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Benjamin Roth edited this page Oct 22, 2013 · 7 revisions

Gmaps4rails v2 is a huge move.

Actually I just kept the minimum code: I think that gems should be sharp tools, not loads of options.

The new version sticks to this consideration.

Here are some other reasons:

  • geocoding is perfectly handled by geocoder
  • views helpers created a magic feeling and only confused people
  • it encouraged json creation within model which is a bad practice since it's view's job
  • js base code was made to be changed by people, but people dont want to touch it!
  • now js code is very flexible: you can inject your own dependencies without touching the core.
  • other map providers should be handled by different gems, like oauth has oauth linked in, oauth facebook ...

I'm deeply sorry if it breaks some of your existing code, but be aware previous versions still exist.

I've kept what was supposed to be the new v2 (one year ago, in oct 2012) here