance 0 ... 1.0. Default is 0.
    • FM: Frequency modulation amount -1.0 ... 1.0.
    • ResonanceModulation: Resonance modulation amount -1.0 ... 1.0.
  • Visuals:
    • Frequency: Cutoff frequency 0.1 ... 20000 Hz.


Mixer suited for audio signals.

  • Inputs:
    • In1 ... In4: Audio inputs 1 ... 4.
  • Outputs:
    • Out: Mixed signal.
  • Parameters:
    • In1 ... In4: Audio input 1 ... 4 levels TODO: range/spec.
    • Out: Output level TODO: range/spec.


Delay line.

  • Inputs:
    • In: Audio input.
    • DelayTimeModulation: Control signal for delay time modulation.
  • Outputs:
    • Out: Delayed signal.
  • Parameters:
    • DelayTime: Delay time 0.1 ... 5000 ms.
    • DelayTimeModulation: Delay time modulation amount.
  • Visuals:
    • DelayTime: Delay time.


Non-resonant, variable width bandpass filter.

  • Inputs:
    • In
    • FM
    • BandwidthModulation
  • Outputs:
    • Out
  • Parameters:
    • Frequency: TODO
    • Bandwidth: TODO
    • FM: TODO
    • BandwidthModulation: TODO


Frequency shifter.

  • Inputs:
    • Left: Left audio input.
    • Right: Right audio input.
    • FM: Control signal for frequency shift modulation.
  • Outputs:
    • Left: Left shifted signal.
    • Right: Right shifted signal.
  • Parameters:
    • Frequency: Frequency shift. -2000 Hz ... +2000 Hz.
    • FM: Frequency modulation amount. -1.0 ... +1.0.
  • Visuals:
    • Frequency: Frequency shift.


CV/Gate like thing.

  • Outputs:
    • Frequency: Frequency control signal.
    • Gate: Gate control signal.
    • Trig: Trig control signal.
  • Parameters:
    • Frequency: Frequency parameter.
    • Gate: Gate parameter.


Resonant highpass SVF filter.

  • Inputs:
    • In: Audio input.
    • FM: Control input for frequency modulation.
    • ResonanceModulation: Control input for resonance modulation.
  • Outputs:
    • Out: Filtered audio signal.
  • Parameters:
    • AudioLevel: Audio level 0 ... 1.0. Default is 1.
    • Frequency: Cutoff frequency 0.1 ... 20000 Hz. Default is 440 Hz.
    • Resonance: Resonance 0 ... 1.0. Default is 0.
    • FM: Frequency modulation amount -1.0 ... 1.0.
    • ResonanceModulation: Resonance modulation amount -1.0 ... 1.0.
  • Visuals:
    • Frequency: Cutoff frequency 0.1 ... 20000 Hz.


Resonant lowpass SVF filter.

  • Inputs:
    • In: Audio input.
    • FM: Control input for frequency modulation.
    • ResonanceModulation: Control input for resonance modulation.
  • Outputs:
    • Out: Filtered audio signal.
  • Parameters:
    • AudioLevel: Audio level 0 ... 1.0. Default is 1.
    • Frequency: Cutoff frequency 0.1 ... 20000 Hz. Default is 440 Hz.
    • Resonance: Resonance 0 ... 1.0. Default is 0.
    • FM: Frequency modulation amount -1.0 ... 1.0.
    • ResonanceModulation: Resonance modulation amount -1.0 ... 1.0.
  • Visuals:
    • Frequency: Cutoff frequency 0.1 ... 20000 Hz.


Lowpass ladder filter.

  • Inputs:
    • In: Audio input.
    • FM: Control input for frequency modulation.
    • ResonanceModulation: Control input for resonance modulation.
  • Outputs:
    • Out: Filtered audio signal.
  • Parameters:
    • Frequency: Cutoff frequency 0.1 ... 20000 Hz. Default is 440 Hz.
    • Resonance: Resonance 0 ... 1.0. Default is 0.
    • FM: Frequency modulation amount -1.0 ... 1.0.
    • ResonanceModulation: Resonance modulation amount -1.0 ... 1.0.
  • Visuals:
    • Frequency: Cutoff frequency 0.1 ... 20000 Hz.


Mixer suited for control signals.

