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Oyo Get Hotels Listing

Aashiq edited this page Dec 8, 2017 · 2 revisions

1.1 Get Hotels Listing



QUERY Params Description

no_of_entry default value = 1 if no_of_entry > 20 we limit it to 20
page default value = 1


Response Key Description
page page no of the result set
no_of_entry No of entries requested in a single page
total_count Total number of hotels overall
hotels List of JSON hash for hotel details

Response Params Description

Response Key Description
id Hotel identifier
name Name of the hotel
description Details about hotel This is a formatted HTML with sections like Location, How To Reach, Facilities.No section is mandatory to be present and depends on the detailed data available.
address Long address
small_address Compact Address
City City Name
State State Name
Country Country Name
zipcode Zipcode
latitude Latitude of the location of hotel
longitude Longitude of the location of hotel
category Category of hotel ( Static Text )
images List of various images url
amenities Exhaustive list of amenities with true if present and false otherwise
policies List of static text stating policies for Hotel
landing_url OYO Rooms Landing Page URL

Response Body

  "no_of_entry": "$no_of_entry",
  "total_count": $total_count,
  "hotels": [
      "id": "$id",
      "name": "$name",
      "description": "$description",
      "address": "$address",
      "small_address": "$small_address",
      "city": "$city",
      "state": "$state",
      "country": "$country",
      "zipcode": "$zipcode",
      "category": "$category",
      "images": [$images ...],
      "amenities": {$amenities ......},
      "policies": [$policies ......],
      "landing_url": "$landing_url"
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