  • Inputs:
    • In1 ... In4: Audio inputs 1 ... 4.
  • Outputs:
    • Out: Mixed signal.
  • Parameters:
    • In1 ... In4: Audio input 1 ... 4 levels TODO: range/spec.
    • Out: Output level TODO: range/spec.


Audio fader with db gain control and mute.

  • Inputs:
    • In: Audio input.
  • Outputs:
    • Out: Attenuated audio signal.
  • Parameters:
    • Gain: Attenuation control. -inf ... +12 dB.
    • Mute: If 1 signal is muted, otherwise not.


Resonant SVF multimode filter.

  • Inputs:
    • In: Audio input.
    • FM: Control input for frequency modulation.
    • ResonanceModulation: Control input for resonance modulation.
  • Outputs:
    • Notch: Band-reject filtered audio signal.
    • Highpass: Highpass filtered audio signal.
    • Bandpass: Bandpass filtered audio signal.
    • Lowpass: Lowpass filtered audio signal.
  • Parameters:
    • AudioLevel: Audio level 0 ... 1.0. Default is 1.
    • Frequency: Cutoff frequency 0.1 ... 20000 Hz. Default is 440 Hz.
    • Resonance: Resonance 0 ... 1.0. Default is 0.
    • FM: Frequency modulation amount -1.0 ... 1.0.
    • ResonanceModulation: Resonance modulation amount -1.0 ... 1.0.
  • Visuals:
    • Frequency: Cutoff frequency 0.1 ... 20000 Hz.


LFO featuring multiple waveforms.

  • Inputs:
    • Reset: Audio rate reset trigger: when signal is changed from 0 to 1 the LFO is retriggered.
  • Outputs:
    • InvSaw: Inverted saw signal output.
    • Saw: Saw signal output.
    • Sine: Sine signal output.
    • Triangle: Triangle signal output.
    • Pulse: Pulse signal output.
  • Parameters:
    • Frequency: LFO Frequency 0.01 Hz ... 50 Hz.
    • Reset: Manual LFO reset trigger.


Oscillator featuring multiple waveforms.

  • Inputs:
    • FM: Control signal for frequency modulation.
    • PWM: Control signal for pulse width modulation.
  • Outputs:
    • Sine: Sine wave oscillator output.
    • Triangle: Triangle wave oscillator output.
    • Saw: Saw wave oscillator output.
    • Pulse: Pulse wave oscillator output.
  • Parameters:
    • Range: -2 ... +2 octaves.
    • Tune: -1200 ... +1200 cents.
    • FM: Frequency modulation amount.
    • PulseWidth: Pulse oscillator pulse width.
    • PWM: Pulse width modulation amount.


White noise generator.

  • Outputs:
    • Out: Noise signal.


8-in/8-out audio fader with db gain control and mute.

  • Inputs:
    • In1 ... In8: Audio inputs.
  • Outputs:
    • Out1 ... Out8: Attenuated audio signal outputs.
  • Parameters:
    • Gain: Attenuation control. -inf ... +12 dB.
    • Mute: If 1 signal is muted, otherwise not.


Pink noise generator.

  • Outputs:
    • Out: Noise signal.


Pitch shifter.

  • Inputs:
    • Left: Left audio signal.
    • Right: Right audio signal.
    • PitchRatioModulation: Pitch ratio modulation amount.
    • PitchDispersionModulation: Pitch dispersion modulation amount.
    • TimeDispersionModulation: Time dispersion modulation amount.
  • Outputs:
    • Left: Left processed audio signal.
    • Right: Right processed audio signal.
  • Parameters:
    • PitchRatio: Pitch ratio: 0 ... 4. Default is 1.
    • PitchDispersion: Pitch dispersion: 0 ... 4. Default is 0.
    • TimeDispersion: Time dispersion: 0 ... 1. Default is 0.
    • PitchRatioModulation: Pitch ratio modulation amount: -1 ... 1.
    • PitchDispersionModulation: Pitch dispersion modulation amount: -1 ... 1.
    • TimeDispersionModulation: Time dispersion modulation amount: -1 ... 1.
  • Visuals:
    • PitchRatio: Time dispersion modulation amount: -1 ... 1.


Stereo panner with monophonic input.

  • Inputs:
    • In: Mono audio signal.
    • PositionModulation: Right audio signal.
  • Outputs:
    • Left: Left audio signal.
    • Right: Right audio signal.
  • Parameters:
    • Position: Pan position -1.0 ... 1.0 referring to left ... right panning.
    • PositionModulation: Pan position modulation amount -1.0 ... 1.0.


Pulse/square oscillator with pulse width control.

  • Inputs:
    • FM: Control signal for frequency modulation.
    • PWM: Control signal for pulse width modulation.
  • Outputs:
    • Out: Pulse wave oscillator output.
  • Parameters:
    • Range: -2 ... +2 octaves.
    • Tune: -1200 ... +1200 cents.
    • FM: Frequency modulation amount.
    • PulseWidth: Pulse oscillator Pulse width.
    • PWM: Pulse width modulation amount.


4-in/4-out audio fader with db gain control and mute.

  • Inputs:
    • In1 ... In4: Audio inputs
  • Outputs:
    • Out1 ... Out4: Attenuated audio signal outputs
  • Parameters:
    • Gain: Attenuation control. -inf ... +12 dB.
    • Mute: If 1 signal is muted, otherwise not.


Ring modulator.

  • Inputs:
    • In: Audio signal input.
    • Carrier: Carrier signal input.
  • Outputs:
    • Out: Ring modulated audio signal.


2-in/2-out audio fader with db gain control and mute.

  • Inputs:
    • Left: Left channel input.
    • Right: Right channel input.
  • Outputs:
    • Left: Attenuated left channel signal.
    • Right: Attenuated right channel signal.
  • Parameters:
    • Gain: Attenuation control. -inf ... +12 dB.
    • Mute: If 1 signal is muted, otherwise not.


Sample and hold module.

  • Inputs:
    • In: Audio signal input.
    • Trig: Trigger signal input.
  • Outputs:
    • Out: Processed audio signal.


Sawtooth oscillator.

  • Inputs:
    • FM: Control signal for frequency modulation.
  • Outputs:
    • Out: Saw wave oscillator output.
  • Parameters:
    • Range: -2 ... +2 octaves.
    • Tune: -1200 ... +1200 cents.
    • FM: Frequency modulation amount.


Sine LFO

  • Inputs:
    • Reset: Audio rate reset trigger: when signal is changed from 0 to 1 the LFO is retriggered.
  • Outputs:
    • Out: Sine output
  • Parameters:
    • Frequency: Frequency 0.01 Hz .. 50 Hz.
    • Reset: Script reset trigger: when value is changed from 0 to 1 the LFO is retriggered.


Sine oscillator

  • Inputs:
    • FM: Control signal for frequency modulation.
  • Outputs:
    • Out: Sine wave oscillator output.
  • Parameters:
    • Range: -2 ... +2 octaves.
    • Tune: -1200 ... +1200 cents.
    • FM: Frequency modulation amount.


Slew rate limiter.

  • Inputs:
    • In: Audio signal imput.
  • Outputs:
    • Out: Processed audio signal.
  • Parameters:
    • Time: Slew time 0 ... 60 000 ms.


Stereo sound input

  • Outputs:
    • Left: Audio signal from left R audio input.
    • Right: Audio signal from right R audio input.


Stereo sound output

  • Inputs:
    • Left: Audio signal to left R audio output.
    • Right: Audio signal to right R audio output.


Test sound generator.

  • Outputs:
    • Out: Sine wave signal or noise output.
  • Parameters:
    • Frequency: Sine wave frequency.
    • Amplitude: Audio output signal amplitude.
    • Wave: Wave: 0 means sine wave, 1 white noise.


Triangle oscillator (non-bandlimited).

  • Inputs:
    • FM: Control signal for frequency modulation.
  • Outputs:
    • Out: Triangle wave oscillator output.
  • Parameters:
    • Range: -2 ... +2 octaves.
    • Tune: -1200 ... +1200 cents.
    • FM: Frequency modulation amount.



  • Inputs:
    • InALeft: Signal A left audio signal.
    • InARight: Signal A right audio signal.
    • InBLeft: Signal B left audio signal.
    • InBRight: Signal B right audio signal.
  • Outputs:
    • Left: Crossfaded left audio signal.
    • Right: Crossfaded right audio signal.
  • Parameters:
    • Fade: Fader position: -1 fully attenuates stereo signal A, 1 fully attenuates stereo signal B, anything in between mixes the signals.
    • TrimA: Signal A trim.
    • TrimB: Signal B trim.
    • Master: Master output level.

Example Usage

-- Spawn three modules"LFO", "MultiLFO")"Osc", "PulseOsc")"SoundOut", "SoundOut")

-- Modulate OSC pulse width by LFO sine wave
engine.connect("LFO/Sine", "Osc*PWM")

-- Hook up oscillator to audio outputs
engine.connect("Osc/Out", "SoundOut*Left")
engine.connect("Osc/Out", "SoundOut*Right")

-- Set module parameter values
engine.set("Osc.PulseWidth", 0.25)
engine.set("LFO.Frequency", 0.5)
engine.set("Osc.PWM", 0.2)

See tutorial scripts in r_tuts and roar scripts moln, rymd, bob and skev for more elaborate examples.

The R Lua Module

The R Lua module contains:

  • Default specs for all included modules.
  • A number of convenience functions for working with the R engine (polyphonic set ups and more).
  • Other utility functions.

Require the R module:

local R = require 'r/lib/r'

Module Specs

R.specs contains default specs for all modules, ie.:

R.specs.MultiOsc.Tune -- returns, 600, "linear", 0, 0, "cents")

These can be copied and overriden, if needed:

local my_testgen_spec = R.specs.TestGen.Frequency:copy() -- returns ControlSpec.WIDEFREQ
my_testgen_spec.minval = 80
my_testgen_spec.maxval = 8000

Engine Functions

R.engine.poly_new("Osc", "MultiOsc", 3) -- creates MultiOsc modules Osc1, Osc2 and Osc3
R.engine.poly_new("Filter", "MMFilter", 3) -- creates MMFilter modules Filter1, Filter2 and Filter3

R.engine.poly_connect("Osc/Saw", "Filter*In", 3) -- connects Osc1/Saw to Filter1*In, Osc2/Saw to Filter2*In and Osc3/Saw to Filter3*In

Utility Functions

R.util.split_ref("Osc.Frequency") -- returns {"Osc", "Frequency"}
R.util.poly_expand("Osc", 3) -- returns "Osc1 Osc2 Osc3"


  • Modules can be connected to feedback but a delay of one processing buffer (64 samples) is introduced. There is no single-sample feedback.
  • Shooting a lot of commands to too fast R may cause commands to be delayed. Setting parameter values using macroset instead of setmight help.

Extending R

TODO: new approach used

Modules are written by way of subclassing the RModule class. A subclass supplies a unique module type name (by overriding *shortName), an array of specs for each module parameter (*params) and a SynthDef Ugen Graph function (*ugenGraphFunc) whose function arguments prefixed with param_, in_ and out_ are treated as parameter controls and input and output busses. The R engine will introspect the ugenGraphFunc and together with the parameter specs provide scaffolding necessary to supply parameter values and interconnect modules.

Note: If a dictionary is supplied for a parameter in the *params array, its Spec key value will be used as spec and its LagTime value will be used as fixed lag rate for the parameter. Annotated example:

RTestModule : RModule { // subclassing RModule makes this a module

	*shortName { ^'Test' } // module type used in engine new command

	*params { // description of the module parameters
			'Frequency' -> \widefreq.asSpec, // first parameter
			'FrequencyModulation' -> (
				Spec: \unipolar.asSpec, // second parameter
				LagTime: 0.05 // 50 ms lag

	*ugenGraphFunc { // regular SynthDef ugenGraphFunc function describing DSP
				in_FM, // will reference a bus to be used for audio input
				out_Out, // will reference a bus to be used for audio output
				param_Frequency, // refer to first parameter's value...
				param_FrequencyModulation // ... and second parameter's value

			var sig_FM =;
			var sig = + (1000 * sig_FM * param_FrequencyModulation)); // linear FM, sig);


Updating the R Lua module

To be usable with functions in the R Lua module R.engine table module parameter metadata has to be included in the R.specs table. R.specs can be generated in SuperCollider from RModule metadata using the Engine_R.generateLuaSpecs method. TODO: new variant used

Module documentation stubs may be generated in SuperCollider using the Rrrr.generateModulesDocSection method. TODO: new variant used


If one of the parameters of a module has a ControlSpec not compatible with Lag (ie. the standard db ControlSpec) lag time should not be used for any of the parameters. This is a known SuperCollider issue. (TODO: describe workaround)


  • Beta-stage. Engine commands are fixed. A few modules are not tested. Expect changes to module parameter/input/output ranges.


A modular engine for norns






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